A Novel Image/Video Coding Method Based on ... - IEEE Xplore

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kinds of natural image/videos by the proposed method. Index Terms— compressed sensing, discrete cosine transform, rate-distortion optimization, image/video ...

Quqing Chen, Zhibo Chen

Department of Electronic Engineering,

Thomson Corporate Research,

Tsinghua University, Beijing.


ABSTRACT Compressed Sensing (CS) has been recently proposed for more efficient signal compression and recovery at theoretical level. This paper proposes a new image/video coding approach combining the CS theory into the traditional discrete cosine transform (DCT) based coding method to achieve better compression efficiency for spatially sparse signal. Furthermore, this new approach is integrated into JPEG and H.264/AVC coding framework as a new coding mode. Rate-distortion optimization is employed for adaptive selection between the new coding mode and the conventional coding modes. Experimental results demonstrated remarkable coding gain for different kinds of natural image/videos by the proposed method.

Index Terms— compressed sensing, discrete cosine transform, rate-distortion optimization, image/video coding 1. INTRODUCTION Compressed sensing (CS) theory [1] is a newly proposed approach used in signal processing. By employing linear programming or other mathematical programming methods, it is able to recover originally spatially sparse signal from its incomplete frequency coefficients. Since a large quantity of image and video frames fit this criterion, increasing amount of research work has been done to incorporate the CS theory into this field. Existing image/video coding technologies can be classified into two categories based on different transform types: wavelet based image/video compression and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) based hybrid image/video coding. For example, JPEG2000 is the representative standard using wavelet based structure, while JPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.261, H.263, H.264/AVC, and VC-1 all employ the DCT based hybrid image/video coding framework, which is more widely used. However, all image/video coding methods mentioned above have the following limitation: if several frequency domain coefficients of the signal are removed, the reconstructed signals after inverse quantization and inverse transformation will never contain the exact information in the original signals, and distortions are introduced thereby. This is quite a normal rule in the existing compression theory. Another problem, especially for DCT coding, is the poor performance at edges of objects. A single sharp edge in a block can be rendered with significant distortion pattern after coding. Fortunately, the CS recovery criterion is based on minimum sum of absolute pixel value criterion, and blocks containing simple edges can be better reconstructed in this approach.

1-4244-1484-9/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE


Using CS theory in image coding has been studied theoretically in [2], [3] and [4]. Various experimental results of the methods above have also been given in [5]. For natural image coding, [6] has given a block based image compression method combining CS and wavelet transform. A comprehensive list of related works can be found at [7]. In our research, we focused on incorporating the CS theory with popular existing image/video coding schemes that employ DCT transform. Due to the characteristics of the DCT transform, the CS method can be embedded into the traditional coding and decoding system seamlessly, and much better reconstruction for blocks containing “edges” can also be achieved. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is an overview of the CS theory. Based on this, our new coding method is proposed and illustrated in Section 3. Corresponding experimental results are given in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes this topic. 2. COMPRESSED SENSING THEORY OVERVIEW The Shannon/Nyquist sampling theorem specifies that to avoid losing information while sampling a signal, at least twice the signal bandwidth should be covered. However, the compressed sensing method, which is also called compressive sampling by some other authors, can tolerate sampling and representing spatially sparse signals at a rate significantly below the Nyquist rate. It employs nonadaptive linear projections that preserve the structure of the signal; the signal is then reconstructed from these projections using an optimization programming process [1]. For a piece of finite-length, real-valued 1-D discrete signal x, its projection can be expressed as: x=


ψ i si = Ψs,



where x and s are N × 1 column vectors, and Ψ is an N × N basis matrix, with the vectors {ψ i } (i = 1, 2, · · · , N ) as columns. Clearly, if Ψ is full ranked, x and s are equivalent representations of the signal, s in the, for example, time or space domain and x in the Ψ domain. The signal x has a sparse representation if it is a linear combination of only K basis vectors. That is, only K coefficients of {si } (i = 1, 2, · · · , N ) in (1) are nonzero and the rest (N − K) ones are zero. The case of interest is K  N . The signal x is compressible if the representation (1) has just a few large coefficients and many small coefficients.


Take M (M < N ) linear, non-adaptive measurement of x through a linear invertible transform Ψ, namely, y = Φx = ΦΨs = Θs,


where Φ is an M × N matrix, M < N , and its M rows can each be considered as a basis vector, usually orthogonal. x is thus transformed, or down sampled, to an M × 1 vector y. Since M < N , the task of recovering s from y seems illconditioned. However, the additional assumption of the sparsity of s makes it possible and practical. The compressed sensing theory gives that when taking M  cK log N random measurements, where c is a small positive number affecting the probability of recovery, the signal s satisfying y = Θs can be exactly recovered under the minimum 1 -norm reconstruction with high probability [8], i.e.: ˆ = arg min s1 , s.t. Θs = y. s


For real valued signal s, the 1 -norm means the sum of absolute value of its non-zero components. This is a convex optimization problem that can be conveniently reduced to a linear program known as basis pursuit [4]. 3. PROPOSED IMAGE/VIDEO CODING METHOD 3.1. 2-D Signal Representation For image and video coding, the signal is 2-D instead and few blocks can be defined sparse by the above criterion. However, blocks containing a sharp edge or several edges are more common. For these blocks, the 1 -norm criterion can not be directly applied since a large percentage of pixels are not zero-valued. Instead, these blocks can be defined as gradient sparse, i.e. significant pixel value variations only occur at a few pixels. For an n × n block, the gradient can be defined as [5]: „ « Dh,ij s . (4) Dij s = Dv,ij s Its horizontal components is j si+1,j − sij Dh,ij s = 0
