May 9, 2011 - restricted to either on-robot microphone arrays or embedded microphones in aware ... on the mathematics of sound source localization. Arrays,.
digital image processing applications such as edge detection, ..... Ena(S2),ptr bitl(S3:SS),ptr2 bit(S6),p bit(S7-61),ena out(62) ... Read(63), write(64), clear(6S).
IC. Frequency. Reconfigurable filter. DC-to-DC. Power Booster. PTx. PRx. Pin. PDC .... PMU to supply the necessary dc power to the p-i-n diodes. Consequently, the PMU is ...... oscilloscope model: LeCroy wavepro 7300A. Fig 17(a) shows.
Vision-based user interfaces (VB-UI) are an emerging area of user interface technology where a user's intentional ..... Atlanta, Georgia. 7. Zhang, Z., et al.
Jul 20, 2015 - The waveguide width is 200 nm with layers of the following thicknesses: tSi,bottom = 220 nm, tSi,top = 240 nm, tHf O2. = 5 nm, tITO = 10 nm,.
subsystem, SubNet, to represent a dynamic aggregation of cells. ..... Temporal Properties of Reactive Systems: a STeP Tutorial, in Formal Methods in System.
phone, laptop computer, diary, digital camera, video .... have to deal with unpredicted network outage or ... systems is to find a good balance between flexibility.
the theoretical framework of [2, 3, 1] to enable software architects and engineers .... Figure 7 illustrates a BPMN process modelling the car repair service. ..... 1. models the EJB mechanisms for the management of transactional scopes upon in-.
Key words: Automotive Systems, Middleware Architecture, Dynamic Reconfiguration, ... automotive electronics sector with networked and collaborating ECUs,.
sentative of the potential of using programmable logic in system design. It features an embedded ... SRAM-based embedded field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Application-specific ..... Flexeos Family Technical Manual. [Online]. Available:.
communicates with the external world through the I/O Sub- .... Fault tolerance and self repair is a major area of research ... trying to access data on a hard disk.
Jul 9, 2010 - beam contrast B = Fleft/Fright quantifies the on/off contrast, and is defined as ... arm already at the fabrication stage, the dispersion relation for.
Anadigm does not in this document convey any license under its patent rights nor the ... process multiple channels of analog signals where two or more such devices were ... Using this new device, de signers can route the digital output of the A/D ... [For more detailed information on the features of the AN221E04 device,.
AN221E04 Datasheet Dynamically Reconfigurable FPAA With Enhanced I/O
Disclaimer Anadigm reserves the right to make any changes without further notice to any products herein. Anadigm makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Anadigm assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including with out limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Anadigm does not in this document convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Anadigm software and associated products cannot be used except strictly in accordance with an Anadigm software license. The terms of the appropriate Anadigm software license shall prevail over the above terms to the extent of any inconsistency.
AN221E04 Datasheet – Dynamically Reconfigurable FPAA With Enhanced I/O PRODUCT AND ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW The AN221E04 device consists of a 2x2 matrix of fully Configurable Analog Blocks (CABs), surrounded by a fabric of programmable interconnect resources. Configuration data is stored in a n on-chip SRAM configuration memory. Compared with the first-generation FPAAs, the Ana digmvortex architecture provides a significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio as w ell as higher bandwidth. These devices also ac commodate nonlinear functions such as sensor response line arization and arb itrary waveform synthesis. The AN221E04 device features an adva nced input/output structure that allows the FPAA to be programmed w ith up to six outputs – or triple the number provided by the ANx20E04 devices. The AN221E04 devices have four confi gurable I/O cells and two dedicated output cells. For I/O-intensive applications, this means a single F PAA can now be used to process multiple channels of analog signals where two or more such devices were previously needed. In addition, the AN221E04 devices allow designers to implement an integrated 8-bit analog-to-digital converter on the FP AA, eliminating the potential need for an external converter. Using this new device, de signers can route the digital output of the A/D converter off-chip using one of the dedicated output cells.
Dynamic reconfiguration Four configurable I/O cells, two dedicated output cells 8-bit SAR analog–to–digital converter Fully differential architecture Fully differential I/O buffering with options for single ended to differential conversion Low input offset through chopper stabilized amplifiers 256 Byte Look-Up Table (LUT) for linearization and arbitrary signal generation 4:1 Input multiplexer Typical Signal Bandwidth: DC-2MHz (Bandwidth is CAM dependent) Signal to Noise Ratio: o Broadband 80dB o Narrowband (audio) 100dB Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): 80dB DC offset