Predetermined control of turbulent boundary layer ...

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Predetermined control of turbulent boundary layer with a piezoelectric oscillator Xiao-Bo Zheng, Nan Jiang, Hao Zhang Citation:Chin. Phys. B . 2016, 25(1): 014703. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/1/014703

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CPB ISSN 1674-1056

Chinese Physics B

Volume 25 January 2016 Number 1 TOPICAL REVIEW • Fundamental physics research in lithium batteries • 8th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics

Chinese Physics B A Series Journal of the Chinese Physical Society Distributed by IOP Publishing

Vol 25, No 1 Featured Article Long-distance super-exchange and quantum magnetic relaxation in a hybrid metal-organic framework

January 2016

Ying Tian, Shipeng Shen, Junzhuang Cong, Liqin Yan, Yisheng Chai, Young Sun doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/1/017601

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Chin. Phys. B Vol. 25, No. 1 (2016) 014703

Predetermined control of turbulent boundary layer with a piezoelectric oscillator∗ Xiao-Bo Zheng(郑小波)1 , Nan Jiang(姜楠)1,2,† , and Hao Zhang(张浩)1 1 Department of Mechanics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 2 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Modern Engineering Mechanics, Tianjin 300072, China (Received 3 May 2015; revised manuscript received 10 August 2015; published online 30 November 2015)

With a piezoelectric (PZT) oscillator, the predetermined controls of the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) are effective in reducing the drag force. The stream-wise velocities in the TBL are accurately measured downstream of the oscillator driven by an adjustable power source. The mean velocity profiles in the inner and outer scales are reported and the skin friction stresses with different voltage parameters are compared. Reduction of integral spatial scales in the inner region below y+ of 30 suggests that the oscillator at work breaks up the near-wall stream-wise vortices responsible for high skin friction. For the TBL at Reθ of 2183, the controls with a frequency of 160 Hz are superior among our experiments and a relative drag reduction rate of 26.83% is exciting. Wavelet analyses provide a reason why the controls with this special frequency perform best.

Keywords: turbulent boundary layer, predetermined control, drag reduction, piezoelectric oscillator PACS:, 47.85.ld, 47.27.nb, 47.27.De

DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/1/014703

1. Introduction High skin friction generated by turbulent boundary layer (TBL) flow makes the drag reduction control a significant topic not only in fluid mechanics but also in other engineering areas. Coherent structure, i.e., multi-scale quasi-order spatiotemporal structure in a self-sustaining mechanism, plays a key role in the dynamics of the TBL. [1–6] Among them, stream-wise vortices near the wall are responsible for high skin friction regions underneath the TBL, [7,8] as shown in Fig. 1. From the perspective of control, a method that can manipulate stream-wise vortices and impede the self-generating process is beneficial to the purpose of skin-friction drag reduction. [9–12] TBL without control

predetermined control

streamwise vortex

2. Experiment setup

streamwise vortex


(PZT) material driving an oscillator with a forcing alternating voltage (AV) can be utilized as an actuator of predetermined control. [24] In this paper, a rectangular PZT oscillator is applied. We elaborate the oscillator used and examine the effect of the varied AV amplitude and frequency. To characterize the control performance, the statistical magnitudes of the TBL, such as mean stream-wise velocities and skin friction stress, are reported. The reduction of integral spatial scale in the inner region of the TBL reflects the control influence on the streamwise vortices near the wall. Wavelet analysis reveals on what scale these structures are and under what AV frequency the control can achieve a better drag reduction.

2.1. Basic TBL flow field

sweep ejection z low speed streak

yvibrating wall

high skin friction

Fig. 1. Schematic of predetermined control for drag reduction.

Compared with passive methods, [13–18] the active control has a wide adaptability to complex flows and can amplify the control effectiveness with a small auxiliary energy input. [19,20] For the actual implementation, a predetermined method is more feasible than interactive control. [21–23] Because of its low power consumption, fast response and low cost, piezoelectric

The experiments were conducted in an annular return wind tunnel. The TBL flow was developing along one side of a flat acrylic glass plate mounted vertically in the wind tunnel. Following the right-hand rule, the space coordinate system Oxyz is set with O as the origin at the leading edge of the plate, x as the stream-wise direction, y as the wall-normal direction, and z as the span-wise direction as shown in Fig. 2(a). By adjusting the pitch angle of the plate, a nearly zero-pressuregradient in the x direction was achieved. A piece of twistedpair wire was fixed spanwisely at x = 8 cm, and 4 pieces of No. 240 sandpaper were attached following the wire until x = 53 cm. These measures accelerated the transition of the

∗ Project

supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11332006, 11272233, and 11411130150) and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2012CB720101 and 2012CB720103). † Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] © 2016 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd


Chin. Phys. B Vol. 25, No. 1 (2016) 014703 boundary layer and made us achieve the fully developed TBL flow at about x = 1000 mm where the end of the control mechanism was and the measurements were conducted as shown in Fig. 2(b). [25] miniature single sensor boundary layer probe

(a) upward view


piezoelectric oscillator x

air flow

y O


electrical connection posts



leading edge processed into halfoval style sandpaper

side view

control mechanism accessory O


x pressure hole for mean wall pressure

z (b)

The thickness of epoxy bond was negligible. To excite the PZT oscillator, we used a power source of YuanFang-GK10005 that supplies AV with adjustable frequency and amplitude in a wide range. The PZT oscillator was modeled as a cantilever beam [26] as shown in Fig. 2(c). When a voltage was applied between its upper and lower surfaces, the beam bent in the x–y plane. The oscillator changed the wall boundary conditions and introduced interference into the TBL. The assumption of perfect bonding implied that the strain was continuous at the bond interface, and a linear strain distribution in the y direction was adopted. According to the basic geometrical information and material properties of the PZT oscillator (Table 1), we analyze the static deformation and the dynamic vibration by using the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. For an incompressible air flow, the aerodynamic pressure loading on the oscillator is negligible at low Mach numbers. Table 1. Details of PZT oscillator materials. Quantity /kg·m−3

PZT density ρp Shim density ρs /kg·m−3 PZT elastic modulus Ep /N·m−2 Shim elastic modulus Es /N·m−2 PZT strain constant d31 /m·V−1





x phosphor copper shim

neutral axis

piezoelectric ceramic



7.45×103 8.89×103 7.69×1010 11.3×1010 –186×10−12

The first-order natural frequency f1 is 254 Hz and the direct voltage (DV) gain coefficient H0 , i.e., the tip displacement of the PZT oscillator actuated by a voltage of 1 V, is 0.0014 mm/V. These two parameters are both important for the second-order frequency response model which has been verified experimentally. [27] The model of AV gain coefficient H ( f ) can be expressed as h i H ( f ) = H0 / 1 − ( f / fn )2 + j (2ξ f / fn ) , (1)




hs hp

bp Ls/Lp=30 mm bs=bp=3.62 mm hs=0.2 mm hp=0.22mm

Fig. 2. (a) Schematic of experiment set-up, (b) picture of PZT oscillator and miniature velocity probe, and (c) Euler–Bernoulli beam model of PZT oscillator.

2.2. PZT oscillator The control mechanism consisted of a cavity with the sizes of 32 mm × 5 mm × 5 mm and a PZT oscillator pasted firmly. The oscillator upper surface was kept flush with the flat plate. The effective length, total thickness, and the width of the oscillator were 30 mm, 0.42 mm, and 3.62 mm. The length and width were designed according to the size of the nearwall stream-wise vortex, a span-wise scale of O (100ν/uτ ), and a stream-wise scale of O (δ ) (both defined later). This unimorph configuration consisted of a piece of 220-µm-thick PZT-5H material and a 200-µm-thick phosphor-copper shim.

where fn is the n-th-order natural frequency, and ξ is the damping ratio and can be neglected for its small magnitude. Figure 3 shows the curve of the frequency response function. We set the AV control frequency fc to be below f1 to ensure the zero phase difference and appropriate gain. The tip displacement of the PZT oscillator is proportional to the applied voltage amplitude. Because of the voltage limit of the PZT material used, we supply voltage amplitudes Vc of no larger than 100 V for safety. The tip amplitudes At of the PZT oscillator in different working conditions are shown in Table 2. Under most control conditions, the interference introduced by the PZT oscillator belongs to the category of the Hydrodynamic smooth, because their amplitudes are less than 7 wall units (1 wall unit = ν/uτ ) (∼ 0.257 mm). Although the amplitudes are a little bigger than the critical condition of the Hydrodynamic smooth when fc is set to be 240 Hz, the typical layered structure of the TBL is not altered, owing to the small size of the PZT oscillator compared with the whole flow field.



Chin. Phys. B Vol. 25, No. 1 (2016) 014703 100

in the viscous sub-layer [30,31] as indicated in Fig. 4(a). The profile slope is related to skin friction stress τw , because


τw = ρν∂U/∂ y, 10-5





where air flow density ρ is 1.205 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity coefficient ν is 1.5×10−5 m2 /s. [32–34] The skin friction velocity uτ can be obtained according to


fc/Hz (b)



τw = ρu2τ .

-100 -200 100





Fig. 3. Frequency responses of PZT oscillator. (a) Amplitude–frequency curve, (b) phase–frequency curve.

Table 2. Drag reduction effect at x = 1002 mm. Vc /V, fc /Hz

At /mm

τw /(N/m2 )

∆τw /τwN

uτ /(m/s)

No control 20, 80 20, 160 20, 240 60, 80 60, 160 60, 240 100, 80 100, 160 100, 240

0 0.031 0.046 0.261 0.093 0.139 0.784 0.155 0.232 1.306

0.2408 0.2421 0.2416 0.2488 0.2348 0.2066 0.2400 0.2037 0.1762 0.2290

0 0.54% 0.33% 3.32% –2.49% –14.20% –0.33% –15.41% –26.83% –4.90%

0.4317 0.4329 0.4324 0.4388 0.4263 0.3999 0.4310 0.3971 0.3693 0.4210


Table 2 shows the values of relative drag reduction rate ∆τw /τwN under different values of Vc and fc , and τwN is the skin friction stress of the TBL without control. Figure 4(b) shows the mean velocity profiles in inner scale units y+ = yuτ /ν and U + = U/uτ . According to the log law U + = κ −1 ln y+ + B, B is related to uτ as the following differential expression:  duτ /uτ = −dB/ U + + 1/κ ,


where the Karman constant κ is 0.41. Because dτw /τwN is twice the value of duτ /uτ , dB becomes a visual measure of control effects in the view of whole TBL. The most beneficial effect of 160 Hz AV is obvious among the control strategies. With fc kept constant, the drag reduction effect is positively correlated with Vc . y+ 0.8



50 16





8 no control 100 V, 80 Hz 100 V, 160 Hz








4 0 0.05

y/δ 28 (b) 24 20

log law


no control

linear law

20 V, 80 Hz 60 V, 80 Hz 100 V, 80 Hz 20 V, 160 Hz 60 V, 160 Hz 100 V, 160 Hz 20 V, 240 Hz 60 V, 240 Hz 100 V, 240 Hz


3. Result and analysis


3.1. Mean velocity and skin friction


The free stream velocity U∞ is 9.0 m/s and the TBL nominal thickness δ is 39.8 mm. Based on U∞ and the momentum thickness θ , the Reynolds number Reθ is 2183. The outer scale mean velocity profile (scaled with δ and U∞ ) is linear

0 1





At x = 1002 mm, i.e., 2 mm downstream the end of the control mechanism, the stream-wise velocity components u in the TBL were accurately measured by the constant temperature anemometry of IFA-300 with a miniature boundary layer probe TSI-1621A-T1.5. The hot wire of this probe is made of tungsten (platinum coated) cylinder with a sensitive length of 1.25 mm and diameter of 4 µm. This probe was specially prepared for velocity measurement, which was located very close to the wall. [28,29] Before measurement, mean-flow calibration was employed twice and the error was 0.087% based on the fourth-order polynomial curve fitting. We set the sampling rate and low pass cut off frequency to be 100 kHz and 50 kHz, respectively. Time sequences of the stream-wise velocity signals at different wall-normal locations were finally achieved and each sequence consisted of 222 moments in about 42 s.



2.3. Velocity measurement



100 y+



Fig. 4. Mean velocity profiles of different control conditions in (a) outer and (b) inner scale units.

Chin. Phys. B Vol. 25, No. 1 (2016) 014703 3.2. Integral spatial scale The integral spatial scale L reflects the spatial dimension of a turbulent structure in large scale with the same order of mean motion, [25] and is achieved by the auto-correlation analysis and Taylor’s frozen hypothesis as  Z∞  f (τ)dτ y+ , (5) L y+ = U y+ × 0

(n = 9, y+ = 14) is obvious and it corresponds to the streamwise vortex in the buffer layer that is located in a frequency band near the frequency f9W of about 147 Hz. These structures contain the most fluctuating energy in the near-wall multiscale turbulence. [37] It is the reason why the controls with a frequency of 160 Hz located in this special frequency band perform best for drag reduction in our experiments.

where f (τ) = u0 (t + τ) u0 (t)/u02 (t) is the auto-correlation coefficient of longitudinal fluctuating velocity temporal sequence u0 (t). As Fig. 5 shows, in the outer portion of the TBL, L keeps the same order as δ and curves of different control conditions overlap well. However, in the inner region of y+ < 30, it is obvious that L with control is smaller than that without control and L is the smallest when 100 V and 160 Hz AV are both applied. Coupled with the drag reduction effect, it suggests that the PZT oscillator at work breaks up the streamwise vortices near the wall, which leads to the reduction of high skin friction.


16 y/-.x+.


12 8 4 0 -4 0




9 12 Scale level n



u′r2(n,y+) in dB


0 -20


-40 102

no control 100 V, 80 Hz 100 V, 160 Hz 100 V, 240 Hz



Integral spatial scale L/m


-60 -80 101






y+/, n/





7 9 11 13 Scale level n





Fig. 6. (a) Relationship between n and fnW , (b) distribution of u02 r in the plane (n, y+ ) without control.

Fig. 5. Profiles of integral special scale L.

3.3. Wavelet analysis In order to detect the most energetic coherent components of TBL flow and reveal the control mechanism, Mallat pyramidal algorithm of the orthonormal discrete wavelet transform is accomplished with db5 wavelet. [35,36] The wavelet scale index n is linear with respect to logarithmic characteristic frequency fnW , as Fig. 6(a) shows. The curve slope slightly differs from the dyadic property theoretical value of −1. This deviation is caused by the selection of wavelet basis. The intercept is related to the signal sampling frequency. According to the linear logarithmic relationship, the control frequencies of 80, 160, and 240 Hz are corresponding to varied discrete scale n values of 10, 9, and 8 in the multi-scale system of near-wall turbulence. The values of single-reconstructed velocity fluctuation u0r (n,t) without control are attained firstly at different values of wall-normal location y+ . Then the energy distribution u02 r (n, y+ ) in dB is shown by Fig. 6(b). A peak at

4. Conclusions The PZT oscillator controls of the TBL are effective in reducing the drag force, and the most relative drag reduction rate of 26.83% is noticeable. When the control frequency is fixed, the drag reduction effect is positively correlated with the tip amplitude of PZT oscillator which is proportional to the AV amplitude. The controls are superior when AV frequencies are set to be near the frequency corresponding to the scale of the near-wall coherent structure containing the most energy. Reduction of integral spatial scale in the inner region of y+ < 30 suggests that the PZT oscillator at work breaks up the near-wall stream-wise vortices responsible for high skin friction. Because of the high electrical impedance of PZT oscillator under AV driving, the power consumptions of different control conditions are all less than 0.1 watt measured by a power meter built-in the power supply. In this light, the drag reduction performances of our control strategies are exciting.


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Chinese Physics B Volume 25

Number 1

January 2016

TOPICAL REVIEW — Fundamental physics research in lithium batteries 018214

Editorial Hong Li and Liquan Chen


Entropy and heat generation of lithium cells/batteries Songrui Wang


Mechanics of high-capacity electrodes in lithium-ion batteries Ting Zhu


Li-ion batteries: Phase transition Peiyu Hou, Geng Chu, Jian Gao, Yantao Zhang and Lianqi Zhang


Soft x-ray spectroscopy for probing electronic and chemical states of battery materials Wanli Yang and Ruimin Qiao


Electrochromic & magnetic properties of electrode materials for lithium ion batteries Zheng-Fei Guo, Kun Pan and Xue-Jin Wang


Interfacial transport in lithium-ion conductors Shaofei Wang and Liquan Chen


Size effects in lithium ion batteries Hu-Rong Yao, Ya-Xia Yin and Yu-Guo Guo


Understanding oxygen reactions in aprotic Li-O2 batteries Shunchao Ma, Yelong Zhang, Qinghua Cui, Jing Zhao and Zhangquan Peng


Strategies to curb structural changes of lithium/transition metal oxide cathode materials & the changes’ effects on thermal & cycling stability Xiqian Yu, Enyuan Hu, Seongmin Bak, Yong-Ning Zhou and Xiao-Qing Yang


Physics of electron and lithium-ion transport in electrode materials for Li-ion batteries Musheng Wu, Bo Xu and Chuying Ouyang


Wavy structures for stretchable energy storage devices: Structural design and implementation Lei Wen, Ying Shi, Jing Chen, Bin Yan and Feng Li


High-throughput theoretical design of lithium battery materials Shi-Gang Ling, Jian Gao, Rui-Juan Xiao and Li-Quan Chen


Surface structure evolution of cathode materials for Li-ion batteries Yingchun Lyu, Yali Liu and Lin Gu


Brief overview of electrochemical potential in lithium ion batteries Jian Gao, Si-Qi Shi and Hong Li


Lithium-ion transport in inorganic solid state electrolyte Jian Gao, Yu-Sheng Zhao, Si-Qi Shi and Hong Li (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)


Multi-scale computation methods: Their applications in lithium-ion battery research and development Siqi Shi, Jian Gao, Yue Liu, Yan Zhao, Qu Wu, Wangwei Ju, Chuying Ouyang and Ruijuan Xiao


Redox-assisted Li+ -storage in lithium-ion batteries Qizhao Huang and Qing Wang


Scientific and technological challenges toward application of lithium–sulfur batteries Ya-Xia Yin, Hu-Rong Yao and Yu-Guo Guo


All-solid-state lithium batteries with inorganic solid electrolytes: Review of fundamental science Xiayin Yao, Bingxin Huang, Jingyun Yin, Gang Peng, Zhen Huang, Chao Gao, Deng Liu and Xiaoxiong Xu SPECIAL TOPIC — Fundamental physics research in lithium batteries


FT-Raman spectroscopy study of solvent-in-salt electrolytes Liumin Suo, Zheng Fang, Yong-Sheng Hu and Liquan Chen TOPICAL REVIEW — 8th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics


Ab initio path-integral molecular dynamics and the quantum nature of hydrogen bonds Yexin Feng, Ji Chen, Xin-Zheng Li and Enge Wang


A new understanding of inert gas narcosis Meng Zhang, Yi Gao and Haiping Fang


Uncovering the underlying physical mechanisms of biological systems via quantification of landscape and flux Li Xu, Xiakun Chu, Zhiqiang Yan, Xiliang Zheng, Kun Zhang, Feng Zhang, Han Yan, Wei Wu and Jin Wang


Self-assembly of block copolymers grafted onto a flat substrate: Recent progress in theory and simulations Zheng Wang and Bao-Hui Li


Development of mean-field electrical double layer theory Yike Huang, Xiaohong Liu, Shu Li and Tianying Yan


Modeling the temperature-dependent peptide vibrational spectra based on implicit-solvent model and enhance sampling technique Tianmin Wu, Tianjun Wang, Xian Chen, Bin Fang, Ruiting Zhang and Wei Zhuang


Hierarchical processes in β -sheet peptide self-assembly from the microscopic to the mesoscopic level Li Deng and Hai Xu


Computational design of proteins with novel structure and functions Wei Yang and Lu-Hua Lai


Flexibility of nucleic acids: From DNA to RNA Lei Bao, Xi Zhang, Lei Jin and Zhi-Jie Tan


Amyloid-β peptide aggregation and the influence of carbon nanoparticles Wen-Hui Xi and Guang-Hong Wei


Improvements in continuum modeling for biomolecular systems Yu Qiao and Ben-Zhuo Lu (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)


Computational investigations on polymerase actions in gene transcription and replication: Combining physical modeling and atomistic simulations


Jin Yu Multiscale molecular dynamics simulations of membrane remodeling by Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs family proteins Chun Chan, Haohua Wen, Lanyuan Lu and Jun Fan


In vitro three-dimensional cancer metastasis modeling: Past, present, and future Wei-jing Han, Wei Yuan, Jiang-rui Zhu, Qihui Fan, Junle Qu, Li-yu Liu


Recent technical advancements enabled atomic resolution CryoEM Xueming Li RAPID COMMUNICATION


Unexpected low thermal conductivity and large power factor in Dirac semimetal Cd3 As2 Cheng Zhang, Tong Zhou, Sihang Liang, Junzhi Cao, Xiang Yuan, Yanwen Liu, Yao Shen, Qisi Wang, Jun Zhao, Zhongqin Yang and Faxian Xiu


Fabrication of superconducting NbN meander nanowires by nano-imprint lithography Mei Yang, Li-Hua Liu, Lu-Hui Ning, Yi-Rong Jin, Hui Deng, Jie Li, Yang Li and Dong-Ning Zheng


Long-distance super-exchange and quantum magnetic relaxation in a hybrid metal–organic framework Ying Tian, Shipeng Shen, Junzhuang Cong, Liqin Yan, Yisheng Chai and Young Sun GENERAL


A new six-component super soliton hierarchy and its self-consistent sources and conservation laws Han-yu Wei and Tie-cheng Xia


Denoising of chaotic signal using independent component analysis and empirical mode decomposition with circulate translating Wen-Bo Wang, Xiao-Dong Zhang, Yuchan Chang, Xiang-Li Wang, Zhao Wang, Xi Chen and Lei Zheng


Birkhoffian symplectic algorithms derived from Hamiltonian symplectic algorithms Xin-Lei Kong, Hui-Bin Wu and Feng-Xiang Mei


Atomic-scale simulations of material behaviors and tribology properties for BCC metal film H D Aristizabal, P A Parra, P L´opez and E Restrepo-Parra


Multi-symplectic variational integrators for nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients Cui-Cui Liao, Jin-Chao Cui, Jiu-Zhen Liang and Xiao-Hua Ding


Solution of Dirac equation for Eckart potential and trigonometric Manning Rosen potential using asymptotic iteration method Resita Arum Sari, A Suparmi and C Cari


Spin dynamics of the potassium magnetometer in spin-exchange relaxation free regime Ji-Qing Fu, Peng-Cheng Du, Qing Zhou and Ru-Quan Wang


Entanglement and non-Markovianity of a multi-level atom decaying in a cavity Zi-Long Fan, Yu-Kun Ren and Hao-Sheng Zeng (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)


Tunable ponderomotive squeezing induced by Coulomb interaction in an optomechanical system Qin Wu


Passive decoy-state quantum key distribution for the weak coherent photon source with finite-length key Yuan Li, Wansu Bao, Hongwei Li, Chun Zhou and Yang Wang


Detection efficiency characteristics of free-running InGaAs/InP single photon detector using passive quenching active reset IC Fu Zheng, Chao Wang, Zhi-Bin Sun and Guang-Jie Zhai


Effects of a finite number of particles on the thermodynamic properties of a harmonically trapped ideal charged Bose gas in a constant magnetic field Duan-Liang Xiao, Meng-Yun Lai and Xiao-Yin Pan


Quantum walks with coins undergoing different quantum noisy channels Hao Qin and Peng Xue


Complex dynamics of an archetypal self-excited SD oscillator driven by moving belt friction Zhi-Xin Li, Qing-Jie Cao and L´eger Alain


Memcapacitor model and its application in a chaotic oscillator Guang-Yi Wang, Bo-Zhen Cai, Pei-Pei Jin and Ti-Ling Hu


Effects of abnormal excitation on the dynamics of spiral waves Min-Yi Deng, Xue-Liang Zhang and Jing-Yu Dai


Parrondo’s paradox for chaos control and anticontrol of fractional-order systems Marius-F Danca and Wallace K S Tang


The Wronskian technique for nonlinear evolution equations Jian-Jun Cheng and Hong-Qing Zhang


Kuznetsov–Ma soliton and Akhmediev breather of higher-order nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation Zai-Dong Li, Xuan Wu, Qiu-Yan Li and P B He


Study on bi-directional pedestrian movement using ant algorithms Sibel Gokce and Ozhan Kayacan ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS


Correlation effects on the fine-structure splitting within the 3d9 ground configuration in highly-charged Co-like ions Xue-Ling Guo, Min Huang, Jun Yan, Shuang Li, Kai Wang, Ran Si and Chong-Yang Chen


Accurate spectroscopic constants of the lowest two electronic states in S2 molecule with explicitly correlated method Changli Wei, Xiaomei Zhang, Dajun Ding and Bing Yan


Phase equilibrium of Cd1−x Znx S alloys studied by first-principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations Fu-Zhen Zhang, Hong-Tao Xue, Fu-Ling Tang, Xiao-Kang Li, Wen-Jiang Lu and Yu-Dong Feng


New developments in the multiscale hybrid energy density computational method Min Sun, Shanying Wang, Dianwu Wang and Chongyu Wang (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)


Stark effect of the hyperfine structure of ICl in its rovibronic ground state: Towards further molecular cooling Qing-Hui Wang, Xu-Ping Shao and Xiao-Hua Yang


Numerical analyses on optical limiting performances of chloroindium phthalocyanines with different substituent positions Yu-Jin Zhang, Xing-Zhe Li, Ji-Cai Liu and Chuan-Kui Wang


Triple differential cross sections of magnesium in doubly symmetric geometry S Y Sun, X Y Miao and Xiang-Fu Jia


Mobility of large clusters on a semiconductor surface: Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation results M Esen, A T T¨uzemen and M Ozdemir ELECTROMAGNETISM, OPTICS, ACOUSTICS, HEAT TRANSFER, CLASSICAL MECHANICS, AND FLUID DYNAMICS


Cavity linewidth narrowing with dark-state polaritons Gong-Wei Lin, Jie Yang, Yue-Ping Niu and Shang-Qing Gong


Steady-state linear optical properties and Kerr nonlinear optical response of a four-level quantum dot with phonon-assisted transition Yan-Chao She, Ting-Ting Luo, Wei-Xi Zhang, Mao-Wu Ran and Deng-Long Wang


Stationary entanglement between two nanomechanical oscillators induced by Coulomb interaction Qin Wu, Yin Xiao and Zhi-Ming Zhang


Fiber fuse behavior in kW-level continuous-wave double-clad field laser Jun-Yi Sun, Qi-Rong Xiao, Dan Li, Xue-Jiao Wang, Hai-Tao Zhang, Ma-Li Gong and Ping Yan


Frequency doubled femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser with an assisted enhancement cavity Jin-Wei Zhang, Hai-Nian Han, Lei Hou, Long Zhang, Zi-Jiao Yu, De-Hua Li and Zhi-Yi Wei


Joint transfer of time and frequency signals and multi-point synchronization via fiber network Nan Cheng, Wei Chen, Qin Liu, Dan Xu, Fei Yang, You-Zhen Gui and Hai-Wen Cai


Tunable femtosecond near-infrared source based on a Yb:LYSO-laser-pumped optical parametric oscillator Wen-Long Tian, Zhao-Hua Wang, Jiang-Feng Zhu and Zhi-Yi Wei


Tunable, continuous-wave single-resonant optical parametric oscillator with output coupling for resonant wave Xiong-Hua Zheng, Bao-Fu Zhang, Zhong-Xing Jiao and Biao Wang


Optimization of the idler wavelength tunable cascaded optical parametric oscillator based on chirpassisted aperiodically poled lithium niobate crystal Tao Chen, Rong Shu, Ye Ge and Zhuo Chen


Numerical simulation of modulation to incident laser by submicron to micron surface contaminants on fused silica Liang Yang, Xia Xiang, Xin-Xiang Miao, Li Li, Xiao-Dong Yuan, Zhong-Hua Yan, Guo-Rui Zhou, Hai-Bing Lv, Wan-Guo Zheng and Xiao-Tao Zu (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)


Data point selection for weighted least square fitting of cavity decay time constant Xing He, Hu Yan, Li-Zhi Dong, Ping Yang and Bing Xu


Non-Noether symmetries of Hamiltonian systems with conformable fractional derivatives Lin-Li Wang and Jing-Li Fu


Two kinds of generalized gradient representations for holonomic mechanical systems Feng-Xiang Mei and Hui-Bin Wu


Analytical study of Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model for a boundary layer flow of Oldroyd-B fluid F M Abbasi, M Mustafa, S A Shehzad, M S Alhuthali and T Hayat


Three-dimensional multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann front-tracking method for two-phase flow Hai-Qiong Xie, Zhong Zeng and Liang-Qi Zhang


Predetermined control of turbulent boundary layer with a piezoelectric oscillator Xiao-Bo Zheng, Nan Jiang and Hao Zhang PHYSICS OF GASES, PLASMAS, AND ELECTRIC DISCHARGES


Optimized calculation of the synergy conditions between electron cyclotron current drive and lower hybrid current drive on EAST Wei Wei, Bo-Jiang Ding, Y Peysson, J Decker, Miao-Hui Li, Xin-Jun Zhang, Xiao-Jie Wang and Lei Zhang


Numerical study of the effect of water content on OH production in a pulsed-dc atmospheric pressure helium–air plasma jet Mu-Yang Qian, Cong-Ying Yang, Zhen-dong Wang, Xiao-Chang Chen, San-Qiu Liu and De-Zhen Wang


Effects of 𝑞 -profiles of a weak magnetic shear on energetic ion excited q = 1 mode in tokamak plasmas Ze-Yu Li, Xian-Qu Wang and Xiao-Gang Wang


Conversion of an atomic to a molecular argon ion and low pressure argon relaxation M N Stankov, A P Jovanovi´c, V Lj Markovi´c and S N Stamenkovi´c CONDENSED MATTER: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND THERMAL PROPERTIES


Evolution of structure and physical properties in Al-substituted Ba-hexaferrites Alex Trukhanov, Larisa Panina, Sergei Trukhanov, Vitalii Turchenko and Mohamed Salem


A new family of sp-hybridized carbon phases Ning Xu, Jian-Fu Li, Bo-Long Huang and Bao-Lin Wang


Phonon dispersion on Ag (100) surface: A modified analytic embedded atom method study Xiao-Jun Zhang and Chang-Le Chen


Ab initio investigation of photoinduced non-thermal phase transition in β -cristobalite Shi-Quan Feng, Hua-Ping Zang, Yong-Qiang Wang, Xin-Lu Cheng and Jin-Sheng Yue


Vortices in dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates in synthetic magnetic field Qiang Zhao and Qiang Gu


Phase transition and critical behavior of spin–orbital coupled spinel ZnV2 O4 Li Wang, Rong-juan Wang, Yuan-yuan Zhu, Zhi-hong Lu, Rui Xiong, Yong Liu and Jing Shi (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)


Characteristics of Li diffusion on silicene and zigzag nanoribbon Yan-Hua Guo, Jue-Xian Cao and Bo Xu


Heterogeneous fragmentation of metallic liquid microsheet with high velocity gradient An-Min He, Pei Wang and Jian-Li Shao


Spin texturing in quantum wires with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin–orbit interactions and in-plane magnetic field B Gisi, S Sakiroglu and ˙I Sokmen


Characterization of vertical Au/β -Ga2 O3 single-crystal Schottky photodiodes with MBE-grown highresistivity epitaxial layer X Z Liu, C Yue, C T Xia and W L Zhang


Manipulating coupling state and magnetism of Mn-doped ZnO nanocrystals by changing the coordination environment of Mn via hydrogen annealing Yan Cheng, Wen-Xian Li, Wei-Chang Hao, Huai-Zhe Xu, Zhong-Fei Xu, Li-Rong Zheng, Jing Zhang, Shi-Xue Dou and Tian-Min Wang


Modulating doping and interface magnetism of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) Pan Zhou and Da-Wei He


Reverse blocking characteristics and mechanisms in Schottky-drain AlGaN/GaN HEMT with a drain field plate and floating field plates Wei Mao, Wei-Bo She, Cui Yang, Jin-Feng Zhang, Xue-Feng Zheng, Chong Wang and Yue Hao


In-situ SAXS study on PET/ PMMT composites during tensile tests Wei-Dong Cheng, Xiao-Hua Gu, Xue Song, Peng Zeng, Zhao-Jun Wu, Xue-Qing Xing, Guang Mo and ZhongHua Wu INTERDISCIPLINARY PHYSICS AND RELATED AREAS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


Effect of fluence and ambient environment on the surface and structural modification of femtosecond laser irradiated Ti Umm-i-Kalsoom, Shazia Bashir, Nisar Ali, M Shahid Rafique, Wolfgang Husinsky, Chandra S R Nathala, Sergey V Makarov and Narjis Begum


Superior material qualities and transport properties of InGaN channel heterostructure grown by pulsed metal organic chemical vapor deposition Ya-Chao Zhang, Xiao-Wei Zhou, Sheng-Rui Xu, Da-Zheng Chen, Zhi-Zhe Wang, Xing Wang, Jin-Feng Zhang, Jin-Cheng Zhang and Yue Hao


Detection and formation mechanism of micro-defects in ultrafine pitch Cu Cu direct bonding Zi-Yu Liu, Jian Cai, Qian Wang and Yu Chen


Improved double-gate armchair silicene nanoribbon field-effect-transistor at large transport bandgap Mohsen Mahmoudi, Zahra Ahangari and Morteza Fathipour (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)


Quantum dynamics of charge transfer on the one-dimensional lattice: Wave packet spreading and recurrence V N Likhachev, O I Shevaleevskii and G A Vinogradov GEOPHYSICS, ASTRONOMY, AND ASTROPHYSICS


Application of long-range correlation and multi-fractal analysis for the depiction of drought risk Wei Hou, Peng-Cheng Yan, Shu-Ping Li, Gang Tu and Jing-Guo Hu