Page 1 ... An Introduction to Catalan Language, History and Culture. LECTURER
(S) ... VEUS 1. Curs de català: llibre de l'alumne (A1). Barcelona: PAMSA.
MLS2030 MODULE LEVEL 2 An Introduction to Catalan Language, History and Culture Prof Dereck Flitter (convenor) and Jordina Sala-Branchadell (Institut Ramon Llull Teaching Assistant) 15 ECTS VALUE 7.5 MLS1001 or equivalent
CREDIT VALUE PRE-REQUISITES CO-REQUISITES DURATION OF MODULE Two terms TOTAL STUDENT STUDY TIME 150 hours including 1.5 class hours per week for 20 weeks AIMS To provide the student with a basic knowledge (B1) of the Catalan language for the purposes of comprehension, speaking and writing, and a more advanced reading knowledge. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILO’s) On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: Module Specific Skills: 1. Demonstrate a grasp of fundamental grammatical structures and an ability to use Catalan for straightforward active and practical purposes as well as acquire an adequate reading knowledge. Discipline Specific Skills: 2. Understand the principles of learning a new language and exploit knowledge of cognate languages to that end. 3. Analyse the distinctiveness of the history and culture of the region. Personal and Key Skills: 4. Acquire the confidence to learn and to use a new language quickly and to communicate clearly and coherently both in that language and in writing or speaking about its history and culture. LEARNING/TEACHING METHODS The course follows a communicative approach to Catalan language learning, therefore, listening, reading, writing and oral practice is integrated in the weekly sessions to guarantee that students become independent users of the language by the end of the year. ASSIGNMENTS & ASSESSMENTS Formative or % Contribution:
Form of Assessment:
Three written pieces per term Group presentation on an aspect of Catalan culture Written exam Oral examination
Formative 75% 25% SYLLABUS PLAN
Size of the assessment e.g. duration/length 300 words each approx 5 minutes/person
ILO’s assessed by this assessment: All
Feedback method:
2 hours 15 minutes
All All
Written Written
Written and verbal
Intensive language learning course comprising both practical and theoretical sessions from beginners to intermediate level. The syllabus follows the language course books Veus (1-2-3), specifically designed for learners of Catalan as foreign language. INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES Indicative basic reading list: Mas, M. & Vilagrasa, A. (2007). VEUS 1. Curs de català: llibre de l’alumne (A1). Barcelona: PAMSA.
Mas, M. & Vilagrasa, A. (2007). VEUS 2. Curs de català: llibre de l’alumne (A2). Barcelona: PAMSA. Poch, Anna and Alan Yates (2004): Teach Yourself Catalan, London, Hodder. (optional) Indicative Reference resources: Bastons, N., Bernardó, C. & Comajoan, L. (2011). Gramàtica pràctica del català. Barcelona: Editorial Teide. Oliva, Salvador and Angela Buxton: Diccionari anglès-català. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana. Oliva, Salvador and Angela Buxton: Diccionari català-anglès. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana. Indicative web based resources ELE resources. DATE OF LAST REVISION
November 2011