Institute of Technology, Columbia, and the Polytechnic Institute of Barcelona. .... Engineering and Professor of Administration at the University of California, Davis ...
E S E A R C H j o u r n a l s h a v e a major responsibility in the generation and transfer of knowledge. Inclusion of a paper in such a journal is t h e culmination of efforts by a large n u m b e r of people including the researchers, a u t h o r s , e d i t o r s , and reviewers. In many cases, these efforts take several m a n months spread over t w o or three years, maybe m o r e . W h e n the paper is finally published it becomes the a u t h o r ' s c o m m u n i c a tion with researchers and practitioners w h o apply his research results a n d refer to his findings in their o w n studies. In this context the archival j o u r n a l s establish the strategic direction of research and influence the scholarly activity in their fields. T h e long-term impact of their contents and the leadership role they play in the identification o f critical issues represent a big challenge for these j o u r n a l s . Their success is m e a s u r e d by the degree t o which they respond t o that challenge. The
always accepted the challenge and responded successfully since its inception 3 4 years a g o . As engineering m a n a g e m e n t continues to g r o w a s an e m e r g i n g discipline, t h e leadership responsibility and challenge for this TRANSACTIONS is also g r o w i n g . I a m pleased to observe that the expansion of the scope of the j o u r n a l , the formation of the editorial depart m e n t s , a n d the broadening of the editorial board h a v e p r o v e d t o be timely actions to prepare the journal for the n e w challenges. T h e s e challenges are being met b y a highly dedicated t e a m . It is a team of researchers, e d u c a t o r s , and practitioners whose objective is to assure that the research component of engineering management represented in this TRANSACTIONS will always b e of the highest caliber. This team has six major components: the readers, the a u t h o r s , the A d C o m , the editors, the editorial board, and the external referees. I would like to introduce these c o m p o n e n t s and briefly describe their roles in the strategic direction of this TRANSACTIONS.
T h e readers provide important input to the decision making process through the readership survey. It w a s originally intended as a one-time survey, but the feedback provided by the respondents has been so valuable that w e decided to
include it in every issue. The responses a r e discussed in detail in the editors meetings and the suggestions are incorporated into the strategic decisions. W e e n c o u r a g e you t o fiii out the survey instrument. W e would like to h a v e your suggestions about the critical research issues w h i c h , you feel, should b e addressed by this TRANSACTIONS. T h e authors are the knowledge g e n e r a t o r s . Their research, analysis, and implementation of critical engineering manage ment concepts establish the basis for the strategic direction of this TRANSACTIONS. About a thousand a u t h o r s have published approximately 1200 papers in the j o u r n a l so t a r , and those figures are g r o w i n g at an increasing rate. T h e trend in manuscript submittals is a good indication of this growth. T h e average n u m b e r of manuscripts received by this TRANSACTIONS w a s steady at 5 0 p e r year until a few y e a r s a g o . That figure showed a 3 0 percent increase in 1985, and an additional 35 percent last y e a r . A s the research c o m p o n e n t of engineering m a n a g e m e n t continues to expand, w e e x p e c t to receive more manuscripts for all editorial d e p a r t m e n t s from a growing n u m b e r of a u t h o r s . T h e Administrative Committee (AdCom) of the I E E E Engineering Management Society is t h e administrative body which oversees the entire operation o f the Society. Its 27 m e m b e r s meet twice a year t o decide o n the critical issues and strategic directions affecting this field. T h e president of the E M Society is M s . Vivian A . C a r r , the vice presidents are M r . Paul A . Willis and Dr. Aileen C a v a n a g h . D r . Ronald L . Seaman is the publications director. T h e other m e m b e r s are listed o n the inside front cover of this TRANSACTIONS. T h e editors carry the full responsibility of developing and implementing this TRANSACTIONS policies and strategies. A s you k n o w , w e established editorial departments in line with the expanded scope of the j o u r n a l t w o y e a r s a g o . Since then, the d e p a r t m e n t editors and I h a v e been w o r k i n g very closely t o assure that this TRANSACTIONS fulfills its role of both respond ing to the e m e r g i n g research a r e a s , and identifying new research directions in engineering m a n a g e m e n t . I would like to introduce the editors to you at this t i m e .
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© 1987 I E E E
D u n d a r F . Kocaoglu is the Editor-in-Chief of this TRANSACTIONS. He received B . S . C . E . degree from Robert College in Turkey, the M . S . C . Ε . degree from Lehigh University, and the M . S . I . E . and P h . D . degrees in operations research and systems management from the University of Pittsburgh. H e is currently Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Director of Engineering M a n a g e m e n t Program at the University of Pittsburgh. D r . Kocaoglu is the coauthor of the b o o k , Engineering Management ( M c G r a w - H i l l ) , and has t w o forthcoming books, Management of R&D and Engineering (Elsevier/North Holland) and Handbook of Technology Management (John W i l e y ) . H e has published and presented n u m e r o u s papers on Engineering M a n a g e m e n t , and been a consultant to W e s i i n g h o u s e , Brown Boveri, Crucible Steel, General M o t o r s , the United N a t i o n s , the U . S . G o v e r n m e n t , and several universities in the United States and C a n a d a . H e is a recipient of the I E E E Bicentennial M e d a l , and is listed in Who's Who in Engineering, Who's Who in Science, and Technology, Who's Who in the East, and Who's Who in the World. H e has served as the president, c h a i r m a n , and board m e m b e r of sevecal societies, both scholarly and honorary including the T I M S College o n Engineering M a n a g e m e n t , the A S E E Engineering M a n a g e m e n t Division, the American Society on Engineering Management, and O m e g a R h o . His research interests are in the areas of strategic planning, decision modeling, conflict resolution, resource management for R & D and E n g i n e e r i n g , and the m a n a g e m e n t of technological innovation. H e is also the editor of the Wiley Series in Engineering M a n a g e m e n t and President o f the consulting firm, Technology M a n a g e m e n t Associates.
Ralph Katz is the Department Editor for the Engineers and Scientists D e p a r t m e n t . H e received the M . B . A . and P h . D . degrees from the W h a r t o n G r a d u a t e School, University of Pennsylva nia. H e is Professor of Management at the College of Business Administration at Northeastern University. Previously, he was a Professor of M a n a g e m e n t in the M a n a g e m e n t of Technology Department at the Sloan School of M a n a g e m e n t , M . I . T . O v e r the past fourteen y e a r s , he h a s been carrying out extensive management research, education, and consulting on technologybased innovation with a particular interest in the m a n a g e m e n t of technical professionals and technical project teams. D r . Katz has published extensively in leading professional j o u r n a l s , including the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, R&D Management, CHEMTECH, Human Relations, and Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. In recognition of his a c h i e v e m e n t s , the National Academy of M a n a g e m e n t a w a r d e d h i m the 1981 ' N e w Concept A w a r d " for that y e a r ' s most significant contribution to the field of organizational behavior. A s an internationally recognized consultant and lecturer, h e has conducted n u m e r o u s workshops and seminars on R D & E management topics for universities in both the U . S . and Europe including Northeastern, M . I . T . , California Institute of Technology, Columbia, and the Polytechnic Institute of Barcelona. His industrial clients include many major corporations such as Aerospace, A m o c o Production C o m p a n y , Bethlehem Steel, Control D a t a , Corning G l a s s , Data General, Digital Equipment, Eaton, Gould, G T E , I B M , Kodak, O w e n s Corning, Procter and G a m b l e , and Rockwell. H e also presently serves o n the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review and the Journal of Management and Management Science. 4
R. (Bala) Balachandra is the D e p a r t m e n t Editor for the R & D and Engineering Projects Department. H e received the B . E . degree in mechanical engineering from the M a d r a s University, India, the M . E . degree from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, and the P h . D . degree in business administration from C o l u m b i a University. H e also attended the International T e a c h e r s ' Program at the H a r v a r d Business School. H e has worked as a Metallurgical Engineer at P r e m i e r Automobiles, Bombay, and as a W o r k e r s M a n a g e r in a foundry in Bangalore, India. H e has taught at t h e Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad, India, Boston College, and the University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill, N C . He joined the Northeastern University Faculty in 1980. H e has authored many articles on R & D management, technological forecasting, and technology management. D r . Balachandra is a member of T I M S , DSI, and A P I C S .
Philip H . Birnbaum is the Department Editor for the Technical Organizations D e p a r t m e n t . H e was educated at the University of California at Berkeley and t h e University of Washington in Seattle. H e is n o w Associate Professor o f M a n a g e m e n t and Organization at the University of Southern California, specializing in competitive strategy a n d the m a n a g e m e n t of high technology firms in global markets. H e taught at the University of Washington a n d Indiana University before coming to USC in the fall of 1986. H i s experience includes both staff and line positions in large electronics organizations as well as consultancies with organizations such as Booz-Allen, Arthur D . Little, Citicorp, General M o t o r s , a n d the governments of C a n a d a , Thailand, K o n g K o n g , and the United States. His current research is concerned with the use of technology in achieving competitive advantage by global firms competing in the U . S . In addition to this teaching in the U . S . , E u r o p e , and Asia, he h a s been a Fulbright Scholar in H o n g Kong w h e r e he conducted a series o f studies on strategy implementation by international banks in the Pacific basin. His previous research has concentrated on the management of R & D a n d the strategies of firms dealing with governmental regulation. D r . B i r n b a u m has published extensively including two books on R & D management and organization design a n d over 5 0 articles and papers which h a v e appeared in leading scholarly j o u r n a l s . H e currently has three books in preparation on competitive strategy in high technology industries, R & D management, and organization design. H e is a m e m b e r of n u m e r o u s scholarly and honorary societies and reviews for eight journals and the National Science Foundation. H e is listed in Who's Who in the Midwest and Who's Who in the World.
J a m e s R. E v a n s is the Department Editor for the Critical Resources Department. H e received the B . S . I . E . and M . S . I . E . degrees from P u r d u e University a n d the P h . D . d e g r e e from the Georgia Institute of Technology. H e is currently Professor and H e a d of the Department of Quantitative Analysis and Informations Systems in the College o f Business Administration at the University of Cincinnati and also holds an appointment as Adjunct Professor of Industrial Engineering. H i s research interests include mathematical p r o g r a m m i n g a n d n e t w o r k s , applied combinatorial optimization, and applications of operations research and artificial intelligence in production. D r . Evans has published over 5 0 technical papers and is t h e principal author of Applied Production and Operations Management, second e d . ( W e s t ) , and t w o introductory calculus texts.
Burton V . D e a n is the Department Editor for the Technological Systems D e p a r t m e n t . H e holds the P h . D . degree in mathematics, with a m i n o r in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois. Currently h e is Professor and C h a i r m a n of the Department o f Organization and M a n a g e m e n t in the School of Business at San Jose State University and is responsible for the U n i v e r s i t y ' s Visiting Scholars Program in Organization M a n a g e m e n t . His research is in the areas of R & D / engineering management, operations m a n a g e m e n t , innovation management and entrepreneurship, and project management. O v e r the past 3 0 years, D r . Dean h a s published 6 books and 100 professional j o u r n a l articles. He also has editor responsibility for the Department of R & D and Innovation of Management Science, the Journal of Business Venturing, and a series o f volumes in the Studies in the Management Sciences and Systems, N o r t h Holland/Elsevier Science Publishing C o m p a n y .
R i c h a r d C . D o r f ( S ' 5 4 - M ' 6 0 - S M ' 6 7 - F ' 7 3 ) is the D e p a r t m e n t Editor for the Book R e v i e w s D e p a r t m e n t . H e received the B . S . degree from C l a r k s o n College of Technology, t h e M . S . d e g r e e from the University of C o l o r a d o , and the P h . D . d e g r e e from the U . S . Naval Postgraduate School, all in electrical engineering. H e has previously taught at Clarkson College, the U . S . Naval Postgraduate School, a n d the University of Santa Clara. H e served as Visiting L e c t u r e r at the University of E d i n b u r g h , Scotland, in 1 9 6 1 - 1 9 6 2 , and as C h a i r m a n of Electrical Engineering at the University o f Santa C l a r a from 1963 to 1969. H e w a s an American Council on Education Fellow in A c a d e m i c Administration in the Office of the Chancellor, University of California, Berkeley in 1 9 6 7 1969. Subsequently, he became the Dean of the College of Engineering at O h i o University in 1969 and assumed the position of Vice President for Educational Services in that university from 1969 to 1972. He joined the University of California as its first D e a n of E x t e n d e d Learning in 1972, serving until 1982. H e is currently Professor of Electrical and C o m p u t e r Engineering and Professor of Administration at the University of California, D a v i s , and is active in the fields of control s y s t e m s , technology management, n e w business ventures, and finance. D r . D o r f is the author o f fourteen b o o k s including Encyclopedia Mutual Fund Advisor.
of Robotics,
and The
Albert H . Rubenstein is the Editor Emeritus. H e received the B . S . degree from Lehigh University and M . S . and P h . D . degrees from C o l u m b i a University, all in industrial engineering. H e is W a l t e r P . M u r p h y Professor of Industrial E n g i n e e r i n g and Management Sciences at Northwestern University. H e was on the Industrial E n g i n e e r i n g Staff at C o l u m b i a from 1950 to 1953, a n d on the Faculty of the School of Industrial M a n a g e m e n t at M . I . T . from 1953 t o 1959. Since 1959 h e has been Professor of Industrial E n g i n e e r i n g and Management Sciences at Northwestern University, where he established the Organization T h e o r y area and the P r o g r a m of Research on the Management of Research and D e v e l o p m e n t . H e is also Director of the M a s t e r o f Engineering Management P r o g r a m and the C e n t e r for Information Technology at N o r t h w e s t e r n . H e has worked in the chemical e q u i p m e n t industry and in m a n a g e m e n t consulting, specializing in organization and e c o n o m i c s of Research, Development, and Innovation. D r . Rubenstein w a s Editor of this TRANSACTIONS from 1960 to 1985 and the author of o v e r 150 articles on research and technology management, organization t h e o r y , and the innovation process. H e has been a director of t w o companies and consultant to many industrial a n d g o v e r n m e n t organizations. Since 1977 he has been President of International Applied Science a n d Technology Associates ( I A S T A , I n c . ) , a consulting firm specializing in the m a n a g e m e n t of the R&D/innovation p r o c e s s .
T h e Editorial Board is the m a i n b o d y of support for the editors of this TRANSACTIONS,. T h e b o a r d has 87 m e m b e r s . T h e y have been selected for their scholarly research a n d / o r the management of research in engineering m a n a g e m e n t . Seventyo n e of the Board m e m b e r s (82 percent) are from the United States, distributed a m o n g 2 2 states and the District of Columbia as follows: Arizona 1 California 9 4 Dist. of Columbia Florida 3 1 Georgia Illinois 3 Louisiana 1 Massachusetts 9
Minnesota Mississippi Missouri N e w Jersey New York N . Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia W . Virginia
1 1 1 2 4 2 3 1 4 12 1 3 1 3 1
T h e remaining sixteen members (18 percent) represent nine countries. Belgium Canada France G r e a t Britain Italy Japan T h e Netherlands D r . Paul S. A d l e r D r . Jeffrey L. Arthur D r . Michael K. Badawy D r . Bruce F . Baird D r . Jonathan F . Bard D r . Richard T . Barth D r . Alden S. Bean D r . R o g e r E . Bohn D r . A n d r e Briand Dr. Warren Brown D r . J o h n L . Burbidge D r . Richard Burton D r . M a r v i n J. Cetron D r . Alok Chakrabarti Dr. Monica Chaves Dr. Kim Clark D r . David I. Cleland D r . Joseph F . Coates D r . Patrick E . C o n n o r D r . Kathleen Eisenhardt D r . J. M o r l e y English D r . G e o r g e F . Farris D r . J. D a v i d s o n F r a m e D r . Jay Galbraith D r . Eliezer Geisler D r . L u d o F . Gelders D r . Parviz Ghandforoush D r . Richard J. Giglio D r . Bela Gold D r . Joel D . G o l d h a r D r . Y v o n S. Gousty Dr. Margaret Graham D r . R. D . H a u n Dr. Frank Harrison D r . Olaf H e l m e r Dr. John L. Hunsucker D r . Nils O . Johnson Prof. D e l m a r W . Karger Dr. Takeshi Kawase D r . Robert T . Keller D r . Robert Leachman D r . Denis M . S. Lee D r . R e u v e n R. Levary D r . Harold A. Linstone Dr. Geoff A . Lockett
1 3 2 3 1 3 1
Sweden Switzerland
1 1.
Sixty-six m e m b e r s of the Editorial B o a r d (76 percent) a r e affiliated with universities, twenty o n e ( 2 4 percent) are from industry and g o v e r n m e n t . F i v e m e m b e r s are management consultants with four of t h e m having E m e r i t u s affiliations with universities. The complete list of Editorial Board m e m b e r s with their affiliations is given below:
Stanford University Oregon State University VPI&SU University of Utah University of Texas at Austin University of British C o l u m b i a , Canada Lehigh University Harvard Business School University of Q u e b e c , C a n a d a University of Oregon Cranfield Inst, of T e c h . , England D u k e University Forecasting International Ltd. Drexel University American Express C o . Harvard Business School University of Pittsburgh J. F . Coates, Inc. Willamette University Stanford University Consultant and Professor E m e r i t u s , U C L A Rutgers University G e o r g e Washington University University of S. California Northeastern Illinois University University of L e u v e n , Belgium VPI&SU University of Massachusetts Claremont Graduate School Illinois Institute of Technology T h e French G o v e r n m e n t Boston University Westinghouse C o r p . San Francisco State University Consultant and Professor E m e r i t u s , U S C University of Houston F F V , Sweden Consultant and Dean Emeritus, RPI Keio University, Japan Louisiana State University University of California-Berkeley Worcester Polytechnic Institute St. Louis University Portland State University University of Manchester, England
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Michael J . Magazine Edwin Mansfield Joseph P . Martino Ann Marucheck M o d e s t o Maidique Mainak Mazumdar Gerhard O. Mensch William Messina Steven M . Miller Martin R . M o s e r J o h n M . Mulvey Kiyoshi N i w a Peter V . N o r d e n German Nunez Russell R . O ' N e i l l H a r r y J. Otway Daniel O w e n A. W . Pearson Richard Y. Pei Mark Perlman
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Alan L . Porter A . Ravindran E d w a r d B . Roberts Robert Shannon William G. Souder G a r y S . Stacey William G . Sullivan T a r o Tanimitsu H a n s J. T h a m h a i n Rene Thieblemont Charles W . N . T h o m p s o n Louis F . Tornatzky Kenneth Traynor Hugo Tschirky Michael L. T u s h m a n J a m e s M . Utterback Andy Van de Ven Augustus W a l k e r Robert W a t e r s Gary E . Whitehouse David W i l e m o n Johan G . W i s s e m a
University of W a t e r l o o , Canada University o f Pennsylvania University of Dayton University of N o r t h Carolina Florida International University University o f Pittsburgh C a s e Western Reserve University I B M Corporation Carnegie Mellon University University of Lowell Princeton University Hitachi, Japan I B M Corporation W e s t Virginia University Consultant and D e a n Emeritus, U C L A Commission of the European C o m m u n i t i e s , Italy ALCOA Manchester Business School, England Rand Corporation University o f Pittsburgh Georgia Institute of Technology University of O k l a h o m a MIT T e x a s A & M University University o f Pittsburgh Battelle M e m o r i a l Institute University of T e n n e s s e e Mitsubishi Electric C o . , Japan Worcester Polytechnic Institute L y c e e Polyvalent Mixte de la Versoie, F r a n c e Northwestern University Industrial T e c h n o l o g y Center Clarion University Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland Columbia University MIT University of Minnesota Effective Research C o r p . G e o r g e Washington University University of Central Florida Syracuse University Consultant, T h e Netherlands.
T h e Editor-in-Chief, the Department Editors, and the Editorial Board m e m b e r s w o r k together for the review o f the m a n u scripts, t h e selection of potential p a p e r s , the invitation of potential a u t h o r s , and the development of the strategic pathway for this TRANSACTIONS. W e hold several meetings during the year to discuss the critical issues and the feedback w e receive from the readers and the authors. In addition to the Editorial Board, the manuscripts a r e also frequently reviewed by external referees. T h e y a r e the
researchers and practitioners well recognized for their exper tise in specific areas of Engineering Management. T h e i r recommendations a r e woven into this TRANSACTIONS' strategy and become a part of it. A large n u m b e r of such reviewers have assisted this TRANSACTIONS' editors o v e r the past y e a r s . The complete list is very long. T h e following contains the external referees w h o have reviewed p a p e r s since the begin ning of 1985.
D r . T h o m a s J. Allen D r . David F . Anderson
M.I.T. S U N Y at Albany
Prof. Linda Aragote D r . A u t h u r L . Baron D r . R . M . Belbin Prof. David Blurnenihai D r . Donald Boadbent Prof. William Brickner Prof. Robert Brockhaus D r . John C . Camillus D r . J. D . C a m m Prof. John R . C a n a d a D r . Chris B . Chapman Prof. Joseph C o r d e s D r . W . G a l e Cutler D r . Robert Cutler Prof. Ezey Dar-El Prof. Michael D o m s c h D r . Donald E d w a r d s Dr. Ward Edwards Prof. Salah E . Elmaghraby D r . E . A . Elsayed D r . John E . Ettlie D r . Donald Gerwin D r . Martin E . Ginn D r . Luis R. Gomez-Mejia Prof. Denis G r a y Prof. A r n o l d o C . Hax Prof. Eric A . v o n Hippel D r . A n d r e w W . Imada Prof. Leslie Jankovic D r . M a r i o Kamenetzky D r . Harold Kaufmann D r . William R. King D r . F r e d Landis Prof. K. L e e D r . Dorothy Leonard-Barton D r . M a t t h e w J. Liberatore D r . G r e g o r y R. Madey D r . M . J. M a g g a r d D r . S. J . Mantel D r . Neville Marzwell D r . E d w a r d F . M c D o n o u g h III M r . Roy M i z e , J r . Prof. T h o m a s M o s s D r . David C . M u r p h y Prof. G e o r g e S. O d i o r n e Prof. Ronald Pelz D r . K. Ramanathan M r . Niels R e i m e r s D r . G e n e Richman Prof. H e n r y E . Riggs D r . Donald F . Root D r . Roy Rothwell D r . Alan R o w e Prof. T h o m a s L . Saaty D r . Borje O . Saxberg Prof. Kaye Schoonhoven D r . Stanley Seashore Prof. W y c h h a m Skinner
Carnegie-Mellon University Pennwalt C o r p . Employment Development Unit, England Harvard University University of Oxford San Jose State University University of St. Louis University of Pittsburgh University of Cincinnati Nort Carolina State U n i v . University of Southampton George Washington University Whirpool Corporation University of T o k y o T E C H N I O N , Israel Univ. of G e r m a n A r m e d F o r c e s Baylor University
N . Carolina State University Rutgers University Industrial Technology Inst. Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Illinois Inst, of Technology University of Florida N . Carolina State University M.I.T. M.I.T.
San Jose State University The W o r l d Bank Polytechnic Inst, of N e w Y o r k University of Pittsburgh University of Wisconsin Northwestern University Harvard University Villanova University Kent State University Northeastern University University of Cincinnati Jet Propulsion L a b . Northeastern University Lockheed Missiles a n d Space Corp. Case Western Reserve U n i v . Boston College Eckerd College University of Michigan National Inst, of Business Management, Sri Stanford University San Jose State University Stanford University Weyerhaeuser C o r p . University of Sussex
University of Pittsburgh University of Washington San Jose State University University of Michigan Harvard Business School
D r . Denis Slevin D r . G e o r g e A . Steiner M r . Rodney Stewart r»
j r i u i . ivanuy o i i u a a
D r . Suleyman Tufekci D r . Luis C . V a r g a s D r . R a m i r o Villeda Prof. M a i Walker Prof. Stuart Wells Prof. J e r o m e D . Wiest D r . Jerry W i n d D r . Harvey Wolfe D r . Robert W . Z m u d T h e collective efforts of this dedicated team form t h e basis of this TRANSACTIONS. Every c o m p o n e n t of the t e a m is playing a n important role in this TRANSACTIONS* policies a n d strategies. Every component is contributing t o the growth of the research component of engineering m a n a g e m e n t represented in this TRANSACTIONS. It is gratifying t o see the enthusiasm of so m a n y
University o f Pittsburgh UCLA Mobile Data Services San Jose State University University o f Florida University o f Pittsburgh San Jose State University San Jose State University San Jose State University University o f Utah University o f Pennsylvania University o f Pittsburgh Univ. of North Carolina people dedicated t o t h e advancement of engineering m a n a g e ment. It is truly a pleasure t o w o r k with such a high caliber team. DUNDAR F . KOCAOGLU