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source separation (BSS), mainly for speech signals, in an anechoic environment. ... periments indicate that the performances of the proposed algorithms are superior compared ..... posal for performance measurement in source separation,” in.
UNDERDETERMINED SPARSE BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION WITH DELAYS ¨ ur Yılmaz, Martin J. McKeown, Rafeef Abugharbieh Rayan Saab, Ozg¨


transform (STFT) domain to construct binary time-frequency masks, which are then used to extract several sources from only two mixtures. The advantage of DUET is that it is very fast; the disadvantage is that it, by construction, uses only two mixtures even if there are more mixtures available. Another under-determined anechoic demixing algorithm was proposed by Bofill in [3]. This algorithm estimates the attenuation coefficients by using a scatter plot technique and the delays by maximizing a kernel function. To extract the sources, [3] solves a complex constrained `1 minimization problem via second order cone programming. This algorithm, like DUET, uses only two of the available mixtures. In this paper we propose two algorithms to solve the problem of anechoic mixing when we have more than two mixtures available. We adopt the two stage approach as formalized by Theis et al. [18]. The first (parameter estimation) stage of both proposed algorithms uses clustering of feature vectors constructed from the Gabor (or STFT) coefficients of the mixtures to estimate the mixing parame1. INTRODUCTION ters (see Section 3). In the second (source extraction) stage, one algorithm uses an `q minimization based approach, with q < 1 while BSS algorithms can be categorized according to the assumptions the other algorithm uses a modified `1 minimization approach, to they make about the mixing model. Thus, one can classify them as estimate the sources in the STFT domain (see Sections 4.1 and 4.2, either instantaneous, anechoic or echoic and as either under-determined, respectively). even-determined, or over-determined. Moreover, to make the probSimulation results highlight the benefits of the proposed algolem tractable, one usually needs to make certain assumptions about rithms. the nature of the sources. Several methods exist that attempt to solve the BSS problem under various assumptions and conditions, see, 2. MIXING MODEL AND STATEMENT OF THE e.g., [15]. PROBLEM One such method, independent component analysis (ICA) (e.g., [9], [2]) is based on the assumption that the sources are statistiSuppose we have n time domain sources s1 (t), . . . , sn (t) and m cally independent. In this case, ICA can extract n sources from mixtures x1 (t), . . . , xm (t) such that n recorded instantaneous mixtures of these sources. In fact, [11] n X and [10] show that ICA can be expanded into the case of instanxi (t) = aij sj (t − δij ), i = 1, 2, . . . , m (1) taneous under-determined mixtures (where there are more sources j=1 than mixtures). An alternative approach to the BSS problem for under-determined where m < n and akj ∈ R+ and δkj ∈ R are attenuation coeffiinstantaneous mixtures is to assume that the sources have a sparse cients and time delays associated with the path from the j th source expansion with respect to some basis (or redundant dictionary). In to the ith receiver, respectively. Equation (1) defines an anechoic this case, one can formulate the source extraction problem as a conmixing model. Without loss of generality, we set δ1j = 0 for j = strained `1 minimization problem, which typically yields a convex 1, . . . , n and we scale the source functions sj such that program [4], [12], [13]. m X There are also algorithms that demix under-determined anechoic a2ij = 1 (2) mixtures. One such algorithm, presented in [1] employs a comi=1 plex independent component analysis technique to solve the BSS for j = 1, . . . , n. problem for electroencephalographic (EEG) data. This approach inUsing an appropriate window and taking the STFT of x1 ,. . . ,xm , volves solving a permutation problem as well as identifying whether the mixing model (1) can now be expressed as sources extracted from various bands correspond to one another or not. ˆ (τ, ω) = A(ω)ˆs(τ, ω), x (3) Another algorithm to demix under-determined anechoic mixwhere tures, called DUET, was proposed by Yilmaz and Rickard [19]. This ˆ = [ˆ x x1 . . . x ˆm ]T , ˆs = [ˆ s1 . . . sˆn ]T , (4) algorithm uses sparsity of speech signals in the short time Fourier x ˆi and sˆj denote the STFT of xi and sj , respectively, and Rayan Saab and Rafeef Abugharbieh are with the Department of Elec2 3 a11 ... a1n trical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia. −iωδ −iωδ 21 2n ¨ ur Yılmaz is with the Department of Mathematics, The University 6 a21 e 7 Ozg¨ . . . a2n e 6 7 of British Columbia. A(ω) = 6 (5) 7. .. .. .. 4 5 . . . Martin J. McKeown is with Department of Medicine (Neurology), Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre, The University of British Columbia am1 e−iωδm1 . . . amn e−iωδmn In this paper, we address the problem of under-determined blind source separation (BSS), mainly for speech signals, in an anechoic environment. Our approach is based on exploiting the sparsity of Gabor expansions of speech signals. For parameter estimation, we adopt the clustering approach of DUET [19]. However, unlike in the case of DUET where only two mixtures are used, we use all available mixtures to get more precise estimates. For source extraction, we propose two methods, both of which are based on constrained optimization. Our first method uses a constrained `q (0 < q ≤ 1) approach, and our second method uses a constrained “modified” `1 minimization approach. In both cases, our algorithms use all available mixtures, and are suited to the anechoic mixing scenario. Experiments indicate that the performances of the proposed algorithms are superior compared to DUET in many different settings.

Note that (2) ensures that the column vectors of A have unit norm. Henceforth, we will replace the continuous STFT with the equivalent discrete counterpart, i.e., the Gabor coefficients – the samples of the STFT of s on a sufficiently dense lattice in the TF plane given by sˆj [k, l] = sˆj (kτ0 , lω0 ) (6) where τ0 and ω0 are the time-frequency lattice parameters. Similar notation will be used for the mixing matrix A and the Gabor coefficients of the mixtures xi . Our approach throughout the rest of the paper is based on the following assumption about the Gabor expansions of speech signals. Sparsity assumption: Gabor expansions of speech signals are sparse in that few coefficients will capture most of the signal power (see e.g., [19]). 3. MIXING MODEL RECOVERY In this section, we will describe our method for the recovery of the mixing model parameters, i.e., the delay and attenuation coefficients. Successful extraction of these parameters relies on the sparsity of speech in the STFT domain, which we briefly discuss next. 3.1. Speech Sparsity in the STFT domain In [19], it was shown that Gabor expansions of speech signals are sparse. For further illustration of the sparsity exhibited by speech in the STFT domain, in Figure 1 we show the average cumulative powers of the sorted Gabor (STFT) coefficients, the average cumulative power of the time domain sources and of their Fourier (DFT) coefficients. We observe that the STFT with a window of 64ms duration demonstrates superior performance in terms of sparsity, capturing 98% of the total signal power with only approximately 9% of the coefficients. Cumulative Power Distribution for STFT with Various Window Sizes, Original Signal, Frequency Domain Signal 100 99.5

Here k · k denotes the Euclidean norm and as in [19], ˆj [k, l] ˆ j1 [k, l] := − 1 ∠ x ∆ . lω0 x ˆ1 [k, l]


Remarks: 1. The first m-dimensions of the resulting feature vectors correspond to points on the unit sphere of Rm . 2. If only one source sJ is nonzero at a TF point, the feature vector at that TF point will reduce to F[k, l]

= [ a1J :=






δmJ ]



Thus, the feature vectors calculated at any TF point [k, l] at which source J is the only active source will be identical, and equal to FJ . The sparsity assumption for the sources in the TF domain means that we expect an abundance of points where only one source is active. Thus, we use a clustering approach, such as k-means, in the feature space to estimate the delay and attenuation parameters of the mixing model. In summary, the proposed Parameter Estimation Algorithm is as follows. ˆ [k, l] at every TF point [k, l]. 1. Compute the mixture vector x 2. At every TF point [k, l], compute the corresponding feature vector F [k, l], as in (7), 3. Perform some clustering algorithm (e.g., k-means) to find the n cluster centers in the feature space. The cluster centers will yield preliminary estimates a ¯ij and δ¯ij of the mixing parameters aij and δij , respectively, via (9). 4. Normalize the attenuation coefficients to obtain the final attenuation parameter estimates a ˜ij , i.e., m X a ˜ij := a ¯ij /( a ¯2ij )1/2 . i=1

Percentage of the Power


The final delay parameter estimates are given by δ˜ij := δ¯ij .

98.5 98 97.5



The cluster centers, obtained as described above, can be used to construct the estimated mixing matrix

96.5 STFT: 32ms window STFT: 64ms window STFT: 128ms window Time domain signal Frequency domain signal

96 95.5 95



40 60 Percentage of Points




Fig. 1. Average cumulative power of 50 3-second speech signals in time domain, frequency (Fourier) domain, and TF domain for window sizes of 32ms, 64ms and 128ms. The STFT with 32ms and 64ms window length yield significantly sparser representations of the data (more power in fewer coefficients).


a ˜11 e−ilω0 δ11 ˜ 6 ˜21 e−ilω0 δ21 6 a ˜ =6 A[l] . 6 .. 4 ˜ a ˜m1 e−ilω0 δm1

... ... .. . ...

Consider the feature vectors at each TF point [k,l] given by ˛ ˛ ˛ h˛ ˛ xˆ1 [k,l] ˛ ˛ xˆm [k,l] ˛ ··· ˛kˆx[k,l]k ˛ ˛kˆx[k,l]k ˛ i F[k, l] := ˆ 21 [k, l] ˆ m1 [k, l] . ∆ ··· ∆ (7)

3 7 7 7. 7 5


˜ is a unit vector in Cm . Note that each column vector of A[l] Our goal in this section is to compute “good” estimates se1 , se2 , ..., sen of the original sources s1 , s2 , ..., sn , which must satisfy ˜ se [k, l] = x A[l]ˆ ˆ[k, l],

3.2. Parameter Estimation via Clustering


a ˜1n e−ilω0 δ1n ˜ a ˜2n e−ilω0 δ2n .. . ˜mn −ilω0 δ a ˜mn e


where ˆse = [ˆ se1 , ...ˆ sen ]T is the vector of source estimates in the TF domain. At each TF point [k, l], (11) provides m equations (corresponding to the m available mixtures) with n > m unknowns (ˆ se1 , ...ˆ sen ). Assuming that this system of equations is consistent, it has infinitely many solutions. To choose a reasonable estimate among these infinitely many solutions, we shall exploit the sparsity of the sources in the TF domain.

4.1. Algorithm 1: Constrained `q minimization

˜ as in (10), 1. Construct the estimated mixing matrix A[l]

We wish to find, at each time frequency point, the “sparsest” ˆ se that solves (11). This problem can be formally stated as

2. Find the estimated source vector ˆ se [k, l] by solving:

˜se = x min kˆ se ksparse subject to Aˆ ˆ, e ˆ s


where kxksparse denotes some measure of sparsity of the vector x. Given a vector x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ C n , one measure of its sparsity is given by the number of the non-zero components of x, commonly denoted by kxk0 . Replacing kxksparse in (12) with kxk0 , we get the so-called P0 problem, e.g., [7]. Solving P0 is, in general, combinatorial and the solution is very sensitive to noise. More importantly, the sparsity assumption we have for the Gabor coefficients of speech signals essentially suggests that most of the coefficients are very small, however not identically zero. In this case, P0 fails tremendously, since the sparsity is measured as the number of nonzero components which does not take into account the size of the components at all. Alternatively, one can consider X kxkq := ( |xi |q )1/q , i

where 0 < q ≤ 1, as a measure of sparsity. Here, the smaller we choose q, the more importance we attach to the sparsity of x, e.g., [6]. Moreover, this sparsity measure takes into account the size of the components. Motivated by this, we propose to compute the vector of source estimates ˆ se by solving at each TF point [k, l] the Pq problem which is defined by replacing kxksparse in (12) with kxkq .

˜ se [k, l] = x Pq : min kˆ se [k, l]kq subject to A[l]ˆ ˆ[k, l]. e ˆ s [k,l]

(14) for some 0 < q < 1. (In the experiments section, we shall observe that a choice of 0.1 ≤ q ≤ 0.5 is desirable.) 3. After repeating steps 1 and 2 for all TF points, reconstruct se (t), the time domain estimate of the sources, from the estimated Gabor coefficients. 4.2. Algorithm 2: Constrained “Modified” `1 Minimization Motivated by the sparsity of the sources, we consider a “modified” version of (14) with q = 1. We are thus trying to find the solution of 

˜ se [k, l] = x A[l]ˆ ˆ[k, l] ˆ se [k, l]cl 6= 0 ˆ s [k,l] (15) where ˆ se [k, l]cl is the component of the source estimate that corre˜ that has the largest inner product with sponds to the column of A[l] the mixture feature-vector x[k, l]. In other words, we are imposing an additional constraint by looking for a solution that incorporates the source that is “closest” to the observation. Thus, we are assuming that the observation vector is comprised mainly of a contribution from one source; the other sources could also be active, but to a lesser degree. This leads to the following algorithm. At each TF point [k, l]: e

P1,mod : min kˆ s [k, l]k1 subject to e

4.1.1. Solving Pq

˜ as in (10), 1. Construct the estimated mixing matrix A[l]

The optimization problem Pq is not convex, thus computationally challenging. Under certain conditions on the sparsity of x, it can be shown that a near minimizer can be obtained by solving the convex P1 problem, see [5, 7, 14]. However, we do not want to impose any a priori conditions on the sparsity of the Gabor coefficients of the source vectors. Without such conditions, only local optimization algorithms are known in the literature [14]. Below, we show that the Pq problem with 0 < q < 1 can be solved in combinatorial time.

2. Find the estimated source vector ˆ se [k, l] by solving (15).

Theorem 1 Let A = [a1 |a2 | . . . |an ] be an n × m matrix with n > m, Aij ∈ C, and the column vectors ai have unit norm. Suppose A is full rank. For 0 < q < 1, the Pq problem min kskq subject to As = x, s

where x ∈ Cn , has a solution s∗ = (s∗1 , ...s∗n ) which has k ≤ m non-zero components. Moreover, if the non-zero components of s∗ are s∗i(j) , j = 1, . . . , k, then the corresponding column vectors {ai(j) : j = 1, . . . , k} of A are linearly independent. The proof of this theorem is elementary and can be found in [17]. Theorem 1 makes the Pq problem computationally tractable, shows that there are only finitely many solutions of Pq , and suggests a combinatorial algorithm to solve Pq . More precisely, let A be the set of all m × m invertible sub-matrices of A (we know that A is non-empty as A is full rank). Then the solution of Pq will be given by the solution of min kB −1 xB kq where B ∈ A.


Here for B `= ´[ai(1) | · · · |ai(m) ], xB := [xi(1) · · · xi(m) ]. Noting n that #A ≤ m , (13) is a combinatorial problem. Based on the discussion in the previous sections, we now present our separation algorithm. At each TF point [k, l]:

3. After repeating steps 1 and 2 for all TF points, reconstruct se (t), the time domain estimate of the sources, from the estimated Gabor coefficients. 4.3. Variation to the Algorithms We introduce a variation to the algorithm whereby ρ is a user set parameter utilized to improve the algorithms’ estimates of the sources and also to increase sparsity. Thus, at each TF point we remove the estimates of the smallest sources whose combined power contribution is less than 100(1 − ρ)% of the total power at that TF point. Consequently, for ρ = 0 only the highest estimate is kept, and for ρ = 1 all estimates are kept. 5. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS To assess the performance of the algorithm, we used an anechoic room mixing model [16]. The simulated scenario involved 3 microphones and 5 sources placed in the room. We performed an experiment extracting the sources from the mixtures using both proposed algorithms, and repeated the experiment 60 times by varying the speech sources and their locations in the room. We also compare the results to those of DUET. We report the results in Figure 2 in terms of Signal-to-Artifact (SAR), Signal-to-Interference (SIR) and Signal-to- Distortion (SDR) Ratios defined as in [8]. We can see that for algorithm 1, the best SDR performance occurs at q = 0.1, while the best SIR performance occurs at q = 0.2. In other simulations that we have performed involving different numbers of sources and sensors, and which we do not report here for lack of space, we note that the best performance is usually obtained for 0.1 < q < 0.5.

Average SAR for estimated sources (n=5, m=3)

Average SIR for estimated sources (n=5, m=3)


20 18




14 12








8 6



Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2 DUET

3.5 3 0





Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2 DUET

2 1

0 0






(a) SAR

(b) SIR




Average SDR for estimated sources (n=5, m=3) 6



[7] SDR





Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2 DUET


−6 0





[9] 1



(c) SDR

Fig. 2. SAR, SIR and SDR obtained from demixing 5 mixtures of 10 sources using the two proposed algorithms with various choices for the quasi-norm q (for Algorithm 1) and with ρ = 0.4 for both algorithms.

[11] [12]

6. CONCLUSION We have presented two BSS algorithms for under-determined, anechoic mixtures that adopt a two step approach combining the strengths of constrained minimization and DUET. In the first stage of both algorithms we compose appropriate feature vectors and use them to extract the parameters of the mixing model via clustering. Following this blind mixing model recovery stage we perform a blind source extraction stage, for which we proposed two algorithms. The first algorithm is based on `q minimization, and the second algorithm is based on a modified version of `1 minimization. Both algorithms perform the demixing at every significant TF point separately, because our mixing matrix is frequency dependent. Our experimental results show that both algorithms outperform DUET. Moreover, it is noteworthy that algorithm 1 outperforms algorithm 2 for q < 0.8. The importance of these algorithms is that both allow the use of all available mixtures to perform separation in an under-determined anechoic mixing environment. 7. REFERENCES [1] J. Anemuller, T. Sejnowski, and S. Makeig, “Complex independent component analysis of frequency domain electroencephalographic data,” in Neural Networks, 2003, pp. 16:1311– 1323. [2] A. Bell and T. Sejnowski, “An information-maximization ap-




[16] [17]



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