School of Applied Sciences, Dept of Natural Resources, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL, UK(m.kampouraki.s04, g.a.wood, t.brewer)
KEY WORDS: Object, Segmentation, Classification, Urban, Mapping, Remote Sensing, Semi-automation
ABSTRACT: Monitoring the sealing-over of the soil surface by impermeable material in urban environments is of great interest as a key indicator of sustainable land use. Many studies have attempted to automatically classify surface impermeability by using satellite or aerial imagery. Air photo interpretation (API) has been used as a method to verify their accuracy. However, independent accuracy assessments of API have not been widely reported. The aims of this research are, firstly, to investigate independent accuracy assessments of API. Secondly, to determine whether object-based image analysis could replace manual interpretation for the detection of sealed soil and vegetated surfaces at the residential garden plot level. Four study areas, representing the industrial, commercial and residential parts of Cambridge, UK, were manually digitised and classified by API. The same areas were automatically segmented and manually classified with the use of eCognition software, Definiens Professional 5. The two methods were compared and the average overall mapping agreement was estimated to be 92%. The disagreement was qualitatively analysed and the advantages and disadvantages of each method were discussed. The very high agreement between the two methods in conjunction with the benefits of the automated method led to the conclusion that automated segmentation using eCognition has a considerable potential to replace the manual boundary delineation when true-colour aerial photography is used.
1. INTRODUCTION Soil is an important natural resource that is threatened by many ways, including by soil sealing. A suitable qualification of whether a soil is sealed or not is to assess whether it is permeable. There are few internationally recognised definitions of soil sealing (Burghardt et al. 2004). The European Union (EU) accepts that “soil sealing refers to changing the nature of the soil such that it behaves as an impermeable medium and describes the covering or sealing of the soil surface by impervious materials by, for example, concrete, metal, glass, tarmac and plastic” (EEA glossary 2006). Grenzdörffer (2005) considered a soil to be sealed when it is covered by an impervious material and categorised sealed areas as either builtup or non-built-up areas. 1.1 Monitoring soil sealing The most detail mapping of soil sealing was carried by the Office for Urban Drainage Systems in Dresden, Germany. They used aerial photography, at 1:50,000 scale, and digitized soil sealing values for the whole city by air photo interpretation (API). The degree of sealing was estimated for each housing plot (Meinel and Hernig 2005). Additionally, a variety of projects have been undertaken in Europe to develop automated methods for detecting soil sealing at European, national or regional scales by using remote sensing image classification techniques based on pixel procedures. The argument for using object based image analysis over pixelbased methods will not be repeated here (see Blaschke and Strobl 2001; Caprioli and Tarantino 2003; Yuan and Bauer 2006). Object-based image analysis is based on sensible pixel groupings and is, therefore, more representative of the systematic process carried out in API. Delineating image
objects by ‘segmentation’ in the digital domain is analogous to API boundary delineation. Automatic segmentation is not new (Blaschke and Strobl 2001). Existing algorithms include texture segmentation, watershed information and mean shift, but none of them have proved to be a robust, operational approach (Zhou and Wang, 2006). More recently, with the introduction of eCognition software, from Definiens Imaging GmbH, homogeneous image object extraction, over a range of image object sizes, is now possible. The objects extracted during the segmentation process are then later classified. Many research studies attempted to identify surface impermeability and the degree of soil sealing in urban environments by using object- based digital techniques (Hodgson et al. 2003, Cothern and Gorham 2005, Grenzdorffer 2005, Yan and Bauer 2006). In most cases, the classification results were compared with an air photo interpretation of orthorectified aerial photography. API is considered de facto as the most accurate procedure for mapping land cover and none of the studies cited determines the appropriateness of using API methods to assess the accuracy of boundary delineation for landcover mapping. API is also subjective, time consuming, expensive, labour intensive, and requires skilled operators. This paper aims to evaluate manual classification of aerial photography by comparing it with results produced using eCognition. The work specifically focuses on the segmentation stage of the process, where API will be compared with semiautomated object-based procedures. The scope is to investigate whether object-based image analysis could replace the traditional way of manual digitising and visual labelling for the detection of sealed soil and vegetated surfaces at the residential garden plot level.
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 The study area The study area is the city of Cambridge, UK. The data source acquired for the analysis is ortho-rectified aerial photography, taken in June-July 2003 at 0.125 m spatial resolution and scanned to an 8 bit RGB format. Four study areas of 250 by 250 m were selected as representative land covers of the built environment: two types of residential, one commercial and an industrial part of Cambridge (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. (i) 1960’s semi-detached residential area with large gardens, (ii) Densely built Victorian terrace house residential area with small, narrow gardens (iii) City centre commercial area with tall buildings, densely built, predominantly sealed, (iv) Industrial area mainly sealed with little green space. Cities Revealed® copyright by The GeoInformation® Group, 1996 and Crown Copyright© All rights reserved 2.2 Manual classification The four study areas were manually segmented by on-screen digitising using ArcGIS® software at 1:200 scale for two main reasons: (a) a 2 m minimum mapping unit (4m2 area) was deemed to provide a good threshold for extracting urban features found in the built environment of Cambridge, and (b) a larger scale than 1:200 revealed a higher degree of pixelation which was difficult to interpret. Features smaller than 4 m2 on the ground, were ignored even though they could be seen (i.e. small individual trees, narrow footpaths in back gardens, or small areas of shadow). The manual digitisation followed manual labelling of the produced polygons by aerial photo interpretation. Vegetated surfaces were equated to unsealed soil, and non-vegetated surfaces were equated to sealed soils. Only shadow cast on ground surfaces were classified as ‘shadow’; sides of buildings in shadow, visible due to relief displacement, were interpreted as ‘sealed’. Seven land cover classes were used: sealed surfaces, vegetation, trees, shadow, rail tracks, bare soil and temporary features. Shadow was further classified as ‘sealed surface in shadow’, ‘grass in shadow’, ‘tree in shadow’, and ‘mixed or unclassified shadow’ when it was impossible to identify the kind of objects in the shadow.
2.3 Semi-automated classification The four study areas were automatically segmented with the use of eCognition software, Definiens Professional version 5. A new feature of eCognition v.5 is the process editor. A single process represents an individual operation of an image analysis routine and defines an algorithm which is executed on a specific image object domain. The image object domain describes the area of interest where the algorithm will be executed in the image hierarchy (Definiens User Guide 2006) and can either be the raw data at the pixel level, all of the image objects or a specific class in a specific level of the hierarchy. The flexibility of the new version gives the ability to apply rules in a specific class domain of the class hierarchy that suits local conditions in an image. The first study area examined was the industrial area. After several empirical trials the image was segmented into two levels. At the upper level, the best values for each parameter were found to be: scale=225, shape= 0.3, compactness= 0.7, weight of red band= 2, weight of green band = 4 and weight of blue band= 1. Using these parameters, the image sample was segmented into the coarse classes of sealed, unsealed and shadowed areas. High values of compactness along with larger weights in the red and green wave bands resulted in a better discrimination between trees (highly compacted objects) and other vegetated surfaces. The image was then manually classified with the manual editing tool. The manual classification followed the same pattern and criteria used with the API. The classes identified were: sealed surfaces, vegetation, trees, shadow, rail tracks and mixed areas. The ‘mixed areas’ class represents the regions of the image which are not satisfactorily segmented and require a lower scale parameter in order to create meaningful objects. Consequently, the ‘mixed areas’ class was re-segmented with a scale parameter value equal to 40; all other parameters remained the same (Fig. 2). Every individual neighbour polygon assigned to the same class was merged at both segmentation levels. The whole process rule set was saved and used for the image analysis of the remaining study areas. The same methodology and identical parameter values (rules) were used in the three other urban areas, in order to determine the transportability of the rules to areas where the urban land cover is different.
i) ii) Figure 2. (i) Part of the industrial area: segmentation at scale 225 and manual classification, (ii) The bright areas are the mixed areas which were later re-segmented at scale 40 and manually re-classified
2.4 Accuracy assessment The results from eCognition were exported to ArcGIS® as smoothed polygons in vector format. The accuracy of the results was quantitatively assessed by comparison with the visual interpretation of the ortho-rectified aerial photography by cross-tabulation. The maps were also qualitatively analysed in order to understand any differences between the two approaches.
3. RESULTS –DISCUSSION 3.1 Quantitative Analysis When the produced maps were compared in vector format the accuracy assessment showed very low agreement between the two methods, average 28-29%. This can be explained by the fact that although the two segmentations look very similar the boundaries of each polygon do not match perfectly. This is mainly due to the way digital classification follows a pixel pattern while the interpreter digitizes with smoother lines. The result is the production of many insignificant ‘sliver’ polygons and, hence, the artificial underestimation of the overall mapping accuracy. To solve this boundary problem and to eliminate the sliver polygons, the vector files were converted to a raster format with cell size= 0.125 m (equivalent to the pixel resolution of the aerial photography). The two raster formats, of each sample area, were combined and the attribute table was exported to Excel for the production of the contingency tables, also known as confusion matrices. The accuracy for each study area was: industrial area 96.3%, commercial area 94% (Table 1), residential area (semi-detached houses) 89% and residential area (dense terrace houses) 90%. The Kappa statistics showed a very good overall agreement between the two methods with values between 0.841-0.895 for each study area. Because the polygons were attributed manually in both methods, the high agreement was expected (92% on average). Perhaps of greater interest is the 7-8% disagreement.
Classification of the ‘Commercial’ study area eCognition 1 2 3 4 Total Producer 1276 30439 1 2906 5081 4979 95% 249
2 7526
Total User
3 1092 4
15199 0 4811
1167 40
16360 1
2538 6 5887 67 7428 53
1 5211 0 2976 806
30 1070
1092 30 1097
39 11964 7 18939 4 64702 0 40000 00
91% 80% 91%
Table 1. The confusion matrix indicates correspondence between the semi-automated classification and the API classification of sealing In order to examine the eCognition’s performance at the different classes individually, the geometric mean (or g-mean) of every class in each confusion matrix was calculated. The nearer the g-mean is to unity the more successful eCognition is at predicting the correct land cover class. The geometric mean is defined in equation 1 (Kubat et al., 1998):
g − mean = TP * P where
TP= the true positive rate also called the producer accuracy P= the index of precision also called the user accuracy
The best prediction was within the ‘sealed’ class with an average g-mean of 0.95 followed by the ‘vegetation’ class with
an average g-mean=0.88. The lowest values of the geometric mean of each study area was in the classes ‘shadow’ and trees’ with an average of 0.85 and 0.84 respectively. These two classes were visually examined in the ArcGIS® for a qualitative analysis and a better understanding of the differences between the two methods. 3.2 Qualitative analysis Close scrutiny of the ‘trees’ and ‘shadow’ classes of each study has identified the main reasons causing the differences between manual delineation and eCognition’s segmentation. These are: (i) thematic discrepancy, (ii) mixed pixels/ spectral confusion between classes, (iii) eCognition’s more detail boundary delineation; follows a pixel pattern and (iv) human’s intelligence to identify real objects and not image objects. Many examples of misclassification were due to human error. First of all, in few cases a land cover feature was successfully segmented it was manually labelled in a wrong land cover class. Secondly, when the manual digitising was compared with the automated segmentation, some surface objects greater than the proposed 4 m2 were found to have been omitted. These same objects were successfully recognized in eCognition. The omitted features were predominantly shadow or individual trees, either in back gardens or along streets. Sometimes, especially for trees, the reason they were not digitised was because they had low contrast with neighbouring objects and were not distinct enough to be easily identified. At 1:200 scale, it is sometimes difficult for the human eye to distinguish a tree when it is next to grass. This depends on the type of tree and the condition of the grass, as they affect the intrinsic contrast between object tones. It also depends on the levels of illumination and quality of the photograph or scan. A larger scale can help to overcome this, but the delineation of the boundary is less precise and difficult to digitise. Consequently, there is a high probability that such features will be missed by API. eCognition automatically recognised these cases due to subtly different textures (internal object tonal variability) in the tree canopies; trees are very compact with a ‘rough’ texture, while grass is more monotone. Again, this may vary depending on image quality. A big advantage of using eCognition is that the image can be segmented at scales larger than 1:200. In many examples, eCognition has extracted features that were lost in the API due to this threshold. If automated segmentation is used for boundary delineation, a fixed scale is not necessary and the image can be analysed in greater detail compared to API. Conversely, there are cases where eCognition has not satisfactorily identified or separated features, for example, the fusion of individual trees with the shadow next to them and also the misidentification of smooth textured trees with bushes or grass. But this discrimination was also difficult during the API and therefore this misclassification can occur in the manual digitising. Examples of these misclassifications are infrequent and can be considered less important for mapping sealing, since both these classes are indicators of unsealed soil. A significant difference between the API and the image segmentation is that eCognition identifies image objects, which are not always real world objects. A very good example is shown in Figure 3. The interpreter ignores the fact that part of the tree is in shadow and digitises a polygon in a rounded shape following the canopy shape. eCognition segments the same feature according to spectral difference. So, most of the tree is correctly identified but the part of it being in shade is being merged with the ‘shadow’ polygon. None of both ways to segment the image is wrong.
Figure 3. In light grey is the agreement between the two methods (same as eCognition’s segmentation in this example). In dark grey is the rest of the API segmentation; human identifies a tree in a rounded shape Another good example is the discrimination between shadow cast on the ground surfaces and shadow due to relief displacement. The interpreter has the intelligence to identify the two different types of shadow and the dark sides of the buildings have been identified as sealed surfaces. eCognition cannot distinguish dark areas from the shadow and identifies them as one feature. Furthermore, regarding shadow produced by buildings and by chimneys. The interpreter can ignore the latter by digitising the shadow polygon along the roof edge. But eCognition has created one polygon with both shadow types included in it. Both differences will be eliminated when shadow will be reclassified according to the land cover types during automated classification. Problems will occur if different features are classified with this type of shadow polygon. The automated segmentation has the advantage of being much less time consuming, especially if rule sets can be universally applied. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are summarised in Table 2.
led to the conclusion that eCognition can replace the manual method of on-screen digitisation of aerial photography. This research study will continue by exploring eCognition’s automated classification using the ‘membership function’ approach. This will prove whether API can be replaced by a completely automated method. In the future automated classification, shadow will be reclassified and assigned to a specific land cover class. This procedure has already been done manually during API but has not been used as only segmentation (and not classification) was compared in this paper. If the work was to be repeated again, the most complicated sample area should be used first in order to find the appropriate values of the segmentation’s parameters. In this way, fewer ‘mixed areas’ will need to be manually classified in order to run the segmentation again in a smaller level by using object domains (applicable in eCognition Professional v5). Advantages
4. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, two approaches for mapping urban land cover (for the purposes of identifying sealed soils) using true colour orthorectified aerial photography have been presented. The traditional technique of aerial photo interpretation (API) has been used to compare against new automated methods for boundary delineation, with the use of eCognition software. A quantitative analysis showed a very high agreement between the two methods across a range of different UK urban land use types: 1960s residential, Victorian residential, commercial, and industrial. Both methods identify features at multi-scales and use shape, context and proximity information. The great benefit of eCognition is that once the user finds the appropriate parameters for a satisfactory segmentation and classification then these can instantly be applied in other areas with similar land cover. Consequently, the automated analysis is objective and quick in contrary to the subjective and very time consuming API. eCognition’s main disadvantage is that it cannot interpret an image as intelligently as a manual interpreter would, mainly because it does not recognise real objects, but identifies image objects, which can be spectrally confused. This can be overcome to an extent by applying fuzzy rules during the classification stage. The ability to work flexibly on specific parts of the image, allows the user to analyse the image in a way that replicates API. The benefits of the automated approach in conjunction with the high agreement that the quantitative analysis showed,
♦ Interpretation of real objects ♦ Identification of complex patterns and complex situations ♦ Ability to include or ignore features intelligently ♦ Multi-scale representation ♦ Use of shape, context, neighbourhood relationships ♦ Objective (the rules and chosen parameters are subjective but the rules are applied to the whole image objectively) ♦ Multi-scale representation ♦ Hierarchical connection between multiscales ♦ Use of shape, context, neighbourhood relationships ♦ Transferable rules: boundaries reproduced automatically across different data sets ♦ Quick method
Disadvantages ♦ Subjective ♦ Time consuming ♦ A fixed scale is necessary ♦ Inconsistency in the use of a steady scale to the whole image ♦ Human error ♦ Imprecise boundary delineation ♦ Identification of image objects, not real objects ♦ Inability to include or ignore features intelligently ♦ Fusion of real objects due to spectral confusion
Table 2. The advantages and disadvantages of using either API or eCognition to delineate real-world objects from remotely sensed imagery
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