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Jul 23, 2010 - Modelling of Spiking Neurons Using GPUs," Application-Specific Systems, ... ❖R. Stewart and W. Bair, "Spiking neural network simulation: ...
GPU-Based Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks with Real-Time Performance & High Accuracy Dmitri Yudanov, Muhammad Shaaban, Roy Melton, Leon Reznik

Department of Computer Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology United States WCCI 2010, IJCNN, July 23



Neural network models

Simulation systems of neural networks

Parker-Sochacki numerical integration method

CUDA GPU architecture

Implementation: software architecture, computation phases



Conclusion and future work


Motivation 

Other works: accuracy and verification problem J. Nageswaran, N. Dutt, J. Krichmar, A. Nicolau, and A. Veidenbaum, "A configurable simulation environment for the efficient simulation of large-scale spiking neural networks on graphics processors," Neural Networks, Jul. 2009. A. K. Fidjeland, E. B. Roesch, M. P. Shanahan, and W. Luk, "NeMo: A Platform for Neural Modelling of Spiking Neurons Using GPUs," Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, IEEE International Conference on, vol. 0, pp. 137-144, 2009. J.-P. Tiesel and A. S. Maida, "Using parallel GPU architecture for simulation of planar I/F networks," in , 2009, pp. 754--759.

To provide scalable accuracy  To perform direct verification  Based on: 

R. Stewart and W. Bair, "Spiking neural network simulation: numerical integration with the Parker-Sochacki method," Journal of Computational Neuroscience, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 115-33, Aug. 2009.

Neuron Models: IF, HH, IZ IF



IF: simple, but has poor spiking response

HH: has reach response, but complex

IZ: simple, has reach response, but phenomenological

System Modeling: Synchronous Systems 

Aligned events  good for parallel computing

Time quantization error introduced by dt

Smaller dt  more precise, but computation hangry

May result in missing events  STDP unfriendly

Order of computation per second of simulated time

N – network size F - average firing rate of a neuron p – average target neurons per spike source

R. Brette, et al.

System Modeling: Asynchronous Systems 

Small computation order

Events are unique in time  no quantization error more accurate, STDP friendly

Events are processed sequentially

More computation per unit-time

Spike predictor-corrector  excessive re-computation

Assumes analytical solution

Order of computation per second of simulated time N – network size F - average firing rate of a neuron p – average target neurons per spike source

R. Brette, et al.

System Modeling: Hybrid Systems 

Refreshes every dt  more structured than event-driven  good for parallel computing

Events are unique in time  no quantization error more accurate, STDP friendly

Doesn’t require analytical solution

Events are processed sequentially

Largest possible dt is limited by minimum delay and highest possible transient Order of computation per second of simulated time

N – network size, F - average firing rate of a neuron, p – average target neurons per spike source R. Brette, et al.

Choice of Numerical Integration Method 

Motivation: need to solve an IVP

Euler: compute next y based on tangent to current y

Modified Euler: predict with Euler, correct with average slope

Runge-Kutta 4th Order: evaluate and average

Bulirsch–Stoer: modified midpoint method with evaluation and error tolerance check using extrapolation with rational functions. Adaptive order. Generally more suited for smooth functions.

Parker-Sochacki: express IVP as power series. Adaptive order

Parcker-Sochacki Method A typical IVP:

Assume that solution function can be represented with power series. Therefore, its derivative based on Maclaurin series properties is

Parcker-Sochacki Method If

is linear:

Shift it to eliminate constant term: As a result, the equation becomes:

With finite order N:

 

LLP Parallel reduction

Parcker-Sochacki Method If

is quadratic:

Shift it to eliminate constant term: As a result, the equation becomes:

Quadratic term can be converted with series multiplication:

Parcker-Sochacki Method and the equation becomes:

With finite order N:

Loop-carried circular dependence on d

Only partial parallelism possible

Parcker-Sochacki Method 

Local Lipschitz constant determines the number of iterations for achieving certain error tolerance:

Power series representation  adaptive order  error tolerance control

Limitations:  Cauchy product reduces parallelism


     

Kernel: code separate, task division Thread Block (1D, 2D, 3D) Grid (1D, 2D) Divide computation based on IDs Granularity: bit level (after warp bcast access)


Scheduling 

Scheduling: parallel and sequential

Scalability  requirement for blocks to be independent

Warp 

Warp = 32 threads

Warp divergence

Warp level synchronization

Active blocks and threads: 

Active threads / SM: maximum1024

Goal: full occupancy = 1024 threads

Software Architecture

Update Phase

Stewart and Bair

Adaptive order p according to required error tolerance

Can be processed in parallel for each neuron

Propagation Phase

Translate spikes to synaptic events: global communication is required

Encoded spikes are written to the global memory: bit mask + time values

A propagation block reads and filters all spikes, decodes, fetches synaptic data and distributes into time slots

Sorting Phase

Satish et al.

Software Architecture

Results: Verification Input Conditions 

Random parameter allocation

Random connectivity

Zero PS error tolerance

GPU Device: GTX 260

CPU Device: AMD Opteron 285

24 symmetric multiprocessors

Dual core

Shared memory size, 16 KB / SM

L2 cache size, 1 KB / core

Global memory size, 938 MB

RAM size, 4 GB

Clock rate, 1.3 GHz

Clock rate, 2.6 GHz

Output 

Membrane potential traces

Passed test for equality

Results: Simulation Time vs. Network Size 250

Simulation Time, sec.













0 2







Network size, 1000 x neurons 

Conditions: 80% excitatory / 20% inhibitory synapses, zero tolerance, 10 sec of simulation, initially excited by 0 – 200 pA current.

Results: GPU simulation 8-9 times faster, RT performance for 2-4% - connected networks with size 2048 – 4096 neurons.

Major limiting factors: shared memory, number of SM


Results: Simulation Time vs. Event Throughput 410

Simulation Time, sec.










310 260 210 160

110 60 10 0






Mean Event Throughput, 1000 x events/(sec. x neuron) 

Conditions: increasing excitatory / inhibitory ratio from 0.8/0.2 to0.98/0.02, network of 4096 neurons, zero tolerance, 10 sec of simulation, initially excited by 0 – 200 pA current.

Results: GPU simulation 6-9 times faster, up to 10,000 events per sec per neuron. RT performance for 0-2% - connected networks with size of 2048 – 4096.

Major limiting factors: shared memory, number of SM


Results: Comparison with Other Works Metric Increase in speed Network Size Connectivity per neuron Accuracy Verification

This Work

Other works


6 – 9, RT

10 – 35, RT

2K - 8K

16K - 200K

GPU device, complexity of computation, numerical integration methods, simulation type, time scale

100 - 1.3K

100 – 1K

Full single precision FP




Numerical integration method

Conclusion  

Implemented high-accurate PS-based hybrid system of spiking neural network with IZ neurons on GPU Directly verified implementation

Future Work 

   

Add accurate STDP implementation Characterize accuracy in relation to signal processing, network size, network speed, learning Provide an example of application Port to Open CL Further optimization

Q&A Essential Bibliography R. Brette, et al., "Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies," Journal of Computational Neurscience, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 349-398, 2007. R. Stewart and W. Bair, "Spiking neural network simulation: numerical integration with the Parker-Sochacki method," Journal of Computational Neuroscience, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 115-33, Aug. 2009. G. E. Parker and J. S. Sochacki, "Implementing the Picard iteration," Neural, Parallel Sci. Comput., vol. 4, pp. 97--112, 1996. E. M. Izhikevich, "Simple model of spiking neurons," Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 14, pp. 1569--1572, 2003. N. Satish, M. Harris, and M. Garland, "Designing efficient sorting algorithms for manycore GPUs," in , 2009, pp. 1--10. (2010, Apr.) CUDA Data Parallel Primitives Library. [Accessed online 04/30/2010]. (2008) NVIDIA CUDA Programming Guide 2.3. [Accessed online 04/30/2010].

Other works J. Nageswaran, N. Dutt, J. Krichmar, A. Nicolau, and A. Veidenbaum, "A configurable simulation environment for the efficient simulation of large-scale spiking neural networks on graphics processors," Neural Networks, Jul. 2009. A. K. Fidjeland, E. B. Roesch, M. P. Shanahan, and W. Luk, "NeMo: A Platform for Neural Modelling of Spiking Neurons Using GPUs," Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, IEEE International Conference on, vol. 0, pp. 137-144, 2009. J.-P. Tiesel and A. S. Maida, "Using parallel GPU architecture for simulation of planar I/F networks," in , 2009, pp. 754--759.