retarder is needed. Roll call vote all (5) yes. Motion by Meverden. 2nd by Radlinger to adjourn at 7:35pm. Motion carrie
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF BUTTERNUT NOTICE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MINUTES Butternut School Wednesday June 25, 2014 312 W. Wisconsin Street Library 7:00 P.M. Butternut, WI 54514 Call to order by President Radlinger at 7 pm Roll call of School Board Members- John Radlinger, Gary Mertig, Larry Meverden, Jim Moccardine and Randol Smart present Motion by Moccardine 2nd by Meverden to approve the agenda Motion carried Motion by Mertig 2nd by Smart to approve the replacement of the water damaged gym floor. Proposal includes installing Robbins Bio-Cushion wood flooring system, the total cost of this part of the project is $98,734.00. Removal of existing flooring system is $8,990.00. The dumpster rental will be based on how many 30 yard dumpsters are needed. The school’s insurance will cover all but the deductible. The floor will be torn out as soon as possible so the concrete can dry out. The Board will seek input from the contractor in 4 weeks to see if the moisture barrier or the moisture retarder is needed. Roll call vote all (5) yes Motion by Meverden 2nd by Radlinger to adjourn at 7:35pm Motion carried Gary A. Mertig Butternut School Board Clerk