a general goal programming model for optimal fiscal

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bioenergy production due to their high growth rate, efficient photosynthesis and is one of the trending topic getting attention of researches as it consists of algal ...
International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN(p): 2321 –8991, ISSN(e): 2321 –9009 Vol-6, Iss-1, Spl. Issue-1 Feb.-2018, http://iraj.in



Research Scholar (DSATM), Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, APS college of Engineering, Bangalore, India. 2 Associate Professor, Dayanand Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore, India. 3 Associate Professor, City Engineering College,, Bangalore, India. 4 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, SEA college of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore, India. 5 Associate Professor, B N M Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. 1 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - In the present situation the whole is world is depending on the fossil fuel which is threatening the environment so, the world is very ambitious towards replacing fossil fuel by any means necessary. Micro algae are promising feedstock for bioenergy production due to their high growth rate, efficient photosynthesis and is one of the trending topic getting attention of researches as it consists of algal biomass which produces the biodiesel, biogas and ethanol without disturbing the environmental cycles. Many countries have adopted certain methods to produce bio fuels, but these technologies are not yet broadly available and is costlier to implant. Considering these problem and limitation production of biogas methane from microalgae biomass as alternative source of renewable energy. On the other hand, in this irrational world garbage is predominant problem which is faced by all country especially developing nations like India. Disposing of these garbage is another challenge. Here garbage can be grouped into dry, wet, hazardous, non-hazardous etc., In these garbage, maintenance of wet garbage is most important one as it will cause many environmental and health related issues. Thus, construction of compost plant can do the ejection of wet garbage in bio methanation plant. In bio methanation wet garage is utilized to produce methane gas which can be utilized for routine activities. But production of the methane gas from wet garbage is a slow process as it will go through anaerobic digestion. In this paper we planned to combine these above-mentioned aspects by introducing algal biomass such as Chlorella, Dunaliella, Spirulina etc., into the wet garbage disposal biogas plant to stimulate the methanation process. The main aim of this study is to give a Goal Programming model to minimize the expenditure of wet waste management and algae plantation in the disposal unit, maximize the production of methane in the unit, maximize the profit by sales of biofuel. Keywords - Algal biomass, Bio methanation, Goal Programming, Under Achievement, Over achievement, Solid Waste Management.

challenge of disposing of organic waste. Thus, BBMP has taken certain measures but establishing Composting plant and Bio gas plant which utilizes the wet garbage as its source. Including India many developing nations showing great interest in implanting the biogas technology to meet the demand of fuel. India is the pioneer country in installing biogas technology and in large scale the research and plant constructions is carried out in past decades. The bio gas plant mainly works on anaerobic digestion of wet garbage to producing bio gas. This bio gas is mainly composed of 63% of methane, 30% of carbon dioxide, 4% of nitrogen gas and 1% of hydrogen sulphide and traces of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide. This bio gas can further have utilized for production of thermal and electrical energy. The quality of the biogas can be increased or stimulated by reducing the impurities such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide. Various methodology and techniques has been developed to remove impurities in biogas; this include absorption by chemical solvents, physical absorption, cryogenic separation, membrane separation and biological or chemical methods. Techniques such as physiochemical methods are expensive and hazardous

I. INTRODUCTION India is the seventh largest country with the population of 1.32 billion, accounting for nearly 1819% of world’s population. With the increasing in industrialization and urbanization the challenge of managing cities is also increasing. There are some challenges which are knocking the doors of Indians out of which managing large amount population, the amount of Municipal Solid Waste generated, green house problem, use of non-renewable energy are some of the major problem faced by our young India. The amount of waste generated in Indian cities is a great matter of concern. This waste must be managed very carefully to maintain cleanliness and to create hygienic living environment. These solid wastes are mainly divided into two category Organic wastes and Inorganic wastes. The inorganic wastes are further classified into Recyclable wastes (such as paper, glass, cardboard, leather, metals, cloths, organic wastes etc.,) Non-recyclable wastes (such as batteries, e-wastes, debris, biomedical wastes which are sent to landfills). The improper management of organic waste may cause serious environmental issues. All metropolitan cities like Bangalore is facing the

A General Goal Programming Model for Optimal Fiscal Management of Bio-Methanation process using Algal Biomass in Wet Garbage 13

International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN(p): 2321 –8991, ISSN(e): 2321 –9009 Vol-6, Iss-1, Spl. Issue-1 Feb.-2018, http://iraj.in

to environment. Thus, biological methods are environmentally friendly and feasible. Algae are abundant and omnipresent which can be used to reduce the impurities and stimulate the methanation process. According to new research Algae have the special ability to neutralize nitric oxide and harmful gas that poses threats to environmental and human health. Algae has been identified as one of the most productive crops. Algae culture is a form if aqua culture involving the farming species of algae. It absorbs the harmful gases which is produced in the environment due to solid waste. Solid waste management is becoming the most challenging aspect because of its growing in volume and its toxic nature. Algae shows promise as pollution fighter, fuel maker. Commercial and industrial algae cultivation has numerous uses including the production of food gradients, dyes, bio fertilizer, bio plastic, chemical feedstock, pharmaceuticals, algal fuel and can be used as means of pollution control. Algae can double their numbers every few hours can be harvested daily and have a potential to produce a volume of biomass and biofuel, many times greater than that of our most productive crops. Algae can have high biofuel and bio gas yield by releasing hundreds of tons of methane by converting millions of carbon dioxide gas into fuel. Hence the algal biomass culture has growing attention due to their diverse application in the field of waste management.

producing methane. [6] gibes details about micro algae and its nature and various methodology and methods. In [7] we get the knowledge of Algae are suggested as a biomass source with significant growth rates, which may be cultivated in the ocean (seaweed) or on marginal land (microalgae) and can be utilized to produce biogas. In [9] explains about the production of bio gas from the algal biomass. By using all these data we collected from the survey and the ideas are implemented in this paper and proposed to a fiscal model by introducing the algal biomass into the bio gas plant which will accelerate the methanation process. By the nature of algal bio mass and by its characteristics of absorbing carbon dioxide it will releases methane gas which will improve the quality of bio gas produced in the plant.

Table 1. Effectiveness of biogas production with the use of macroalgae as a substrate in methane fermentation processes.

The main aim of this study is to 1) Minimize the expenditure of waste management and algae plantation in the disposal unit. 2) Maximizing the profit of bio fuel and algae plantation. 3) Minimize the labour cost for both disposal and algae plantation. 4) Minimize the recycling cost of wet garbage and cost of conversion. II. LITERATURE SURVEY

Table 2. Effectiveness of biogas production with the use of microalgae as a substrate in methane fermentation processes.

In [1] author discuss about production of Biogenic hydrogen and methane from the algal biomass such as Chlorella vulgaris and Dunaliella tertiolecta. In [2] The methane potentials of cyanobacteria and chlorella have been investigated in eight different lab scale reactors been tested and yield of methane is calculated. In[3] biogas production from two microalgal biomasses, namely, axenic Chlorella vulgaris culture and mixed microalgal culture (Karabük biomass) was investigated. The effects of ultrasonication and thermal treatment on hydrolysis of microalgal biomass and biogas production were examined via biochemical methane potential tests. In [4] we get complete details of different varieties of algal biomass and its ability of producing methane and is shown as in Table 1 and Table 2. [5] explains about the macro algae and its nature and ability of



Subjected to

A General Goal Programming Model for Optimal Fiscal Management of Bio-Methanation process using Algal Biomass in Wet Garbage 14

International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN(p): 2321 –8991, ISSN(e): 2321 –9009 Vol-6, Iss-1, Spl. Issue-1 Feb.-2018, http://iraj.in

B. Priority levels: Where

goals are expressed by an


decision variable,


goal respectively.


is the

priority level,

the relative weight of the

- Salary expenses,

C. Achievement function: Optimal solution for wet garbage bio gas plant using algae plantation

represent the weights of each

priority coefficient for the

- Sales Income,


are deviational variable representing of under achievement and over

achievement of

- Profit,

- Recycling cost, Expenditure.

represents the coefficient for the

decision variable in the goal, the amount

- Production,


D. Variables:


- number of wet waste collected in the 1st quarter.

variable in the

priority level,

= the relative weight of the

- number of wet waste collected in the 2nd quarter.

variable in the

priority level.

- number of wet waste collected in the 3rd quarter. - number of wet waste collected in the 4th quarter.


– number of units of algae plants used in 1st quarter.

A. Goal constraints: Goal 1: To achieve the minimum expenditure of waste management and algae plantation in disposal unit.

– number of units of algae plants used in 2nd quarter. – number of units of algae plants used in 3rd quarter. – number of units of algae plants used in 4th quarter.

Goal 2: To maximize the profit of biogas plant and algae planted.

– represents quarters (i.e., 1, 2, 3, and 4). – expenditure for wet garbage biogas plant. – expenditure for algal plantation. – target expenditure.

Goal 3: To minimize the salary expenses of biogas unit and algal plantation.

– profit from wet garbage biogas plant. – profit from algal plantation. – target profit. – salary expenditure for wet garbage biogas plant.

Goal 4: To minimize the recycling cost of wet garbage and cost of conversion of algae into by product by introducing in the biogas unit.

– salary expenditure for algal plantation. – target salary expenditure. – recycling cost of wet garbage biogas plant. – recycling cost of algal plantation.

Goal 5: To maximize the sales income by biogas and algal plantation.

– target recycling cost. – sales income from wet garbage biogas plant. – sales income from algal plantation. – target sales income.

Goal 6: To maximize the quantity of biogas produced by introducing the algal biomass in the disposal unit.

– quantity of biogas produced in wet garbage biogas plant before introduction of algal bio mass. – quantity of biogas produced in wet garbage biogas plant after introduction of algal bio mass. – target production of biogas.

A General Goal Programming Model for Optimal Fiscal Management of Bio-Methanation process using Algal Biomass in Wet Garbage 15

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A General Goal Programming Model for Optimal Fiscal Management of Bio-Methanation process using Algal Biomass in Wet Garbage 16