Software Architecture for Modeling and Optimization ...

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Keywords: activity management optimization, software architecture. Introduction ... Material resources within laboratories are the following: apparatus, tools,.
Software Architecture for Modeling and Optimization of the Process in the Laboratory Activity Management Liviu Şerbănescu, Hyperion University, Bucharest, Romania, [email protected]

Abstract Certified test and trial laboratories perform activities that are involved into a severe rigor. The laboratory activity is quantified starting from quality book. The resulted system is decomposed in order to apply classic methods of modeling and optimization or/and expert systems techniques. At global system level we have a hybrid technique for modeling and optimization of the process resulted from the laboratory activity. So, it is possible to get a detailed analyze that is required by the quality management. That means it is necessary to carry out and to make operational mathematical models in order to reduce uncertainty of the results and to eliminate testing errors. In this paper, it is presented a software solution turned in a flexible software able to give a solution to the quality control in a test and trial laboratory. This software can determine an optimal assignment of resources, i.e. an optimal assignment of staff per procedure and an optional assignment of procedures per apparatus. A criterion to be optimized is the minimization of every procedure cost.

Keywords: activity management optimization, software architecture. Introduction Software automatic adaptation to the specific character of various test and trial laboratories having different configurations needs the development of a “flexible” software and this leads to Object Orientated Programming techniques use. Guslicov et al. (1991) mentioned the differences in measurement by using different methods and resources for the same samples. Artificial intelligence techniques used in mathematical modeling in order to process input and output data and to develop automatic models are the optimal solution to any logistics strategy problem.

Software architecture The flow starts when the customer orders something and it ends when the order is fulfilled and paid. Planning tasks and resources are transformed into mathematical models. Resource means both human and material ones. Material resources within laboratories are the following: apparatus, tools, substances needed to carry out tests and trials, consumables for apparatus and so on. This system has to be able to adapt by itself to any certified test and trial laboratory – the configuration is established by data convert from quality book. Figure 1 presents the general diagram (flowchart) of the software. When significant changes occur in the organization structure and automatic quality management model may be updated easily and at any moment. Initially, the software takes over the organization structure (rooms, equipment, environment, conditions) of the laboratory, the list of the working technical documents (figure 2). Material resources (laboratory equipment) are implied in first level of activity decomposition. The human resources (laboratory staff) are implied in the second level of laboratory activity decomposition. The FIRST LEVEL of ACTIVITY DECOMPOSITION are represented by:  Unique codification of every apparatus tools;  Laboratory position and rooms codification;  Laboratory direction codification and corresponding access times;  Technical record input for every apparatus;  Functioning regime diagram input for every equipment;  Metrologies and non-metrologies check up input.

Fig 1. General diagram

The SECOND LEVEL of ACTIVITY DECOMPOSITION are represented by:  Decomposition of a every general procedure into elementary procedures and there codification;  Decomposition of a every specific procedure into elementary procedures and there codification;  Input of the correspondence between elementary procedures and apparatus/tools able to be used;  Input of the correspondence between elementary procedures and staff able to carry out elementary procedures;  Input of carrying out times for every elementary procedure;  Input of the table presenting time synchronization of elementary procedure according to the implemented quality system;  Materials consumption input for each elementary procedure;  Input of other ISO/CEI 17025 requirements.

Fig 2. Activity decomposition flow Periodically it takes over data concerning supply with materials and the orders for tests and trials (figure 3). The module LABORATORY CONFIGURATION are represented by:  Laboratory rooms scheme;  Laboratory environment conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity);  Existing apparatus and tools;  Position;  Functioning regime diagram;  Metrologies and non-metrologies check up graphic;  Apparatus technical record;  Laboratory staff (availability diagram, pay per hour);  General procedures and specific procedures;  List of elementary procedures corresponding to each procedure;  List of apparatus and tools able to be used for each elementary procedure;  Positioning constraints for apparatus, tools staff specific to each elementary procedure;  Time assigned for each elementary procedures;  Time synchronized schedule for elementary procedures within each procedure;  Staff able to work to each elementary procedure;  Materials consumption associated to each elementary procedures;  Quality Handbook;  Quality policy objectives (in order to develop interactive help).

The module ACTIVITY MONITORING UPDATING is done by changing and updating of laboratory flows (validation or change) of:  Staff ;  Apparatus/tools;  Elementary procedure codes assignment in time;  Resource distribution in time

Fig 3. Periodical operations PERIODICAL DATA are represented by supply with materials (reactive, consumables, gauges, standard materials, etc) and orders (record, specific procedures, codes, data concerning, tests or trails gauges, etc). The monitoring activity (the module LABORATORY MONITORING) is shown by various reports such as:  Report on test and trials carried out in the laboratory;  Test and trial cost determination;  Time distribution of performed test and trials;  Information concerning apparatus and tools used;  Time distribution of staff regarding to procedures and apparatus;  Report concerning materials consumption in time and for each procedures;  Predictive of require materials;  Identification of samples to be tested or tried;  Identification of apparatus metrologies and non-metrologies check up.

Optimal assignment of resources The program can determine optimal assignment of staff per procedure and optional assignment of procedures per apparatus. Optimal assignment is carried out using specific optimization techniques. Optimization results in uniform change of apparatus functioning and balanced procedure to staff distribution. The criterion to be optimized is the minimization of every procedure cost. The optimum problem is to determine some apparatus, tools/ accessories and staff combination so that the cost per procedure be minimum under certain time and interdependence constraints between assigned resources. Optimal assignment can be made both at specific general procedure level and at elementary procedure level. For an optimum assignment of laboratory resources multivariable optimization algorithms based on a geometrical search were tested and implemented. To get the criterion function, successive questioning of databases are used. These questioning are imbricated and managed by stack mechanism. By successive calls of imbrication procedures, the criterion function and the constraints system for the organization problem are built.

Conclusions The quality hand book are the source for developing a software laboratory management. Quality standards are the general mandatory framework for the functioning of a test and trials laboratory. The requirements are a consequence of the fact that every product has to function in such a way as to provide all the functions for which it was developed, maintaining the quality parameters in given ranges. On the other hand, the set of standards should be completed with specific standards for the activity field of the tested and tried products because each product has specific parameters for quality evaluation and hence individual specific requirements. Having a data information and resource flow, an adequate software for optimum time assignment of resources and for monitoring the activity of a certified test and trial laboratory was developed. By using accurate computing techniques, customers confidence in products conformity with specifications will increase.

Reference Guslicov, GV, Coarna, M, Pop, A, Vlad, C and Vlad, N. (2009) 'Consideration concerning interlaboratory test for cement in the last 20 years, 'Accreditation And Quality Assurance, 14 (10), 541-546.