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Abstract—The paper presents a five-level inverter scheme with reduced power circuit complexity for an induction motor drive. The scheme is realized by ...


A Reduced-Switch-Count Five-Level Inverter With Common-Mode Voltage Elimination for an Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive Gopal Mondal, K. Gopakumar, Senior Member, IEEE, P. N. Tekwani, and Emil Levi, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The paper presents a five-level inverter scheme with reduced power circuit complexity for an induction motor drive. The scheme is realized by cascading conventional two-level and three-level neutral point clamped inverters in conjunction with an open-end winding three-phase induction motor drive. An inverter control scheme with common-mode voltage (CMV) elimination, along with a simple dc link voltage control, is developed by using only switching states with zero CMV for the entire modulation range. Theoretical considerations are experimentally verified for a variety of operating conditions. Index Terms—Common-mode voltage (CMV) elimination, induction motor drives, multilevel inverter, open-end winding structure.



ULTILEVEL inverters are nowadays the preferred choice for high-voltage and high-power applications in industry [1]–[11]. Typically, as the voltage level increases, the power circuit complexity increases as well. Pulsewidthmodulated inverters generate an alternating common-mode voltage (CMV) at the motor terminals, which results in leakage current. This unwanted current causes bearing erosion and motor failure. It is therefore desirable to eliminate or at least reduce the CMV. Various strategies have been developed for reduction of the CMV in three-phase ac drives, and one approach, which is well suited to drives that are supplied from a multilevel inverter, consists of the design of modified pulsewidth modulation (PWM) strategies that select only inverter states with reduced CMV. Such a PWM strategy for CMV reduction in the three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter supplied drive is discussed in [12], whereas a CMV reduction method for the cascaded H-bridge inverters is elaborated in [13]. If a three-phase machine has a so-called open-end winding (instead of the star-connected) structure of the stator winding, new possibilities with regard to CMV reduction/elimination

Manuscript received November 1, 2006; revised January 23, 2007. G. Mondal and K. Gopakumar are with the Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. P. N. Tekwani is with the Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India, and also with the Institute of Technology, Nirma University of Science and Technology, Ahmedabad 382481, India. E. Levi is with the School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, L3 3AF Liverpool, U.K. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2007.899927

open up. Such a machine’s structure has been considered as a serious contender for high-power applications (traction and similar) since the early 1990s [2]. In more recent times, it is looked at as a possible solution for electric vehicles/hybrid electric vehicles [14], distributed energy generation systems [15], and electric ship propulsion [16], [17]. The basic idea is to supply the machine from both ends using inverters with a certain (small) number of levels [2], [3], which results in multilevel voltage across stator phase windings. Depending on the power level of the drive, two inverters that are connected at the two ends of the stator winding can be of the same power/voltage rating and can operate at the same switching frequency, or they can be of very different power/voltage ratings in which case they operate at very different switching frequencies (the concept of a “bulk” inverter operated at switching frequency equal to the drive’s output frequency, and “conditioning” inverter, of low power/voltage but operated at high switching frequency; the intended application is for ship propulsion [16], [17]). When inverters at both ends of the stator winding operate in PWM mode, at the same switching frequency, it becomes possible to devise strategies for complete CMV elimination by selecting only those switching states that give zero CMV [18]–[22]. The simplest open-end winding supply configuration consists of connecting to each side of the winding a twolevel inverter [2], [3], [20]. The CMV elimination strategy for such a structure has been developed in [19], [20]. It is also possible to connect a two-level inverter at one side and two cascaded two-level inverters (resulting in three-level structure) at the other side [18]. Operation with zero CMV is again possible by selecting appropriate switching states in the drive operation [18]. Another three-level inverter configuration with CMV elimination has been described in [21]. This three-level inverter structure has a higher number of redundant switching states for each voltage vector location as compared to the conventional three-level NPC inverter. The CMV is once more eliminated by using only switching states with zero CMV in the generation of the reference voltage space vector. A five-level inverter structure with CMV elimination is considered in [22] for an open-end winding induction motor drive. The dual five-level structure is realized by connecting two conventional two-level inverters and one conventional threelevel inverter, in series, at each side of the three-phase stator winding. To eliminate the CMV, only switching states with zero CMV are used for PWM control. It is observed that there are more switching states present in the voltage space vector

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Fig. 1. Power circuit of the nine-level inverter configuration formed by a dual five-level inverter-fed open-end winding induction motor drive [22]. Fig. 2. Simplified dual five-level inverter-fed open-end winding induction motor drive with CMV elimination developed in this paper.

locations than are required to eliminate the CMV [22]. The topology of [22] presents the starting point for the development of the configuration described in this paper. From a thorough study of the switching state redundancies available from the power circuit presented in [22], it is observed that the power circuit can be considerably simplified. In particular, two twolevel inverters are eliminated in the configuration analyzed here, so that the topology is simplified and consists of a total of two two-level and two three-level inverters. Although the numbers of switching redundancies for the voltage vector locations are lower in such a five-level inverter circuit, the CMV elimination is still possible with the available switching states for the entire range of operating speeds, as shown in the further development. Developed power circuit and the PWM algorithm with complete CMV elimination are experimentally verified on a 2.5-kW open-end winding induction motor drive. II. F IVE -L EVEL I NVERTER S CHEME W ITH R EDUCED P OWER C IRCUIT C OMPLEXITY The drive configuration of [22] is illustrated in Fig. 1. The scheme uses a dual five-level inverter topology, where one three-level and two two-level inverters are employed at each side of the open-end winding induction motor drive. This results in a voltage space vector structure that is equivalent to the nine-level inverter topology [22]. With the proper selection of the switching state combinations, motor phase voltages that are equivalent to a five-level inverter with CMV elimination have been realized, and the zero CMV has been experimentally demonstrated for a number of operating conditions. The configuration of Fig. 1 is now simplified to the one of Fig. 2 by removing two two-level inverters. Hence, the drive configuration of Fig. 2 consists of two three-level inverters (inverter A and inverter A’) and two conventional two-level inverters that are common to both three-level inverters. Taken together, they again work as a dual five-level inverter that feeds the open-end winding induction motor from both ends. The power circuit of Fig. 1 uses a total of 48 switches, whereas the circuit of Fig. 2, which is analyzed in the present paper, has a total of 36 switches. Hence, a substantial reduction in the switch count is achieved, as compared to [22], which leads to a simpler


drive configuration. The switches are labeled in Fig. 2 as Sxy , where x = 1, . . . , 4 and y = 1, 2, . . . , 6. The maximum voltage blocking capability that is required for the switches is Vdc /8 for each switch of the two two-level inverters and Vdc /4 for each switch of the NPC three-level inverters. For example, when the switch S11 is “on,” the voltage across S14 is Vdc /8, and when S14 is “on,” the voltage across S11 is Vdc /8. Similarly, when S11 , S44 , S21 , and S24 are “on,” the combined voltage across S31 and S34 is Vdc /2, so that the voltage across each switch is Vdc /4 (assuming equal voltage sharing by two switches). The power scheme of Fig. 2 gives a significant reduction in the circuit complexity, as compared to Fig. 1, and it also leads to a reduction of the number of redundant switching states. However, the available switching states are still sufficient for the CMV elimination, as shown shortly. As the inverter A and inverter A’ of Fig. 2 share the two conventional two-level inverters, some restrictions in the combined switching states have to be added. This reduces the number of redundancies in the switching states for the voltage space vector locations. In the inverter structure of Fig. 2, there are 241 switching states that are distributed over 61 voltage space vector locations. Table I shows the states of the switches for obtaining different voltage levels at the inverter poles (legs), where the pole (leg) voltages are measured with respect to the dc-link midpoint point “0” (Fig. 2). There are different complimentary pairs of the switches. The complimentary pairs for phase A are S11 –S14 , S21 –S34 , S24 –S31 , and S41 –S44 . For phase B, the




and, similarly, for inverter system A’ VCMVA = (VA O + VB O + VC O )/3.


The equivalent CMV for the combined inverter system (CMV generated at the inverter phases) is VCMV = VCMVA − VCMVA .

complimentary switches are S13 –S16 , S23 –S36 , S26 –S33 , and S43 –S46 , and those for phase C are S15 –S12 , S25 –S32 , S22 –S35 , and S45 –S42 . Each pole voltage (from both ends of the drive system) can attain five different voltage levels (Table I). To generate a voltage level “2” at pole A of inverter system A (three-level inverter A and the two conventional twolevel inverters in series), the switches S11 , S21 , and S31 should be on, and S41 can be in any state depending on pole A’ voltage level of inverter system A (three-level inverter A’ and the two conventional two-level inverters in series). Let pole A of inverter A be at voltage level “2” (Table I). To generate voltage level “1” at pole A’ of inverter A’, switches S14 , S2 1 , and S3 1 should be “on” (Table I). Now, to attain these states for two inverter systems, both switches S11 and S14 need to be “on.” However, S11 and S14 are complimentary switches, and hence, they cannot simultaneously be in “on” state. This implies that inverter pole A and pole A’ cannot be at voltage level “2” and voltage level “1,” respectively, at the same time. It can be shown using similar reasoning that opposite poles of the same phase of the motor cannot be at voltage level “−1” and voltage level “−2” at the same time. Table II shows the possible voltage levels that are obtainable simultaneously from the inverter system A and inverter system A’. The state of the switches for three different voltage levels in inverter legs A and A’ is shown in Fig. 3. It is obtained on the basis of Tables I and II. The same approach can be used to find the switch transitions for the other two phases to obtain the different voltage levels.

III. CMV E LIMINATION S TRATEGY The voltage space vector structures of inverter system A and inverter system A’, taken individually, produce a fivelevel voltage space vector structure each. Since the individual inverter systems at each side will produce a total of 125 (= 53 ) switching states (Table III—only 30◦ angular sector is shown), which are distributed over 61 voltage space vector locations, the combination of these switching states (five-level structure) from two inverter systems will produce a nine-level voltage space vector structure, this being the same as for the structure in [22, Fig. 1]. CMV, which is generated by the inverters at the two ends of the open-end winding induction motor, can be expressed as follows. The CMV for inverter system A is defined as VCMVA = (VAO + VBO + VCO )/3



It is observed from (3) that the resultant CMV VCMV can be made zero either by individually making both VCMVA and VCMVA zero or by making them equal. It can be seen that from all the available switching states of one inverter system (inverter system A or inverter system A’), for 19 switching states, the CMVs VCMVA and VCMVA are zero, which results in a threelevel voltage space vector structure, as shown in Fig. 4. The combinations of these 19 switching states (with zero CMV) from the two inverter systems will produce a resultant five-level voltage space vector structure (61 locations and 241 switching combinations). However, all 241 switching state combinations are not needed for PWM control with CMV elimination. In the present study, only 103 switching state combinations are used for the PWM control. These are shown in Fig. 5 and are listed in Table IV. Switching states of Fig. 5 are selected in such a way that the resultant pole voltage will have quarter wave symmetry and will not contain even harmonics. Also, the same switching states can be used for a simple dc-link capacitor voltage balancing, as explained in Section V. The five-level structure with CMV elimination is obtained from the original nine-level structure by taking only voltage vectors with zero CMV. Hence, there will be 15% reduction in √ the fundamental voltage component, as the radius ( 3/2Vdc ) of the new hexagonal voltage space vector structure will be smaller than the actual hexagon (Vdc ). Thus, to obtain the same maximum fundamental phase voltage as with a conventional five-level inverter, a 15% boost can be given to the dc-link √ voltage (2/ 3Vdc ) [22]. IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS The developed five-level inverter-fed open-end winding induction motor drive with CMV elimination scheme and reduced switch count is experimentally tested on a 2.5-kW induction motor drive with volts-per-hertz (V/f) control. The V/f control scheme and the PWM signal generation are implemented on a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) TMX320F240PQ, and Spartan xc2s100 Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is used for the switching state generation for different sectors. The inverter switching frequency is kept at 2.5 kHz for the entire speed range of operation. The scheme is examined throughout the operating range by varying the modulation index from linear range to 12-step operation. The algorithm for the generation of level signals for the five-level inverter uses only the sampled amplitude of the reference voltages, so that the use of lookup table for sector identification is avoided, and the speed of execution is increased [23]. A detailed description of the PWM implementation scheme with sampled reference phase voltage amplitudes for the entire modulation range is available in [23].



Fig. 3. State of the switches for legs A and A’ (phase A) of Fig. 2, which leads to the different voltage levels. (a) Leg A at level “2;” leg A’ at level “−2.” (b) Leg A at level “0;” leg A’ at level “−1.” (c) Leg A at level “1;” leg A’ at level “−2.”


Fig. 5. Switching states for individual voltage vector locations for the overall inverter system with zero CMV.

Fig. 4. Locations of the voltage space vectors for the individual inverter systems A or A’ with zero CMV.

The PWM signals and the level signals for three phases are generated using the DSP controller. The switching states (Table IV) are stored in the FPGA. Fig. 5 shows the inverter switching states, which are used for the PWM control, with zero CMV at each location. For the present PWM control, from the available redundant switching states (Table IV), two combinations at a certain location are used

for PWM control (Fig. 5). The switching states for the voltage vectors are chosen in such a way that the switching losses of the inverter systems are reduced due to the minimum number of transitions. Also, the selected switching state combinations can be effectively used for the dc-link capacitor voltage control, as explained in the following section. Experimental results for the PWM control in the innermost sectors are shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6(a) shows the pole voltage and phase voltage of the inverter. The top and bottom traces are the pole voltages, and the middle trace is the phase voltage. The motor phase voltage (top trace) and the motor phase current (bottom trace) are presented in Fig. 6(c). The fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of the pole voltage and phase voltage for the PWM control in the inner hexagon are shown in Fig. 6(b) and (d), respectively. It can be observed that there are no triplen harmonics in either the pole voltage or the phase voltage. Experimental results for the three-level operation are given in Fig. 7. Fig. 7(a) shows once more the pole voltage (top and bottom traces) and the phase




are shown in Fig. 7(b) and (d), respectively. The absence of triplen harmonics in the pole voltage and in the phase voltage for the three-level operation is evident from the FFT spectra results. Identical measurements have also been performed for the 4-level, 5-level, and, finally, 12-step operations of this drive system. Experimental results for these operating modes are shown in Figs. 8–10. In all these figures, the same set of results is depicted as already described in conjunction with Figs. 6 and 7. It is evident from the spectrum analysis shown in Figs. 8–10 that the CMV elimination is provided in all the possible operating modes of the drive system. Hence, the experimental results confirm that the proposed inverter structure of reduced power circuit complexity is capable of producing a five-level voltage structure with zero CMV under all operating conditions. V. O PEN -L OOP C ONTROL OF DC-L INK C APACITOR V OLTAGE B ALANCING Fig. 6. PWM operation in the innermost (two-level) region. (a) y-axis: 1 div = 50 V; x-axis: 1 div = 20 ms. (c) y-axis: 1 div = 50 V and 1 div = 5 A; x-axis: 1 div = 20 ms. (b), (d) Normalized amplitude versus harmonic order.

voltage (middle trace) of the inverter, whereas Fig. 7(c) shows the motor phase voltage (top trace) and the motor phase current (bottom trace). The FFTs of the leg voltage and phase voltage

The explanations provided so far are related to the strategy for the CMV elimination by selecting only the switching states that have zero CMV. However, the switching states (Fig. 5) are selected in such a way that the outer two capacitor (C4 and C1 ) and inner two capacitor (C2 and C3 ) voltages are kept balanced. For example, during PWM control, switching


Fig. 7. PWM operation in the three-level region. (a) y-axis: 1 div = 50 V; x-axis: 1 div = 20 ms. (c) y-axis: 1 div = 50 V and 1 div = 5 A; x-axis: 1 div = 20 ms. (b), (d) Normalized amplitude versus harmonic order.

Fig. 8. Four-level operation. (a) y-axis: 1 div = 100 V; x-axis: 1 div = 10 ms. (c) y-axis: 1 div = 100 V and 1 div = 5 A; x-axis: 1 div = 10 ms. (b), (d) Normalized amplitude versus harmonic order.

states (0 − 11, 10 − 1) and (−101, 01 − 1) are used for the voltage space vector B8 . Fig. 11(a) and (b) shows the currents through the capacitors for the switching states (0 − 11, 10 − 1) and (−101, 01 − 1), respectively. From Fig. 11(a), the current through capacitors C4 and C1 is iA + iB + iC , and the currents through C3 and C2 are iB and iA , respectively. Next, Fig. 11(b) shows that the current through C4 and C1 is again iA + iB + iC , and currents through C3 and C2 are now interchanged to iA and iB , respectively. These two switching states are selected in consecutive sampling interval for the voltage vector B8 . Now, this means that after two consecutive sampling intervals, there will be identical voltages across C4 and C1 and across C3 and C2 since the same current will pass through these pairs of capacitors after two sampling intervals. Fig. 11(c) shows the current through the capacitors for the switching state


Fig. 9. Five-level operation. (a) y-axis: 1 div = 100 V; x-axis: 1 div = 5 ms. (c) y-axis: 1 div = 160 V and 1 div = 5 A; x-axis: 1 div = 10 ms. (b), (d) Normalized amplitude versus harmonic order.

Fig. 10. Operation in 12-step mode. (a) y-axis: 1 div = 100 V; x-axis: 1 div = 5 ms. (c) y-axis: 1 div = 200 V and 1 div = 5 A; x-axis: 1 div = 5 ms. (b), (d) Normalized amplitude versus harmonic order.

(0 − 11, 01 − 1) for the voltage vector B9 . For the switching state (0 − 11, 01 − 1), the current through C4 and C1 is iA + iB , and there is no phase current through C3 and C2 , which results in identical voltages across C4 and C1 and identical voltages across C3 and C2 . It is therefore possible to simplify the power circuit by reducing the number of dc sources from four in the power circuit of Fig. 2 to two, as shown in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12, a dc source of Vdc /4 is connected across the inner two capacitors, and a dc source of Vdc /2 is connected across all the four capacitors. Therefore, the total voltage across C1 and C4 and the total voltage across C2 and C3 are fixed to Vdc /4. It thus follows that the voltage balance of all the four capacitors will be enabled by keeping the inner two capacitor voltages and outer two capacitor voltages equal after a maximum of two sampling



Fig. 13. (a) Phase voltage and current for the motor accelerating from zero speed to the five-level mode of operation. (b) Voltages across the capacitors for this acceleration transient. Fig. 11. (a), (b) Phase connections and the currents through the capacitors for the switching states of the voltage vector B’8. (c) Phase connection and the capacitor currents for the switching states of the voltage vector B’9.

Fig. 12. Proposed power circuit with dc-link balancing and common-mode voltage elimination.

intervals. Fig. 13 shows the phase voltage, the phase current, and the voltages across the capacitors for the motor accelerating from zero speed to the five-level mode of operation. The traces confirm that the present PWM control is capable of balancing the voltage across all the four capacitors. However, if there is a momentary short circuit that results in a mismatch in the capacitor voltages, this strategy cannot bring the capacitor voltages to the balanced condition. To take the corrective action for such conditions, a closed loop control would be required. Capacitor voltages would have to be sensed, and the correct inverter switching state to balance the capacitor voltages would have to be correspondingly switched. Development of such a closed-loop control scheme is, however, beyond the scope of this paper. VI. C ONCLUSION A five-level inverter scheme for the open-end winding induction motor drive is proposed in the paper, with a reduced power circuit complexity when compared to the existing scheme. The five-level structure is realized by cascading two conventional two-level and three-level inverters. The inverter systems at two machine ends produce a five-level voltage space vector structure, and the combined system from both ends produces

a nine-level voltage space vector structure for the drive system. For the present study, the switching state combinations (from both ends) with zero CMV are chosen for the PWM control, which results in the five-level inverter-fed drive. Such five-level inverter-fed induction motor drive scheme generates zero CMV; hence, all the problems associated with the presence of CMV variation (such as bearing currents, early motor failure, etc.) are also eliminated from the drive system. Since CMV is eliminated, the combined inverter system can be fed from a single dc link. The present scheme requires a significantly smaller number of switches when compared to the five-level inverter for the open-end winding induction motor (obtained by cascading two-level and three-level inverters at each winding side), previously reported, while enabling the same quality of performance. There are fewer switches, and the switching loss in the converter is therefore reduced. As two two-level inverters have been eliminated, when compared to the previous work, the cost and complexity of the power circuit will be lower. The power circuit is modular in nature and relies on the utilization of only conventional inverter structures, so that a simple power bus structure is possible. The present scheme gives a reduced number of switching state redundancies, as compared to the previous scheme of [22]. However, the available redundancies are sufficient and can be effectively utilized for CMV elimination; moreover, a simple dc-link capacitor voltage balancing is also possible, as demonstrated in the paper. This further reduces the power circuit complexity due to a reduction in the number of required dc-link power supplies. The proposed scheme is experimentally verified on a 2.5-kW induction motor drive for different modulation indexes up to and including the 12-step mode. R EFERENCES [1] A. Nabae, I. Takahashi, and H. Akagi, “A neutral-point clamped PWM inverter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-17, no. 5, pp. 518–523, Sep./Oct. 1981. [2] H. Stemmler and P. Guggenbach, “Configurations of high power voltage source inverter drives,” in Proc. EPE Conf., Brighton, U.K., 1993, vol. 5, pp. 7–14. [3] K. A. Corzine, S. D. Sudhoff, and C. A. Whitcomb, “Performance characteristics of a cascaded two-level converter,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 433–439, Sep. 1999. [4] I. D. Kim, E. C. Nho, H. G. Kim, and J. S. Ko, “A generalized undeland snubber for flying capacitor multilevel inverter and converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1290–1296, Dec. 2004. [5] J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, S. Kouro, and P. Correa, “Direct torque control with imposed switching frequency in an 11-level cascaded inverter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 827–833, Aug. 2004.


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Gopal Mondal received the B.E. degree from the College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, West Bengal, India, and the M.E. degree in control systems from Jadavpur University, Calcutta, West Bengal. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in power electronics at the Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

K. Gopakumar (M’94–SM’96) received the B.E., M.Sc. (Eng.), and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1980, 1984, and 1994, respectively. He was with the Indian Space Research Organization from 1984 to 1987. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science. His fields of interest are power converters, pulsewidth modulation techniques, and ac drives. Mr. Gopakumar is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS.

P. N. Tekwani received the B.E. degree (Uni. First, Gold Medallist) in power electronics from the Saurashta University (LEC), Morbi, India, in 1995 and the M.E. degree in electrical engineering (Industrial Electronics, First Rank) from the M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, India, in 2000. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. From 1995 to 1996, he was with the Amtech Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Gandhinagar, India. From 1996 to 2001, he was with the Electrical Research and Development Association, Vadodara. Since 2001, he has been a member of the faculty in the Institute of Technology, Nirma University of Science and Technology, Ahmedabad, India.

Emil Levi (S’89–M’92–SM’99) was born in Zrenjanin, Serbia, in 1958. He received the Dipl. Ing. degree from the University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, in 1982 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, in 1986 and 1990, respectively. From 1982 to 1992, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Novi Sad. He joined Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, U.K., in May 1992. Since September 2000, he has been a Professor of electric machines and drives at the same university. He has extensively published in major journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Levi is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS and is a member of the Editorial Board of the IEE Proceedings—Electric Power Applications.