Remote sensing image classification using Fuzzy ...

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clustering (Tavazoie, 2001), (Hoon, 2004), simulated annealing (Lukashin, 1999) ... we propose a new distance measure introducing Shannon's entropy in fuzzy.
Remote sensing image classification using Fuzzy-PSO hybrid approach Anasua Sarkar*, Rajib Das ABSTRACT Pixel classification among overlapping land cover regions in remote sensing imagery is a very challenging task. Detection of uncertainty and vagueness are always the key features for classifying mixed pixels. This paper proposes an approach for pixel classification using a hybrid approach of Fuzzy C-Means and Particle Swarm Optimization methods. This proposed unsupervised algorithm is able to identify clusters utilizing particle swarm optimization based on fuzzy membership values. This approach addresses the overlapping regions in remote sensing images by uncertainties using fuzzy set membership values. PSO is a population -based stochastic optimization technique, inspired from the social behavior of bird flock We demonstrate our algorithm for segmenting a LANDSAT image of Shanghai. The newly developed algorithm is compared with FCM and K-Means algorithms. The new algorithm generated clustered regions are verified with the available ground truth knowledge. The validity and statistical analysis are performed to demonstrate the superior performance of our new algorithms with K-Means and FCM algorithms.

INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is defined as “the art and science of obtaining information about an object without being in direct physical contact with the object” by Cogalton and Green in 1999 (Cogalton, 1999) . Several methods exist for classifying pixels into known classes (for example, an urban area or a turbid water) in remote sensing images. Mathematically, a remote sensing image can be defined as a set, { | } { } is the set of spectral band of information units for pixels, where values for n bands associated with the pixel of coordinate (i,j). In order to find homogeneous regions in the image we model this image by fuzzy sets, that considers both the spatial image objects and the imprecision attached to them. Let us denote the space on which the remote sensing image is defined by (usually or ). We denote the points of (pixels or voxels) as the spatial variables . Let denotes the spatial } . In several earlier works on remote sensing, distance between two pixels { is taken as the Euclidean distance on (Maulik, 2012), (Bandyopadhyay, 2005). A crisp object in the remote sensing image is a subset of . Henceforth, a fuzzy object is defined as a fuzzy subset of . This fuzzy object is defined bi-univoquely by its ] is known as the membership function, which represents the membership function, . membership degree of the point to the fuzzy set . When the value of is closer to 1, the degree of membership of x in will be higher. Such a representation allows for a direct mapping of mixed pixels in overlapping land cover regions in remote sensing images. Let denotes the set of all fuzzy sets defined on . For any two pixels , we denote by as their distance in fuzzy perspective. The definition of a new method utilizing the particle swarm movements over fuzzy membership matrix is the scope of this chapter. Clustering is one unsupervised classification method based on maximum intra-class similarity and minimum inter-class similarity. Other already proposed clustering, which can be applied for pixel classification in remote sensing imagery are - self-organizing map (SOM) (Spang, 2003), K-Means clustering (Tavazoie, 2001), (Hoon, 2004), simulated annealing (Lukashin, 1999), graph theoretic

2 approach (Xu, 1999), fuzzy c-means clustering (Dembele, 2003) and scattered object clustering (de Souto, 2008). Several other methods like clustering based on symmetry (Maulik, 2009), supervised multiobjective learning approach (Maulik, 2012), also may be applicable efficiently for detection of arbitrary shaped land cover regions in remote sensing imagery problem. The membership functions of both rough sets and fuzzy sets also enable efficient handling of overlapping partitions. Therefore, recently rough set theory is being used for clustering (Bandyopadhyay, 2008), (Cordasco, 2007), (Gonzalez, 1992), (Dembele, 2003), (Qin, 2003). Hirano and Tsumoto (Cordasco, 2007) proposed an indiscernibility based clustering method that can handle relative proximity. Lingras (Xu, 1999), (Dembele, 2003), (Qin, 2003) used rough set theory to develop interval representation of clusters. This model is useful when the clusters do not necessarily have crisp boundaries. Fuzzy set theory is a methodology to illustrate how to handle uncertainty and imprecise information in a difficult condition. The fuzzy models are normally used in land coverage detection of remote sensing image, pattern recognition and image processing (Bandyopadhyay, 2005), (Dave, 1989). Applying the concepts of fuzzy membership function (Wang, 1997),(Pappis, 1993), fuzzy clustering (Huang, 2008), fuzzy-rule based systems (Bardossy, 2002) , fuzzy entropy(De Luca, 1972) and fuzzy integrals(Kumar, 1997) in algorithms, the remote sensing image identification becomes more feasible. In the literature, earlier distances proposed comparing fuzzy membership functions do not include spatial information and therefore were not used in remote sensing(Chen, 1995) (Jain, 1995) . The belongingness and non-belongingness of one pixel to one cluster can be utilized to detect as the approximated using Entropy theory on fuzzy sets. Luca and Termini (De Luca, 1972) defines a fuzzy entropy pseudometric as an objective function for convergence in their algorithm. However, their metric fails to satisfy the separability condition (Bloch, 1999) . In decision problems, the entropy functions have been combined with membership comparison approach earlier (Coppia, 2005),(Yager, 1992), (Bouchon-Meunier, 1993). (Bhandari, 1992) introduces one method on fuzzy divergence, mimicking Kulback’s approach. However, this distance does not satisfy triangular inequality. Following these works, we propose a new distance measure introducing Shannon’s entropy in fuzzy membership comparisons for classifying pixels among overlapping land cover regions. We demonstrate the performance of the new distance metric in pixel classification of a chosen LANDSAT remote sensing image of Shanghai. The quantitative evaluation over three existing validity indices indicates the satisfactory performance of our new ENTROpy based FUZZY algorithm (FPSO) to detect imprecise clusters. We compare our obtained solutions with those of K-Means and FCM algorithms to verify with the ground truth knowledge. The statistical tests also demonstrate the significance of our new FPSO algorithm over K-Means and FCM algorithms.

FUZZY C-MEANS ALGORITHM Clustering is an unsupervised pattern classification method based on maximum intra-class similarity and minimum inter-class similarity. In a well-known partitional clustering approach, named fuzzy clustering, points may belong to more than one clusters. Therefore, for each point in a cluster, one set of membership levels is associated. This set of levels indicates the amount of association between the point and each of the clusters. One of the most widely used fuzzy clustering algorithms is the Fuzzy C Means algorithm. Fuzzy set theory was introduced in 1965 by Zadeh (Zadeh, 1965) as a mean to model the vagueness and ambiguity in complex systems. Fuzzy set theory handles the concept of partial membership to a set, with real valued membership degrees ranging from 0 to 1. Introduced by Ruspini (Ruspini, 1970) and improved by Dune and Bezdek (Dunn, 1974)(Bezdek, 1981) ], the Fuzzy Cmeans (FCM) algorith partitions a finite dataset { } into a collection of K fuzzy clusters, satisfying criterions (Reddi, 1984) . Let m be the exponential weight of membership ]. The objective function Wm of FCM is defined as: degree, ∑ ∑(

) (


3 where

is the membership degree of point

to centroid


is the distance between



( ) . Then Let is the membership degree matrix and { } is the set of cluster centroids. Wm indicates the compactness and uniformity degree of clusters. Generally, a smaller Wm reflects a more compact cluster set. The algorithm of FCM is an iteration process mathematically described as follows: (1) Initialize m, M and initial cluster centroid set . Set the iteration terminating threshold  to a small positive value and iteration time q to zero. Calculate according to with the following equation:

∑ where ∑ . If to other clusters. (2) Update according to



and sets

for membership of this pixel

with the following equation: ∑ ( ) ∑

(3) Calculate (4) Compare


according to with . If ‖



. ‖

, stop iteration. Otherwise, go to (2).

PSO Algorithm PSO is a population-based algorithm that uses a population of individuals to probe the best position in the search space. In PSO, the individual is called a particle, which moves stochastically in the direction of its own best previous position and the whole swarm’s best previous position. Suppose that the size of the swarm is N and the search space is M dimensional, then the position of the ith particle is presented as { }. The velocity of this particle is presented as { } The best { } Consequently, the best previous previous position of this particle is denoted as { }. Let the maximum number position discovered by the whole swarm is denoted as of iteration be T and t be the present iteration. The unit time is denoted by Then the position of a particle and its velocity are changed following the constraints shown below[1,5,6, 2207-main.pdf]: (





(6) (7) ,where , and rand() generates the random number with uniform distribution U(0,1). and are acceleration coefficients [2207-main.pdf]. is the inertia weight, with and as its the maximum and minimum values respectively. For the initial matrix,


Then the boundary constraints for

], the equation to generate particle value is :

and {

, are as follows:








{ ,where { respectively.

} and {

(10) } are respectively maximum and minimum values for v and x,

FIGURE 1 The flowchart of FPSO algorithm for remote sensing classification.

MEBERSHIP BASED FUZZY PSO ALGORITHM The new FPSO algorithm consist of two phases – initial FCM clustering of remote sensing image to generate Fuzzy membership matrix and finally the hybrid membership based PSO method to generate optimal pixel allocations for overlapping regions, as shown in Figure 1. Initial random assignment put N pixels in K clusters for initializing FCM algorithm, as described in previous subsection. Then we obtain the initial cluster centroids . The iteration terminating threshold value is et to 1E-05. We initialize the membership degree matrix from the initial random allocations. Then we repeat the centroid updation method iteratively and compute the membership degree matrix for each of the iterations. The iterations converge and stop, when the difference between the

5 membership degree matrix in previous and current iterations becomes less than the iteration-terminating threshold. After the first phase of FCM algorithm, we obtain the membership matrix to generate the initial pixel positions in number of fuzzy classes to denote overlapping regions. The and } { } using Rastrigrin function as shown below – is computed within the constraints { ∑ , (11) [ ], (12) . (13) } { } Using these new constraints, we generate new membership degree Similarly, { matrix and reassign the pixels to the clusters with maximum membership values. The cluster centroids are updated again and the iteration continues, until the convergence occurs with a difference between the best particle in current population old and Global Minimum to be smaller than the terminating threshold . The validity indices are computed lastly over final PSO-optimized solutions.

APPLICATION OF FPSO ALGORITHM IN PIXEL CLASSIFICATION OF REMOTE SENSING IMAGERY Experimental Framework The new FPSO algorithm is implemented using MATLAB 2010 on MacBook dual-core processor. To compare well-known K-Means and FCM methods are also executed. Dunn (Dunn, 1973) , DaviesBouldin (DB) (Davies, 1979) and Silhoutte (Rousseeuw, 1987) validity indices evaluate the effectiveness of FPSO over K-Means and FCM quantitatively. The efficiency of FPSO is also verified visually from the clustered images considering ground truth information of land cover areas.

Validity Indices The fitness of a solution indicates the degree of goodness of the solution of the proposed algorithm (Young, 2001). In this article, three validity indices values, namely Davies-Bouldin (DB), Dunn and Silhoutte indices, are used to determine the performance of the new hybrid algorithm. The validity indices are now described below. 1) ‘Davies – Bouldin index (DB)’ - The Davies–Bouldin index (DB) (Davies, 1979) is a metric for evaluating clustering algorithms. This is an internal evaluation validity index. The best clustering solutions essentially minimizes the Davies Bouldin Index. 2) ‘Dunn index’ - The Dunn index (DI) (Dunn, 1973) is another metric for evaluating clustering algorithms. This is an internal validity index. For one allocation of clusters, a higher Dunn index indicates better clustering. Let Ci be a cluster of vectors. if there are M clusters, then the Dunn Index for the set is defined as: ( ) { { }} 3) ‘Silhouette index s(C)’ - Let a denotes the average distance of a point from other points of same cluster and b denotes the minimum of the average distances of that point from the points in other clusters. Then the Silhouette Width (s) is defined as follows: s = ( b – a ) / max{a,b} (11) Silhouette Index s(C) (Rousseeuw, 1987) is the average Silhouette Width of all points, which reflects the compactness and separation of clusters. The value of s(C) varies from −1 to 1. For appropriate clustering s(C) should be high (Rousseeuw, 1987) .

6 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS The chosen LANDSAT image of Sanghai (Small, 2006) is available in seven bands viz. green, red and near infrared bands in the multispectral mode with distribution of the pixels in the feature space as shown in Figure 2. We have chosen red, green, blue and near infrared bands for our executions due to limitation of processor capacity. Figure 2 shows the original LANDAST image of Sanghai with histogram equalization with 7 classes: turbid water (TW), pond water (PW), concrete (Concr.), vegetarian (Veg), habitation (Hab), open space (OS), and roads (including bridges)(B/R).

Figure 1 Original image of Shanghai

Figure 2 Scatter plot of original Shanghai image.

The river Huangpu cuts through the image, with one distinct black patch of water body on left bank near bottom-left corner of the image. In its upper right side of the river, a very thin line shows Su zhou river. There are two black patches in the upper-middle right bank of the river shown as a circle in Figure 1. Another canal is shown as another thin line stretching from the right bank of the river in the middle part of the image. In the lower right corner of the image, there exists another thin line indicating a canal.


Figure 3 Pixel classification of Shanghai obtained by K-Means algorithm (with K=7).

The segmented Sanghai LANDAST images obtained by K-Means and FCM algorithms respectively are shown in Figures 3 and 4 for (K = 7). In Figure 3, K-Means algorithm fails to classify the two water bodies on the right bank of the river in upper-middle part of the image. FCM clustering solutions in Figure 4 also fails to detect this region as TW or PW class. However, new FPSO algorithm is able to separate these patches with proper indication of water bodies. The thin Su Zhou on the upper right side of the river is also misclassified by K-Means with Concrete and OS classes. FCM algorithm succeeds to detect this canal, but fails to classify the canal on left bank of river in lower middle part of image. However, our new FPSO algorithm is able to separate all three canals and the river into TW class. These indicate that FPSO algorithm detects the overlapping arbitrary shaped regions significantly with better efficiency than K-Means and FCM algorithms. Table 1 Validity indices values of the classified remote sensing image provided by K-means, FCM and FPSO algorithms Shanghai image Index K-Means FCM FPSO DaviesBouldi 0.8376 0.7202 0.5569 n index Silhoue tte 0.3404 0.3331 0.5471 index Dunn 1.2468 1.1624 3.0596 index The clustering results have been evaluated objectively by measuring validity measures Davies-Bouldin (DB), Dunn and Silhoutte index, as defined in (Dunn, 1973) , (Davies, 1979) and (Rousseeuw, 1987) respectively, for K-Means, FCM and FPSO algorithms on the Shanghai remote sensing image in Table 1. It can be noticed that, FPSO produces best final value for minimized DB index as 0.5569, while K-Means obtains a DB value of 0.8376 and FCM obtains 0.7202. The maximizing Silhoutte index values on Shanghai image for K-Means, FCM and FPSO are respectively 0.3404, 0.3331 and 0.5471. Similarly the Dunn index produced by FPSO algorithm (maximizing Dunn) is 3.0562, but K-Means and FCM


Figure 4 FCM Cluster 1and 2 plt.

Figure 5 Pixel classification of Shanghai obtained FCM algorithm (with K=7).


Figure 6 Pixel classification of Shanghai obtained by FPSO algorithm (with K=7).

algorithms provide a slightly smaller Dunn value of 1.2468 and 1.1624 respectively. These results imply that FPSO optimizes DB, Dunn and Silhoutte indices more than both K-Means and FCM. Hence, it is evident that FPSO is comparable in goodness of solutions to K-Means and FCM algorithms and even FPSO sometimes outperform to obtain superior fuzzy clustering results.

TEST FOR STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE A non-parametric statistical significance test called Wilcoxon′s rank sum for independent samples has been conducted at 5% significance level (Hollander, 1999) . Two groups have been created with the performance scores, Silhoutte index values produced by 10 consecutive runs of K-Means, FCM and FPSO algorithms on the chosen remote sensing Image. From the medians of each group on the dataset in Table 2, it is observed that FPSO provides better median values than K-Means and FCM algorithms. Table 2 Median values of performance parameter Silhoutte index over 10 consecutive runs on different algorithms. Algorithms Data K-Means FCM FPSO Shanghai 0.3416 0.3331 0.5471 Image Table 3 shows the P-values and H-values produced by Wilcoxon′s rank sum test for comparison of two groups, FPSO-K-Means and FPSO-FCM. All the P-values reported in the table are less than 0.005 (5% significance level). For the chosen remote sensing Image on Shanghai, comparative P-value of rank sum test between FPSO and K-Means is very small 5.31E-5, indicating the performance metrics produced by FPSO to be statistically significant and not occurred by chance. Similar results are obtained for other group with FCM algorithm also. Hence, all results establish the significant superiority of FPSO over K-

10 Means and FCM algorithms. Table 3 P-values produced by rank sum while comparing FPSO with kmeans and FPSO with fcm respectively Comparison with FPSO Algorithm H P-value K-Means 1 5.31E-5 FCM 1 4.73E-5

CONCLUSION Conventional hard classification methods fail to map land covers properly to the ground information. This problem can be overcome by mapping land cover regions to the fuzzy sets. Fuzzy approach seems natural in order to capture the overlapping regions in the image. Moreover, the PSO method can obtain optimal fuzzy membership values with efficient search stability without using any exhaustive search. Therefore, the contribution of this article lies in efficient detection of overlapping land cover regions in the remote sensing image by implementing a new hybrid Fuzzy membership based particle swarm optimization method, named FPSO clustering algorithm. The primary contributions are – to define one new velocity space in the domain of Fuzzy membership values, which will iterate the positions of the image pixels to allocate it to one fuzzy set of a particular land cover region with highest membership value. The efficiency of the new FPSO algorithm is demonstrated over one chosen LANDSAT remote sensing image on Shanghai. Superiority of new FPSO clustering algorithm over the widely used K-Means and FCM algorithms is established quantitatively over three validity indices. The verification with ground truth information also shows significant efficiency of new FPSO algorithm over other two existing methods. Statistical tests also establish the statistical significance of FPSO over K-Means and FCM algorithms. As a scope of future research, the time-efficiency of FPSO algorithm may be improved further by mapping it to the master-slave paradigm (Sarkar, 2009) , (Sarkar1, 2009). Moreover, incorporation of spatial information in the feature vector as this is found to be effective in pixel classification (Bandyopadhyay, 2005), in lieu of intensity values at different spectral bands in FPSO method, constitutes an important direction for farther research.

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KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Clustering: Assigning similar elements to one group, which increases intra-cluster similarity and decreases inter-cluster similarity. Validity index: Index to estimate compactness of the clusters, leading to properly identified distinguishable clusters. K-Means algorithm: Clustering algorithm to classify n elements in k clusters, which iteratively computes the cluster centroids as the means of all elements in one cluster.

16 Fuzzy set: Set of elements with membership values between 0 and 1 for each of the clusters to which it belongs according to fuzzy set theory by Zadeh.