Junctionless Tunnel Field Effect Transistor - IEEE Xplore

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Apr 22, 2013 - Bahniman Ghosh and Mohammad Waseem Akram. Abstract—In this letter, a double-gate junctionless tunnel field effect transistor (JL-TFET) is ...


Junctionless Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Bahniman Ghosh and Mohammad Waseem Akram Abstract— In this letter, a double-gate junctionless tunnel field effect transistor (JL-TFET) is proposed and investigated. The JL-TFET is a Si-channel heavily n-type-doped junctionless field effect transistor (JLFET), which uses two isolated gates (ControlGate, P-Gate) with two different metal work-functions to behave like a tunnel field effect transistor (TFET). In this structure, the advantages of JLFET and TFET are combined together. The simulation results of JL-TFET with high-k dielectric material (TiO2) of 20-nm gate length shows excellent characteristics with high ION /IOFF ratio (∼ 6 × 108 ), a point subthreshold slope (SS) of ∼ 38 mV/decade, and an average SS of ∼ 70 mV/decade at room temperature, which indicates that JL-TFET is a promising candidate for a switching performance. Index Terms— High-k dielectric material, junctionless field effect transistor (JLFET), subthreshold slope (SS), tunnel field effect transistor (TFET).



HE conventional metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) is based on the presence of two p–n junctions at the interface of source-to-channel and drainto-channel regions. As the devices are scaled down further, the requirement of large doping-concentration gradient and careful fabrication of these junctions becomes too stringent to achieve a low-thermal budget. Realizing this kind of metallurgical junction, beyond 32-nm nodes for a MOSFET, has become extremely challenging due to the requirement of an ultrasharp doping profile [1]. Because of such stringent demands, the scaling of MOSFET will soon reach its fundamental limits. Based on Lilienfeld’s first transistor architecture [2], very recently, a transistor has been proposed and successfully fabricated and named junctionless field effect transistor (JLFET) [3], [4], and it does not have any metallurgical junction. Unlike a MOSFET, for a JLFET channel, the doping concentration and type are equal to those in the source and drain. Since this device has no concentration gradient in the lateral direction of the conduction layer, it does not have any p–n junction. Also, as this device does not require any metallurgical junction, it should be simpler to fabricate, have better electrical properties, and less variability than MOSFET [3]–[5]. Although the JLFET shows better electrical properties and less variability than MOSFET, its subthreshold slope (SS) is still limited as in a MOSFET [4]. Because of a low power demand, over the last few decades, alternative transistors have been proposed to

Manuscript received February 4, 2013; revised March 9, 2013; accepted March 16, 2013. Date of current version April 22, 2013. The review of this letter was arranged by Editor X. Zhou. B. Ghosh is with the Microelectronics Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78758 USA. M. W. Akram is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2013.2253752

Fig. 1. Schematical representation of the JL-TFET, the length and thickness are as mentioned in the 2-D structure. The width of device equals to 1 μm. Work function (CG) = 4.3 eV, Work function (PG) = 5.93 eV.

achieve lower SS (< 60 mV/decade at room temperature). The most commonly reported alternative transistors are tunnel field effect transistor (TFET) [6]–[7] and impact ionization metal oxide semiconductor (IMOS) transistors [8]–[9]. In this letter, we proposed and examined a new TFET structure (namely JLTFET), which gives the advantages of both JLFET and TFET combined together. II. D EVICE S TRUCTURE AND O PERATION Fig. 1 shows the proposed double-gate junctionless tunnel field effect transistor (JL-TFET) structure along with the lengths and thicknesses of different layers used in simulation. The simulated JL-TFET is a Si-channel heavily n-type-doped (1 × 1019 cm−3 ) JLFET with a 20-nm channel length, source/drain extension length of 20 nm, silicon film thickness of 5 nm, 2-nm gate oxide thickness, and 5 nm of isolation in between Control-Gate (CG) and P-Gate (PG), which works as an isolation between the gates and also as a spacer. The double-gate technology is used to provide better controllability over the channel. All simulations are carried out using a 2-D device simulator, Silvaco Atlas, of version 5.15.32.R. We use a nonlocal band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) model available in Silvaco Atlas [10], and this model has been used in the literature to predict the performance of TFET [7]. The nonlocal BTBT model is used in the simulation to take into account a tunneling along the lateral direction. Band-gap narrowing (BGN) model is also enabled due to high doping concentration in the channel. The gate leakage current model is not included, with the assumption of high-k metal gate stack. Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) recombination model is also included because of a presence of high impurity atom in the channel and also consideration of an interface trap (or defect) effect [10]. The quantum confinement effect and interface trap effect on BTBT in TFETs are also enabled, by inclusion of quantum confinement (QC) model given by Hansch [10], [11], and trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) model given by Schenk [10], [12].

0741-3106/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE


OFF State Concentration Profile


Electron Hole

18 16


Valence Band Energy (eV) Conduction Band Energy (eV)


14 12

OFF State Energy Band Diagram











8 -1.0

6 4


2 0


-2 0.01






Distance along x-direction (µm)










Concentration (cm ) in Log10 Scale


Concentration (cm ) in Log10 Scale



Distance along x-direction (µm)


22 20

ON State Concentration Profile


ON State Energy Band Diagram Valence Band Energy (eV) Conduction Band Energy (eV)

18 0.5

Electron Hole

16 14


12 10 8






6 4


2 0





-2 0.01






Distance along x-direction (µm)










Distance along x-direction (µm)


Fig. 2. (a) OFF-state electron and hole concentration of JL-TFET. (b) Energy band diagram of JL-TFET in the OFF state. OFF state (VDS = 1 V, VCGS = 0 V).

Fig. 3. (a) ON-state electron and hole concentration of JL-TFET. (b) Energy band diagram of JL-TFET in the ON state. ON state (VDS = 1 V, VCGS = 1 V).

The simulated device structure is a lateral n-type JLFET, which uses the two isolated gates (Control-Gate, P-Gate) of two different metal work-functions, to make the layer beneath the gates intrinsic and p-type. To make the layers beneath Control-Gate and P-Gate intrinsic and p-type, respectively, we have varied the metal workfunction from 4.3 to 5.1 eV and 5.5 to 5.93 eV, respectively. The highest value of work function, i.e., 5.93 eV, corresponds to the metal platinum (Pt) [13]. In the proposed device structure, the work functions of 4.3 and 5.93 eV for Control-Gate and P-Gate give the best result in terms of SS and ION /IOFF values. However, JL-TFET with different silicon channel length, thickness, doping concentration, and source/drain extension length would have different combination of work function for Control-Gate and P-Gate to get the optimized results of the required performance parameters. The basic idea applied here is to convert the (N+ –N+ –N+ ) drain, channel and source of JLFET into a (N+ -I-P+ ) structure without any physical doping.

of the source to the conduction band of the channel. Hence, significant amount of current flows because of the quantumtunneling mechanism. Like in a TFET, we apply gate voltage only on the Control-Gate (the gate above the intrinsic region of the device) to turn on the device. The voltage of ControlGate (CG) is varied from 0 to 1 V for turning the device ON. Either in an OFF state or ON state, P-Gate terminal is kept at zero bias. It has been shown that the use of high-k dielectric gate material for TFETs improves the ON current and also SS [7]. Although the use of high-k dielectrics gives advantages in device characteristics, however, when high-k dielectric material is directly put in contact with silicon channel, it can lead to defects at the dielectric/semiconductor interface. The effect of interface defects is also taken into consideration for the simulation of TFETs. Here in the proposed structure, we have considered different dielectric materials (such as TiO2 (εr = 80), La2O3 (εr = 30), HfO2 (εr = 25), Al2O3 (εr = 9), Si3N4 (εr = 7), SiO2 (εr =3.9)), and the dielectric constants of different materials are taken from [14]. The subthreshold characteristic of the proposed device with high-k dielectric materials is shown in Fig. 4(a); here the QC model is not included. It is clear from figure that the material with higher dielectric constant gives a higher ON current and also improved SS. The improved ION and SS are observed, because of a higher gate coupling offered by high-k dielectric gate material of higher dielectric constant value ranging from 3.9 to 80, keeping the physical thickness of gate oxide fixed and equal to 2 nm. The point SS is measured as the inverse of maximum slope of the log of the drain current versus gate voltage [3], [7], [10]. The average SS is measured as used in [7]. The ON current (I ON ) and OFF current (I OFF ) are measured at the supply voltages of (V D S = 1V, VC G S = 1 V) and (V D S = 1V, VC G S = 0V), respectively. The highest ON current of ∼ 36μ A/μm is achieved for a high-k dielectric material of TiO2. Very low OFF current (