Notes and comments

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computer-guided animal house management will be given. .... support from Charles River Laboratories. .... K. M. Astrofsky, M. D. Schrenzel, R. A. Bullis,.
Laboratory Animals

Notes and comments Lab Anim 2001 35: 295 DOI: 10.1258/0023677011911642 The online version of this article can be found at:

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Notes and comments C o ntrib utio ns fo r th is se c tio n sh o uld b e se nt to Dr B. R. Ho w a rd, No te s a nd C o m m e nts Ed ito r, La b o ra to ry Anim a ls, c =o Ro ya l Soc ie ty o f Me d icine Press Ltd , 1 Wim po le Stree t, Lo nd o n W1G 0AE, U K. Fa x: ‡ 44( 0)114 271 2595, E-m a il: c o m m e ntsla @ncl.a c .uk . Th e d e a d line s fo r inclusio n o f m a te ria l a re a s fo llo w s: Ja nua ry issue , 10 O c to b e r; April issue , 10 Ja nua ry; July issue , 10 April; O c to b e r issue , 10 July. G uid e line s fo r c o ntrib utio ns to th is se c tio n c a n b e o b ta ine d fro m th e a b o ve fa x num b e r o r from th e w e b site (h ttp:==w w l.o ).

Future meetings VIth SECAL Congress Mo nd a y±We d ne sd a y 12±14 No ve m b e r 2001 (Za rago za , Spa in) T he VI Congress of SECAL (Spanish Society for Laboratory Anim als Science) will be held at Zaragoza on 12, 13 and 14 November 2001. Zaragoza is a very beautiful city, conveniently located near many of the most important Spanish cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, etc. A call for papers (which can be accepted until August) and provisional programme will be released shortly. T he fee before 31 July is 300 Euros for members and 361 Euros for nonmembers. T he of®cial language is Spanish, with translat ion into English. For registration and further information contact: AILANT O de Congresos, Breton, 1, 50005-Z aragoza, Spain. Tel: ‡ 34 97640207 0, Fax: ‡ 34 9765594 17, E-mail: AILANT O@sant 11t h Annual Conference of Balt-LASA Frida y 19 O cto b e r 2001 (Riga , La tvia ) T his meeting will be devoted to legislative control in the use and protection of laboratory anim als. A plenary lecture by Dr Paul de Greeve from T he Netherlands will be followed by a seminar focussing on the development of legislation in this ®eld for all three Baltic countries. It is anticipat ed that about 50 scientists and specialists from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will attend. For further information, contact Mrs Guna Jakobsone, Fax: 371 7138683, E-mail: [email protected] T he 39th Scienti®c Meeting of GV-SOLAS Mo nd a y±Th ursd a y 10±13 Se pte m b e r 2001 (U nive rsity o f U lm , G e rm a ny) To pics: ethical aspec ts of animal experimentation; anim al welfare and animal behaviour; transgenic and knockout animals; impac t of hygienic status; pathology; anim al models.

Each topic will be introduced by invited lecturers and followed by short contributions. In addition, poster presentations and a workshop on computer-guided animal house managem ent will be given. T he contributions will be presented in German or English. Registration fee: DEM 200.00 =250.00 for members=non-members of GV-SOLAS. Further information is available from: Prof. Dr Burghart Jilge, Tierforschungszentrum, UniversitaÈt Ulm, 89069 Ulm , Germany. Tel: ‡ 49-731-50 2-5590, Fax: ‡ 49-731-50 2-5589, E-mail: [email protected]

LASA Winter Meeting We d ne sd a y±Frid a y 28±30 No ve m b e r 2001 (U K) T he LASA Winter Meeting this year will be a sole occupanc y residential meeting in a high-quality venue. T he theme of the meeting will be `T he Applic ation of LASA Values in Research’. T here will be a keynote speaker, and six sym posia which will address the following subjects: Ethics and Training Workshop: T he anat omy of a re®nement, how to develop scienti®cally valid re®nements in anim al husbandry and scienti®c procedures. New requirements for animals studies. T he potential for comput er applic ations to reduce and replace anim al experiments. Healthy animals for research: what constitute good clinical records and practice? T he use of IT to sust ain best practice in managing animal facilities, regulated procedures and training records. A(SP)A and psychopharm acologyÐan examination of the need for anim al behavioural studies. Progress with the ERP: a Q and A session. In addition, there will be a `New Presenters Session’. Presenters will be able to apply for a £200 bursary (provided by LAL), subject to approval of their abstract. T he `Ask the Home Of®ce Inspector’ session will be organized as in previous years, and there will be a poster display. A comprehensive trade exhibition will form an integral part of the meeting.

12t h Annual Conference of Balt-LASA Saturd a y±Sund a y 11±12 Ma y 2002 (Vilnius, Lith ua nia ) T he main topic of this conference will be `Re®nement’, and two plenary lecturers have agreed to participate: Dr Michael Festing (UK) and Professor Osmo Hanninen (Finland). It is hoped to attract about 100 participant s, from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, Sweden and elsewhere. T he proceedings of this conference will be published in the Ba ltic Journa l o f La b o rato ry Anim a l Scie nce .

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# Laboratory Animals Ltd. Laboratory Animals (2001) 35, 295­ 300


Notes and comments

For further information, contact Mrs Guna Jakobsone, Fax: 371 7138683, E-mail: [email protected] Aust ralian and New Zealand Society for Laboratory Anim al Science Silver Jubilee Conference Tue sd a y±Th ursd a y 18±20 Se pte m b e r 2001 (Syd ne y, Australia ) T he ANZSLAS Silver Jubilee Conference will address two main themes: the training of researchers and the design and equipping of anim al facilities to meet international standards. Speakers will include Dr Vera Baumans from T he Netherlands and Jim Riley from the USA. A workshop is planned for 17 September dealing with `Basic GeneticsÐhow it applies to genetically manipulat ed animals’. For further information please contact: Dr Malcom France, Director, Laboratory Anim al Services, T he University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, Aust ralia. E-mail: [email protected] Pain Prevention and Alleviat ion Th ursd a y 13 Se pte m b e r 2001 (U nive rsity o f Ne w c a stle -upo n-Tyne , U K ) A one-day workshop entitled `Pain Prevention and Alleviat ion’. T his course will provide an overview of developments in the ®eld of pain managem ent in laboratory anim als. Further information is available by e-mail from A.Al-jumail [email protected] .uk. Diagnostic Parasit ology of Laboratory Animals April 2002Ðd a te s to b e a nno unce d (Live rpo o l Sch o o l o f Tro pic a l Me d ic ine , U K) A 2-day course which will include theoretical aspec ts of ecto- and endoparasit e infection of laboratory anim als; practical tuition of detection, concentration and identi®cation methods; and full course notes. T he Course will be largely practical in content and tutors will be recognized parasit ology experts. For further information contact: John A. Ferguson, Fax: ‡ 44 (0) 151 632 6137, E-mail: [email protected] om

Category C training No ve m b e r±De ce m b e r 2001 Riga, Latvia will be the venue for a Course in Laboratory Anim al Science for Category C personnel (following the 80 h FELASA curriculum ) to be held November±December 2001. It will be delivered by lectures and practical workshops conducted by local teachers and will accommodate about 15±20 participant s from the Latvian Medical Academy, University of Latvia and other research institutes. For further information, contact Mrs Guna Jakobsone, Fax: 371 7138683, E-mail: [email protected] Laboratory Animals (2001) 35

Laboratory Animal Allergy Course 12 O c to b e r 2001 (Venue to b e c o n®rm e d ) T his course will be devoted to the most important occupational health problem for technical and scienti®c staff in universities and pharmac eutical companiesÐlaboratory animal allergy (LAA). It will be of particular relevance to technicians, scientists, respiratory physicians and occupational health physicians. For further details contact: Short Course Of®ce, NHLI, Imperial College School of Medicine, Education Centre, Dovehouse Street, London SW3 6LY, UK. Tel: 020 7351 8172, Fax: 020 7351 8246, E-mail: [email protected], Web:

Mexican Congress of Primat ology 2±5 Se pte m b e r 2001 T he First Mexican Congress of Primatology, sponsored by the AsociacõÂon Mexicana de PrimatologõÂa (AMP) as its second biennial meeting, and by the Departamento de Evolucio n Humana of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto PoliteÂcnico Nacional (CINVESTAV), will take place on 2±5 September 2001, in MeÂrida, YucataÂn, Mexico. For further information, to submit abstracts for oral presentations or posters, or to subm it proposals for symposia (due 30 May), send e-mail to primates-am [email protected]. A more detailed announcement, in Spanish, is in the last issue of Laboratory Primate Newsletter (`Primates de las AmeÂricas . . . La PaÂgina’, p. 20, web page: current.html ), or the original ®rst call is on web page Juan Carlos Serio Silva [email protected] x=

Announcements ICLAS±FELASA Proceedings T he Proceedings of the joint ICLAS±FELASA meeting, organized by SECAL and held at Palma de Mallorca in 1999, have now been published with ®nancial support from Laboratory Anim als Ltd. Copies will be sent to those who attended the meeting and to members of the constituent associations of La b o rato ry Anim a ls ± i.e. GVSOLAS, ILAF, LASA, NVP, SECAL and SGV. T he Proceedings will also be available on the SECAL website: For further information, contact Dr Josep Antoni Tur Mari, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Departam ent de Biologia Fonamental i Ciencies de la Salut. Edi®cio G. Colom . E-mail: [email protected].

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Notes and comments


Comments New legislative measures for the protection of laboratory anim als in Latvia Balt-LASA is currently assisting the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia with the development of directives on the use of laboratory anim als in biomedical research. T hese directives `detail’ the Law on Animal Protection which was issued in Latvia 2 years ago and will correspond to EU legislation. Course on techniques for cryopreservation of mouse zygotes and embryos T his very interesting course was organized by SECAL and CIEMAT last February in Madrid. Dr Jorge Sztein from Jackson Laboratories presented the programme, assisted by other well-known experts including Dr C. Conti, from Texas University and Dr M. Riffo, Dr M. Santos, Dr A. Pages, Dr J. Martinez, Dr B. Pintado and Dr J. Fernandez. Like the ®rst course, this second one attracted great interest from Spanish scientists. Attendance was limit ed in order to facilitiate interaction, and in view of the list of people unable to attend this time, another course will certainly be held next year. Kids-4-Research (en EspanÄ ol) Ho la ! Soon visit ors to the Kids-4-Research website will have the opportunity to choose either the English language version or the Spanish language version of the pages. AALAS Vice-President Elect Dr Cynthia Pekow and the International Relations Committee brought the idea to the AALAS Foundation, and we are excited about expanding the site in this direction. Dr Octavio Villanueva of Mexico City and Dr Juan Martin-Caballero from Madrid have put in many hours for reviewing and editing the translat ed web pages. Mr Ron Orta of Allentown Caging is assist ing with the ®nal editing. We are hoping for a March debut so check the site soon to see this new addition. is support ed by many biomedical research organizat ions with corporate support from Charles River Laboratories. A Reference Source for the Recognition & Alleviat ion of Pain & Distress in Anim als C o m pile d b y Dr Ric h a rd L. C ra w fo rd. We b site : h ttp:==w w l.usd a .go v=a w ic In order to minimize pain or distress to an anim al one must ®rst be able to recognize when an anim al is in, or likely to be in, pain or distress. Steps can then be taken to alleviat e that pain or distress so far as is allowed by the approved research protocol. T his publication provides a list of published reference sources on the recognition and alleviation of pain and distress in animals. It has been developed to provide a source of information and guidance to those using animals in research so that

they may better recognize when an anim al is suffering pain or distress, or may be likely to suffer pain or distress, and how that pain or distress may be minimized. T his publication is not meant to be a complete resource on this subject but is to provide a starting point for those concerned about the welfare and humane care of anim als used in research. For additional, and more complete, information and resources we suggest you consult the following website on the compilat ion of scienti®c literature on the assessm ent of anim al welfare: Literature on the Assessm ent of Animal Welfare.¯ist. html

Radio-Telemetry in Mice Readers may like to know that a doctoral thesis has been published entitled Applica tio ns a nd Eva lua tio n o f Ra dio -Te le m e try in Sm a ll La b o ra to ry Anim a ls (2000, by Klaas Kramer, 208 pages). Contents (abbreviated) include: T he history and present status of radio-telemetry as a tool for monitoring physiological param eters in laboratory animals; Use of telemetry to record electrocardiogram and heart rate in freely moving mice; Intraabdominal transm itter implantati on in mice: effects on behaviour and body weight; Circadian rhythms of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity in freely moving mice measured with radio-telemetry; Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the electrocardiogram (ECG ) in freely moving male BALB=c mice; Using telemetry to study the effect of protectors on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in freely moving mice; A new method for measurem ent of blood pressure, heart rate, and locomotor activity in freely moving mice by radio-telemetry; Circadian respiratory rate rhythms in freely moving sm all laboratory anim als using radio-telemetry; T he use of telemetry to record electrocardiogram and heart rate in freely swimm ing rats. T he book can be obtained from Dr Kramer, Free University, Department of Safety and Environmental Affairs (DVM), Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT Amsterdam, T he Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected]

Laboratory Primate Newsletter T he Laboratory Primate Newsletter provides a central source of information about non-human primates and related mat ters to scientists who use these animals in their research and those, such as technicians and animal caretakers, whose work supports such research. T he Ne w sle tte r (1) provides information on the care and breeding of non-human primates for laboratory research, (2) dissem inates general information and news about the world of primat e research (such as announc ements of meetings, research pro-

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Notes and comments

jects, sources of information, nomenclature changes), (2) helps meet the special research needs of individual investigators by publishing requests for research material or for information related to speci®c research problems, and (3) serves the cause of conservation of non-human primates by publishing information on that topic. As a rule, research articles or summaries accepted for the Ne w sle tte r should have som e practical im plications or provide general information likely to be of interest to investigators in a variety of areas of primate research. However, special consideration is given to articles containing data on primates not conveniently publishable elsewhere. General descriptions of current research projects on primat es are also welcome. T he Ne w sle tte r appears quarterly and is primarily available on the Web, at Research=Primate. T he non-graphics contents are also sent out by e-mail through a list server; to subsc ribe, send the message to . Back issues to 1984 are available free at our website, and paper copies back to Volume 1 (1962) may be purchased for $4.00 each. Readers without computer access may subsc ribe for paper issues by paying US$10 per year. Please make cheques payable to Brown University and send them to the address below. Since these free sources are available, we are asking readers who c a n use them, but who pre fe r to get the paper issues, to send us an additional annual donation of at least US$10 to help with printing and paper costs. T he deadline for inclusion of a note or article in any given issue of the Ne w sle tte r is the 10th of December, March, June, or September, depending on which issue is scheduled to appear next. Correspondence concerning the Ne w sle tte r should be addressed to: Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA. Tel: ‡ 1 401-863- 2511, Fax: ‡ 1 401-863-1 300; E-mail: [email protected]. T he Ne w sle tte r is support ed by US Public Health Service Grant RR-00419, from the Comparative Medicine Program, National Center for Research Resources, NIH.

On-line papers Ethics training for licensees under the Anim als (Scienti®c Procedures) Act 1986 By Ja ne A. Sm ith a nd Ma ggy Jennings, RSPCA, Ho rsh a m , We st Susse x, U K In the UK, people intending to conduct experiments on anim als under the Animals (Scienti®c Procedures) Act 1986 must undergo training that includes consideration of `ethical aspects of the use of live animals’. However, although training in Laboratory Animals (2001) 35

ethics is mandat ory, there is little published guidance on how this should be tackled in practice. Moreover, until now, only rather anecdotal information has been available to inform discussions on what ethics training should aim to achieve for scientists. T he report is now available on the Laboratory Animals website at =pdf.htm and aim s to ®ll this gap by presenting ®ndings from two surveys regarding: (1) the relevant experiences, attitudes, knowledge and understanding of ethics that scientists bring with them to mandat ory training programmes and, therefore, the gaps or needs that the ethics component has to address; and (2) the approac hes to ethics training currently adopted in UK courses, and how far current provision meets the needs identi®ed. T he report makes a series of recomm endations concerning strategic issues to be considered in ethics training for persons who will undertake animal experiments (FELASA Categories B and C; UK Hom e Of®ce Modules 1 and 5). T he conclusions have been developed through continuing discussions between trainers and others with an interest (principally at LASA workshops held in 1994, 1997 and 1999 ), and although the focus is on the ethics component, many of the recommendations apply to more general aspec ts of training for scientists who use anim als.

Contents of other journals Comparative Medicine

(formerly Laboratory Animal Science) Pub lish e d 6 tim e s a ye a r b y AALAS. Annua l sub sc riptio n: U SA: $150, C a na da : $165. O ve rse a s a nnua l sub scriptio n U S$190. Pa ym e nt b y inte rna tio na l m o ne y o rd e r to Am e ric a n Asso c ia tio n fo r La b o rato ry Anim a l Scie nc e , 9190 C re stw yn Hills Drive , Me m ph is, TN 38125, U SA Volum e 50, No. 6, December 2000 Forum Editorial: T he academic cup: Part II. R. O. Jacoby. 582 Letters: 584 Reports: Laboratory Invest igations Helic o b a cte r h epa ticus infection triggers in¯ammatory bowel disease in T cell receptor ab mutant mice. E. Y. Chin, C. A. Dangler, J. G. Fox & D. B. Schauer. 586 Modi®cation of immunologic and hematologic variables by method of CO 2 euthanasia. M. J. Pecaut, A. L. Smith, T. A. Jones & D. S. Gridley. 595

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Anti-thy-1 monoclonal antibody-induced glomerulonephritis in Mongolian gerbils. H. Sato, M. Chisty & H. Kamiya. 603 Gross and microsc opic anatomy of the extraorbital lacrimal gland of the common marmoset (C a llith rix ja c c h us). O. Katsuta, M. YamaguchiOnozawa, K. Okazaki, T. Itoh, Y. Okazaki & M. Tsuchitani. 609 Experimentally induced infection with autonomous parvoviruses, minute virus of mice and H-1, in the African multim ammate mouse (Ma sto m ys co uc h a ). A. Haag, K. Wayss, J. Rom melaere & J. J. Cornelis. 613 Myco plasm a pulm o nis genital disease:effect of rat strain on pregnancy outcome. L. Reyes, D. A. Steiner, J. Hutchison, B. Crenshaw & M. B. Brown. 622 Buprenorphine given after surgery does not alter renal ischemia=reperfusion injury. J. Deng, M. St Clair, C. Everett, M. Reitman & R. A. Star. 628 Median effective dose determination and histologic characterization of porcine (Sus scro fa d o m e stic a ) dermal lesions induced by 1540-nm laser radiation pulses. P. J. Rico, T. E. Johnson, M. A. Mitchell, B. H. Saladino & W. P. Roach. 633 Cardiopulmonary effects of sevo¯urane in Garnett’s greater bush baby (O to le m ur garnettii ). G. P. Langan, R. C. Harvey, D. O’Rourke, M. B. Fontenot & J. Schumacher. 639

Disease attributed to Myco b a cte rium ch elo na e in South African clawed frogs (Xe no pus la e vis). S. L. Green, D. B. Li¯and, D. M. Bouley, B. A. Brown, R. J. Wallace, Jr & J. E. Ferrell, Jr. 675

Reports: Clinical Investigat ions

Colum ns

Survey of effects of anesthesia protoc ols on hemodynamic variables in porc ine cardiopulmonary resusc itation laboratory models before induction of cardiac arrest. V. Wenzel, S. A. Padosch, W. G. Voelckel, A. H. Indris, A. C. Krismer, R. BettschartWolfensberger & K. H. Lindner. 644 Retrospective analysis of an outbreak of B virus infection in a colony of DeBrazza’s monkeys (C e rc o pith e c us ne gle c tus). S. A. T hompson, J. K. Hilliard, D. Kittel, S. Lipper, W. E. Giddens, Jr, D. H. Black & R. Eberle. 649 Trypa no so m a c ruzi infection of squirrel monkeys: comparison of blood sm ear examination, commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and polymerase chain reaction analysis as screening tests for evaluation of monkey-related injuries. M. Ndao, N. Kelly, D. Norm andin, J. D. Maclean, A. Whiteman, E. Kokoskin, I. Arevalo & B. J. Ward. 658 Diagnosis and management of atypical Myco b a cte rium spp. infections in established laboratory zebra®sh (Bra c h yd a nio re rio ) facilities. K. M. Astrofsky, M. D. Schrenzel, R. A. Bullis, R. M. Smolowitz & J. G. Fox. 666

Reports Iridodialysis in a rhesus macaque: a case report. S. C. Barlow, L. P. Semes & S. C. Cartner. 673

Lab Animal Pub lish e d 11 tim e s a ye a r b y Na ture Am e rica Inc. Annua l sub scriptio n U S$135.00 in U S=C a na d a , e lse w h e re U S$145.00. Ba ck issue s $9.00 in U S=C a na da , e lse w h e re $12.00. Annua l Buye r’s G uid e (De ce m b e r issue ) $25.00 in U S=C a na d a , e lse w h e re $35.00. Sub sc riptio ns to La b Anim a l Sub scriptio ns De pa rtm e nt, PO Bo x 5054, Bre ntw o o d , TN 37024±5054, U SA Volum e 30, No. 3, March 2001 Features Resource: Future directions in sm all animal imaging. J. M. Hoffm an & B. Y. Croft. 32 Resource: A review of high-resolution X-ray computed tom ography and other imaging modalities for sm all animal research. M. J. Paulus, S. S. Gleason, M. E. Easterly & C. J. Foltz. 36 Research note: Body condition scoring: comparing newly trained scorers and micro-c omputed tom ography imaging. M. E. Easterly, C J. Foltz & M. J. Paulus. 46

Editorial: Image is everything. 9 Protocol review: A pain in the rat. 20 What’s your diagnosis?: Cardiopulm onary arrest in a Burmese python. E. M. Rush, T. M. Donnelly & J. Walberg. 24

Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science Th e o f® cia l pub lic a tio n o f th e Sca ndina via n Soc ie ty fo r La b o rato ry Anim a l Scie nce . Pub lishe d q ua rte rly. Som e pa pe rs in English . Ed ito ria l O f® ce : Sk o m a ge rk ro ge n 14, DK-4000 Rosk ild e , De nm a rk . E-m a il: rrco ns@ge t2ne t.d k Volum e 28, No. 1, 2001 Contents T he in¯uence of strain on demand func tions for water in rats (Ra ttu s no rve gicus). D. B. Sùrensen, J. Ladewig & L. G. Lawson. 1 Rodent models of intrauterine growth restriction. C. T. Haugaard & M. K. Bauer. 10 Development and validation of ELISAs for monitoring bacterial and parasitic infections in laboratory rodents and rabbits. R. Boot. 44 T he need for de®ned diets and re®ned feeding methods. M. Ritskes-Hoitinga. 51

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Experimental Animals Th e o f® cia l pub lica tio n o f th e Ja pa ne se Asso c ia tio n fo r La b o ra to ry Anim a l Scie nc e . Pub lish e d q ua rte rly. Single issue 3000 ye n fo r no n-m e m b e r ind ivid ua l. O f®c e : Ak a m o n Roya l He igh ts, Rm 1103, 5-29-12 Ho ngo , Bunk yo -k u, To k yo 113-0033 , Ja pa n Volume 50, No. 1, January 2001 Originals A transgenic mouse model for investigating the response of the upstream region of whey acidic protein (WAP) gene to various steroid horm ones. H. Inuzuka, K. Yamanouchi, C. Tachi & H. Tojo. 1 Possible role of peripheral CD14 l o w monocytes in the development of collagen-induced arthritis in cynomolgus monkeys (Ma ca ca fa scicula ris ). K. Terao, K. Fujim oto, Y. Shimozuru, Y. Nagai & Y. Yoshikawa. 9 Postrest contraction in the ventricular papillary musc le of spontaneously diabetic WBN =Kob rat. T. Yamato, S. Yamasaki, Y. Misumi, M. Kino, T. Obata & M. Aomine. 19 Induction of drug metabolism-related enzymes by methylcholanthrene and phenobarbital in transgenic mice carrying human prototype c-Ha-ras gene and their wild type littermates. Y. Ohnishi, T. Arai, M. Koshirakawa, N. Horii, S. Nakajo, K. Urano, T. Usui, N. Tamaoki & Y. Ueyama. 33 Establishment of a Tcrb and Trp53 genes de®cient mouse strain as an animal model for spontaneous colorectal cancer. H. Funabashi, K. Uchida, S. Kado, Y. Matsuok a & M. Ohwaki. 41 Effect of M 2 and M 3 muscarinic receptors on airway responsiveness to carbachol in bronchial-hypersensitive (BHS) and bronchial-hyposensitive (BHR )

Laboratory Animals (2001) 35

guinea pigs. H. Kadota, M. Kuwahara, R. Nishibata, H. Mikami & H. Tsubone. 49 Sex and strain differences in the brush border and PAS-positive granules and giant bodies of the mouse renal S3 segment cells. A. Yabuki, S. Suzuki, M. Matsumoto & H. Nishinakagawa. 59

Notes Lack of B cell leakiness in BALB=cA-nu, sc id double mutant mice. K. Hoiki, T. Kuramochi, S. Endoh, E. Terada, Y. Ueyama & M. Ito. 67 A histological study on the coronary artery of the indigenous black Bengal goat in Bangladesh. M. A. Awal, M. Asaduzzaman, M. A. A. Prodham & M. Kurohmaru. 73 Senile plaques in an aged Western lowland gorilla. N. Kimura, S. Nakamura, N. Goto, E. Narushima, I. Hara, S. Shichiri, K. Saitou, M. Nose, T. Hayashi, S. Kawamura & Y. Yoshikawa. 77 Cryopreservation and transport of mouse spermatozoa at ±79 C. M. Okamoto, N. Nakagata & Y. Yoyoda. 83 Effects of age and weaning on the immature rat uterotrophic assay using ethynylestradiol. K. Yamasaki, M. Sawaki, S. Noda & M. Takatuki. 87 Effect of acetylcholinesterase activity on pathogenesis of airway hyperresponsiveness in guinea pigs. H. Kadota, M. Kuwahara, R. Nishibata, H. Mikami & H. Tsubone. 91

Brief data report T he eye lens aplasia (e la p) maps to mouse chromosome 2. S. Aso, A. Ishikawa, S. Wakana, R. Baba, M. Fujita & T. Namikawa. 97

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