Implementation of 1553B Bus Protocol on FPGA Board Using Digital ...

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2University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. 3Center for Advanced ... (DPLL) is used for data clock recovery from encoded manchester data of the channel ...
Implementation of 1553B Bus Protocol on FPGA Board Using Digital Phase Lock Loop Jawad Yousaf1, Mohsin Irshad2 and Iftekhar Mehmood3 1

Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan 2 University of Western Ontario, London, Canada 3 Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad, Pakistan [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper, a new technique for the implementation of MIL-STD-1553B bus protocol on FPGA board using digital phase lock loop is presented. Digital phase lock loop (DPLL) is used for data clock recovery from encoded manchester data of the channel at receiver end, instead of implementing common practice of initiating a separate clock for encoded manchester data processing. Usage of DPLL, resolves the synchronization issues, a major concern in high data rate embedded systems and increases the integrity and reliability of the system. Proof of concept is validated by implementing a 1553B bus transaction (BC to RT) on FPGA board with its different modules like UART, Bus controller, Manchester encoder/decoder and Digital phase lock loop. Index Terms—MIL-STD-1553B, FPGA, DPLL.

I. INTRODUCTION Centralized systems were used in early 60’s for communication among various on-board avionic systems [1]. It resulted in bulky systems as it required more computer processing and analog point-to-point wire connections between other devices for information interchange. The use of distributed architecture systems and digital multiplexing techniques increases the reliability and integrity of the system [1]. Different serial digital multiplexed bus standards, including 1553B were developed for standard interface network between different avionics systems, reduction in cable interfaces and to improve data transfer rates [1], [2]. Modern day avionics systems communicate with others using the MILSTD-1553B bus. The 1553B is an internal time division, command/ response, digital multiplexed, redundant serial data bus with data rate of 1Mbps [2]. It provides integrated, centralized system control as well as a standard interface for all the equipment connected to the bus [2]. Fig.1 shows the general architecture of 1553B bus in which all bus traffic is available to be accessed with a single connection of twisted pair cable for testing and interfacing with any system [2], [3]. The bus has three word formats, command, data and status, each of 20bits, for communication on bus. Bus controller controls the overall functionality of the bus e.g. monitoring the remote terminals, arbitration and data transfer. Manchester encoder/decoder is used to provide the physical layer connection between bus controller (BC) and remote term-

978-1-4673-4451-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

Fig. 1. 1553B Bus Structure

-inals (RT). At the decoder side of remote terminals, the clock signal required for decoding and further processing of encoded manchester data is usually provided by initiating a separate clock at the receiver end [4]–[7]. In this scenario, synchronization between generated clock and received encoded data becomes a major issue especially for hardware implementation. In this work, we have proposed a new technique for the implementation of 1553B bus protocol on FPGA board using digital phase lock loop (DPLL). Digital phase lock loop/bit synchronization circuit has wide range of applications in commercial, military and space products for the reduction of phase delay of clock signals, generation of high speed stable clock signal and the synchronization of data transfer [8], [9]. The used DPLL resolves the synchronization issues by extracting the clock from manchester encoded data of the channel at the decoder side of the remote terminals for further processing of data. A 1553B bus transaction, bus controller to remote terminal (BC to RT), is successfully implemented on FPGA board by using DPLL at the receiver ends. II. IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY The implementation of bus protocol incorporates the design and implementation of different modules of bus controller and remote terminal on ISE Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA kit [10]. The modules were executed on hardware after verification of the results on ModelSim [11]. The implemented 1553 encoder and remote terminal are shown in Fig.2 & Fig.3 respectively. 1553 protocol manager formulates the words (command, data and status) according to bus transaction. Manchester encoder transmits the encoded data on channel for intended receivers. For synchronization of clock at the receiver end [Fig.3], a Digital Phase Lock Loop (DPLL) is used, which recovers the

Fig. 2. 1553B Encoder

Fig. 5. Manchester encoder implemented results

Fig. 3. Remote Terminal

clock signal from received encoded data [3], [9], [12]–[14] and then sends the recovered clock and encoded data to Manchester decoder. After this, protocol manager checks the sync bits for differentiating received words, unwraps the original data and performs the parity check. To display the decoded data on the personal computer for demonstration, UART RS232 serial interfacing is used. The hardware test results were obtained using a 1693A PC-Hosted Logic Analyzer [15]. Implementation of the physical and data link layer is discussed separately. The internal 50 MHz clock of Spartan-3 LC development board requires division to generate a 2MHz clock for the generation of different words at 1Mbps data rate requirement. The physical layer implementation needs manchester encoding/ decoding of the data. The block level description of the Manchester encoder/decoder is shown in Fig.4. Manchester decoder decodes the encoded data by using the extracted clock of DPLL. The implemented waveforms of manchester encoder are shown in Fig.5.

-nce [14], [21].The initiation of a separate clock for decoding at the receiver end, demands a highly stable oscillator with such synchronization circuitry that can achieve required synchronization between received encoded data and the generated clock. However extraction of clock from encoded data can resolve the synchronization issues [9], [13], [14], [16] of carrier. A phase lock loop is a circuit synchronizing an output signal generated by an oscillator with a reference or input signal in frequency as well as in phase [12], [22]. Digital phase lock loop are widely used in industry for coherent carrier tracking, bit synchronization and symbol synchronization in both wired and wireless digital communication applications [16], [17], [19]. Digital phase lock loops have interesting characteristics of wider frequency range and robustness of system for temperature and voltage variations [22]. Literature is rich for the basics of DPLL’s and their various aspects of implementations [8], [12], [13], [17], [19], [21], [22]. A. DPLL Implemented Technique Digital phase lock loop consists of a phase detector, loop

Fig. 4. Block level description of manchester encoder/decoder III. DIGITAL PHASE LOCK LOOP Clock signal required for the decoding of the encoded data can be provided by either initiating a separate clock at receiver end [4]–[7] or extracting the clock from the encoded data [3], [8], [9], [13], [14], [16]–[20]. The requisite synchronization/ phase estimation of carrier and data in the implemented hardware is a major issue for optimum demodulation performa-

Fig. 6. Implemented digital phase lock loop block diagram

Fig. 7. Digital phase lock loop implemented schematic

filter and digital controlled oscillator (DCO). A divide by N counter is inserted between DCO and phase detector in many applications [8], [22]. Fig.6 shows the block diagram of implemented technique of DPLL [8]. The technique is implemented in Verilog and simulated in Modelsim. The two phase detector EXOR and JK flipflop are connected to the loop filter, formed by K counter. The output of the K counter is provided to the ID counter which is used as a DCO. This DPLL system contains an external ÷N counter. The complete implemented schematic of the DPLL is shown in Fig.7. The detail of each block is discussed here separately. 1) Phase Detector: In implementing the technique, phase detector can either be a XOR gate or an edge triggered JK flipflop. The frequency of output signal of both phase detectors changes with variations in phase of input signals U1 & U2 respectively [8]. Fig.8 explains that Ud signal is triggered as soon as the edge of the clock or manchester data is arrived.

is generated by using internal Xilinx core of digital clock manger (DCM). The generated clock from the DCM is of 16.667 MHz instead of 16MHz. Fig.9 illustrate that borrow signal value changes as the terminal count of the K modulus value is reached.

Fig. 9. Loop filter implemented results

Fig. 8. Phase detector implemented results

2) Loop Filter: The loop filter (K Counter) will use the Ud (DN/Up’) signal generated by phase detector to output the carry and borrow signals. The K counter consists of two independent UP & DOWN counters. K is the modulus of both counters. The frequency fc of the K Clock is calculated by the following relations [8]

fc = M fo also

3) Digital Controlled Oscillator (DCO): Digital controlled oscillator (DCO) utilizes digital approach for frequency tuning of the circuit. The implemented DCO is increment decrement (ID) counter [8]. ’Carry’ pulses (output of K counter) are fed to the INC and ’Borrow’ to the DEC input of DCO. ID counter works on the positive edges of carry and borrow signals. The output IDout (U2) is obtained by the following logical function [8] IDout=തതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതതത ‫݇ܿ݋݈ܿܦܫ‬Ǥ ܶ‫ ݈݁݃݋݋‬െ ‫ܨܨ‬ The selection of the DCO frequency (fc) depends upon value of divide by N counter. The ID clock is calculated by following relation [8]

fc = 2Nfo = M fo K ൒ M/4 where M = 16

so K ൒ M/4 = 4 The resulting fc will be 16MHz. The value of K modulus (K=4) is assigned using the DIP switches from the board and fc

Where N is the value of the divide by N counter. ID counter has the same clock frequency fc = 2N fo (ID clock) as of the loop filter [8], so both can be fed from a common oscillator. As shown in Fig.10, according to the input signals, content of toggle flip-flop changes and finally IDout signal (recovered

clock of DPLL) is generated. It needs to be passed through a divide by N counter to get the required frequency of the recovered clock.

observed delay is greater than 0.5ȝsec then the problem can be solved by delaying the recovered clock using a delaying circuitry [25], [26]. The implemented solution to this problem however, consists of taking the samples of the manchester encoded data at negedge of the recovered clock. Since the delay encountered is less the 0.5ȝsec, this is apparently an optimized solution to the problem. The problem could have been resolved through a delay circuit but that would introduce its own attendant problems [25], [26]. Fig.13 illustrates the Manchester decoded data waveforms.

Fig. 10. DCO implemented results

4) Divide by N Counter: Divide by N counter is used to divide the input frequency by a factor of N. The value of N depends upon the value M of K clock signal. As described in [8], the value of N comes out to be

M = 2N N = M/2 = 8 So the divide by 8 counter is used to divide the ID out signal to get the required frequency of the recovered clock signal [Fig.11]. Fig. 13. Manchester decoder implemented results


Fig. 11. Divide by N counter implemented results

Fig. 12. Digital phase lock loop implemented result

Figure 12 shows the complete implemented results of the digital phase lock loop. Combinational and routing delays of the circuitry [23] and unstable clock of the development board [8], [24] produce a delay of 165 nsec in recovered clock. If the

The generation, detection and decoding of the command, data and status words for different transactions over 1553B bus using the protocol is implemented at data link layer. The implemented results of bus transaction, Bus Controller to Remote Terminal (BC to RT) are discussed here. Bus controller and remote terminals are implemented separately on different Spartan-3 LC FPGA boards and connected through single twisted pair cable for the test set up. A. Bus Controller to Remote Terminal (BC to RT) Transaction During this transaction the BC wishes to transfer data to a particular RT in the sequence as described in [2]. 1) Bus Controller: Figure 14 shows the implemented results of the bus controller. The command and data word signal of the Fig.10 illustrates that the bus controller has put the two data words on the bus after the command word. The generated data words, for demonstration, are the ASCII codes of the A&B (data word 1) and A&B (data word 2). 2) Remote Terminal: Remote terminal picks the data from the bus. The decoding of the words is done by taking the samples at the negedge of the recovered clock. The decoded data words are stored in the registers for further processing. Fig.15 illustrates the waveforms of the subsequently generated status word by the concerned RT. The bus controller transmits the next command word after the reception of the acknowledgement in the form of status word. The optimization of code is achieved simply by using only one counter each for the BC and RT for the detection/decoding of the word formats. 3) UART Interfacing: For interfacing with personal computer, UART transmitter transmits the data only when it had been decoded by the Protocol Manager. Therefore synchr-

Fig. 14. Bus controller implemented results

Fig. 15. Remote terminal implemented results

Fig. 14. UART interfacing implemented results

-onization between the decoded data and UART transmitter is an important issue for the implementation of UART transmitter. The needed synchronization is achieved by designing a UART controller. Remote terminal generates a control signal (UART enable) after the unwrapping of the data words. UART controller generates the Enable clock pulses according to the UART enable signal. The data is loaded from UART FIFO to UART transmitter at positive edge of the

Enable clock pulses while UART transmitter transmits the data at the negedge of the Enable Clock pulses, providing an optimized solution. As shown in ’UartFIFO out’ [Fig.16], UART transmitter sends the successfully decoded data words by remote terminal data word decoder. V. CONCLUSION In this work, the proposed FPGA implementation of 1553B

bus using digital phase lock loop is discussed in detailed. DPLL is used for the recovery of clock signal which is used for synchronization at the receiver end. DPLL is very useful for carrier data recovery and it is widely being used for carrier/phase estimation and symbol synchronization in industry. A 1553B data transaction BC to RT is implemented and tested on FPGA board according to the protocol standard. FPGA implementation provides a system on chip solution of the 1553B bus protocol. As the technology is advancing and requirements of integrated high speed processing for military and space applications demand higher data rate buses, which includes high speed 1553 bus, fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), fiber channel and ATM technologies [27]. FPGA implementation of 1553B is cost effective solution for emerging higher bandwidth requirements due to its higher processing speed for higher data rate, low latency and affordable complexity as compared to DSP & microcontroller implementation. The implemented methodology can be used for the implementation of MIL-STD-1773 [28] data bus with the replacement of STP to optical fiber and with the usage of optical interfaces. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Mr. Faisal Raza, Mr. Irfan Aslam and Mr. Kashif Siddique for their guidance and productive discussions. REFERENCES [1] E. C. Gangl, “Evolution from analog to digital integration in aircraft avionics - a time of transition,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 1163–1170, 2006. [2] Department of Defense Interface Standard for Digital Time Division Command/ Response Multiplex Data Bus, MIL-STD1553B, Notice 4, Department of Defense Std., 1978. [3] H. J. Yousaf, M. K. Siddique, and I. Mehmood, “FPGA implementation of 1553B bus protocol,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Aero. Science and Eng., vol. 1, Aug. 2009, pp. 69–73. [4] Y. Bai, Z. Zhou, and J. Chen, “The implementation of MIL-STD 1553B processor,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on ASIC, Oct. 1996, pp. 231–234. [5] D. L.-Feng, D. Ming, and L. J.-Ming, “Application of IP core technology to the 1553B bus data traffic,” in Proc. Asia Pacific Conf. on Microelectronics and Electronics, Sep. 2010, pp. 338– 342. [6] L. Zhijian, “Research and design of 1553B protocol bus control unit,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Educational and Network Technology, Jun. 2010, pp. 330–333. [7] L. Lie and M. Chai, “Design of 1553B avionics bus interface chip based on FPGA,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Electronics Communications and Control, Sep. 2011, pp. 3642–3645. [8] R. E. Best, Phased Locked Loops Design, Simulation and Applications, 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 1999. [9] K. Ohno and F. Adachi, “Fast clock synchroniser using initial phase presetting dpll reception (IPP-DPLL) for burst signal,” Electron. Lett., vol. 27, no. 21, pp. 1902–1904, Oct. 1991.


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