High. Uinghumton. , 27. Boston. 39. Buffalo. 25. PHUbunrh. -±2. Rochester. 3D ... To Buy Beer for ... Brennan said plan
Our Town
Draff Board SO Will Induct 30 Men on Jan. 10
TODAY Sunday 1 p. m. . . . 2 m. . . .
30 30 30 29 27 26 26 26 24 23; 10
Local Draft Board 50 has received notice to furnish 30 men for induction on Jan. 10. This compares wjjh a total of 18 furnished by the board in December. The group will be composed mostly of men«from the 21year-old category, though a few may be called from the 20-ycar-olds. Officials of the local office said no January call had been received by Board 51.
20 18 18 17 m. in. 16 m. Ml. 16 in. ni. 17 in. 16 in. in. 19 10 m. 21 in. 11 m. 22 21 11 a. m 12 ght 24 20|12 Noon . Yeaterday'a high 30 degraat; low, 20 degrees. Mean temperature, 25 degrees. Precipitation trace. Forecast: Partly cloudy and colder, few snow flurries. Low tonight, 0 to 10 degrees.
3 4 b 6 7 8 9
Temperatures at 8:30 a. m. est, today as reported by official weather bureaus throughout the United States. 24-Hr. High Uinghumton Boston Buffalo
PHUbunrh Rochester
, 27 39 25
-±2 3D
12-Hr Low 1U 1 •2s 1» 0 7 -4 10 17 -11 19 26 11 IS 17 6
Rome Streets To Have More
Lights by Jan. PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL—An artist's conception of the proposed municipal swimming pool was presented today to Mayor Alfred M. Hoehn, shown left in picture above. Harold G. Rice, Rome Planning Commission chairman points to Wood Creek which will not have its course changed as originally planned. (Sentinel Photo).
HONOR PASTOR—Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Church honored their pastor, the Rev. Victor F. Ciciarelli, at a dinner yesterday, noting the 15th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Left to right are the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward P. Buttimer, pastor of St. Peter's Church; Mrs. Rosario De Mare, general chairman; Father Ciciarelli: Anthony K. Pomilio, toastmaster; Dominick J. Parry, guest speaker, and the Rev. John Sciskalski, pastor of the Church of the Transfiguration of our Lord. (Sentinel Photo).
Additional street lights will be put in service by the first of the year, Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp. officials told Public Works Commissioner Kenneth Arthur today. The 1950 program, stalled for lack of materials, called for the installation of 47 additional lights. Failure of the power company to install the lights requested throughout the year brought al blast from the aldermen a t the Nov. 20 Common Council meeting.; At that time Commissioner Arthur was informed that some materials required in the installation: of the lights were not available, but suppliers had agreed to make delivery by the middle of this J month. Arthur said this morning he had been informed that the supplies had been delivered, and that installation of the lights would begin at once.
Churches Have $150 Collected Mayor Gets Jottings To Buy Beer for Special Yule Drawing of —Regular communication of RoGIs in Korea m a n Lodge, No. 223, F. & A. M. Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Edward L. Smith Jr. De- Swim Pool Programs Election of officers. tachment, M a r i n e Corps —Queen Esther Rebekah Lodge ] |
Parishioners of St. John's Give Testimonial to Father Ciciarelli
League, has ended its drive to No. 71, will hold a regular meet- The Christmas spirit pervaded An artist's conception of the raise funds for beer for GIs proposed municipal swimming pool ing Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rome churches yesterday as speThe Rev. Victor F . Ciciarelli, in Korea. —Regular meeting of Wanakena cial programs in honor of the seawas presented to Mayor Alfred ML pastor of St. John the Baptist Chapter 650, O.E.S., Wednesday son were presented. Chairman John Slobodian Hoehn this morning by Harold G. Church, was honored a t a testievening at 8 o'clock. today said $150 had been rais- Rice, chairman of the Rome Planmonial dinner in the church hall These included a Sunday School ed through canisters placed ning Commission. last night commemorating the service at Trinity Evangelical in stores and establishments 15th anniversary of his ordination Church under the direction of When reorganized earlier this to the priesthood. Arthur D. Schilling, superintend- in Rome, Oriskany, Stanwix, year the six-member commission Camden, Taberg and Lee Cen- proposed a municipal pool on the ent. More than 200 members of the Mary Rose Sparacine, 310 Louisa ter. congregation and friends attended. city-owned Thron's Pond site Hand Picked Northern Spies Harold Sherman has been St., and Joseph Frank Spinella, Taking part were the choir, The evening program followed composed of junior girls and inThe artist's sketch, from plans 184 Howe Ave., Passaic, N. J. re-elected president of the and Delicious Apple* a solemn high Mass a t 11 a. m. termediate boys and girls; the beand specifications drafted by City American Legion Band spon- with F a t h e r Ciciarelli as celeEngineer Martin A. Brennan, deginners' department which gave Open Evening* sored by Henry P. Smith Post, brant, the Rev. Joseph F . Marpicts the pool in landscapped surrecitations and songs, including angolo, deacon, and t h e Rev. John roundings and gives an idea of how "Silent Night" and "Jingle Bells;" Rome. B. O'Brien, sub-deacon. the project will look when com-! the junior boys, who gave a radio Samuel Badolato is the now CLARK — To Lyle and Julia adaptation of "Joy to the World" The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward P. pleted. 72S W. Dominick St. vice-president. Other re-elect- Buttimer, pastor of St. Peter's Wicks Clark, 116 E. Embargo St., and the primary department which Present plans, according to Borne, N. Y. ed officers are: Larry Migliori, Church, preached the sermon. The Dec. 18, 1950, in Rome Hospital, constructed a nativity scene before Brennan, calls for the 75 by 200-1 secretary; Nicholas D'Argenio, male choir sang the Mass under a daughter. the altar. foot pool to be constructed in the treasurer, and Jack Herrick, the direction of Prof. Pietro CianELLIS—To Robert and Betty rear of the old Murphy hospital More than 70 fatherless chilApproximately 150 persons atsergeant-at-arms. Anne Knight Ellis, Westernville, frocco. Mrs. Harry W. Gerwig was buffet dren were guests of the Woman's building. Dec. 15, 1950, in Rome Hospital, tended a reception and They will be installed at the organist. gifts . Santa Claus distributed Club at a Christmas party Saturlunch in the church hall following a son. fifth anniversary banquet in Attend Mass L f t Lnext E t year, S ? .providing S S S E * and candy to 50 girls from needy the program. Toys for the Kiwanis day afternoon. to ^beS pushed The societies which sponsored McCORMICK—To John S. and toy drive were collected. Mrs. families at a party Saturday after- February. The club's physical education federal restrictions on non-essen- noon sponsored by the Opti-Mrs. the dinner also attended the Mass. Dorothy Street McCormick, 824 Sunday afternoon band —TONIGHT ONLY— They are the Holy Name Society, Floyd Ave., Dec. 16, 1950, in Rome Helen Kipfer, president of the Wo- committee was in charge, with tial construction do not interfere, Club. members entertained their 7:00 — 8:25 men's Society of the church, was Mrs. Donald D. Finlay as chair- Mayor Hoehn said today. I Ladies Auxiliary, Mother of Christ Hospital, a son. The party was held in the Sal families at a Christmas party Matinees Dally a t 2 P . M. in charge. s assisted by Marinm a n n e w a s Sodality, Congregation of Mary, SEIFERT—To Ralph and Licia Brennan said plans call for, v a tion Army building with Mrs. in the post home. Each child Golden Seifert, 916 W. Dominick At First Baptist Church Sun- e r Troop 33. build-in locker rooms in the front) j o n n R De Long as chairman and received a gift from Santa Sodality of Our Lady, the Chrisy t 0 g d l t a n St., Dec. 18, 1950, in Rome Hos- ^ n i ^ ° S £ ? n / t ^ ^ " H A playlet, "Snowman's Christ- of the pool, as well as equipment Mrs Herman L. Stevens as vice Claus. Movies were shown and tophers, Teen-Age Sodality and St. senior choirs and the m e n s and m a s » was nresented bv Inter- for chemical treatment of water. John's Confraternity. pital, a daughter. chairman. The committee was refreshments served. Guest speaker at the dinner was Although the original plans cal- composed of Mrs. F. C. Nobert, SIEGEL—To Anthony and MarBarbara Charlebois, Beverly led for changing of the present T h e committee included Dominick J. Parry who lauded garet Countryman Siegel, Delta Vernon M. Brown, director of Mrs. Claude E. Stedman, Mrs. r music, was i n c h a r g e . VanDemanj B f a | e s L i n d a Qrendorff. Sandra course of Wood Creek, which feeds John A. Sbaraglia, Mrs. Philip A. D'Argenio, Peter Lucci and D a m Rd., Dec. 16, 1950, in Rome Thompson's "The Rose of Christ Director Louis V. TURN TO PAOB IS UNDER HEAD Clippinger, Karen Grange, Doro Thron's Pond, this will not be re- Sbaraglia and Mrs. Mario W. Ba- Band Hospital, a daughter. mas" cantata was presented. PRIEST Marucci. thea Finlay, Jacqueline Remmell, quired under present plans, Bren- rone. Soloists were Mrs. Donald Bath- Ann Thomas, Mary Lou Remmell, nan said. The program included the showrick, Mrs. John Strong, Mrs. Rich- Nancy Polkemus and Dale Bitzer. ard Edwards, Miss Dorothy Van- The Snowflake Chorus, which He pointed out that the pool, ing of Christmas films and carol ill X Mark, Clarence Harvey Don- sang during the program, includ- as proposed, conforms to the latest singing. The girls were given pop- Jf BEAULAC — On Sunday, De- De corn balls and soda during the pro- jg ald Hower and Everett L. Arthur. modern practices in pool construe cember 17, 1950, in this city, Wil- Members of the women's chorus ed Joanne Arnold, Gail Bielby, tion, and adequately meets Ice cream, cake and • all gram. liam M. Beaulac. The funeral serv- were Mrs. David Hollister, Mrs. Marcia Wolf, Marcia Brubaker, state regulations. cookies were served. \m ices will be held from the Griffin Bathrick, Miss Helen Hamilton, Sandra Stebbins, Peggy Nolan and ISMMMMI The pool area, Brennan said, & Aldridge Funeral Home on Miss Hazel Chaffee, Miss Doro- Midgie Roe. would accommodate an estimated Mariners in charge of games Tuesday a t 2 p. m. Interment in thy Brown, Mrs. Gerald Wetmore, Dance Figurines Rome Cemetery. Friends may call Miss Martha Farquhar and Miss were Sheila Howe, Mary Bie, 3,000 persons and 600 could swim Sarah Stirling, Grace Clark, Jo at the same time. The depth will Of Beauty a t their convenience. Van De Mark. anne Gillette, Barbara Strohl, Ar vary from 3% to 9% feet. On All SALAMONOWICZ — On Mon- Those in the men's choir were lene Chicaferro, Arlene Lewek and Other members of the Planning Degas, Fantasy, Ballet, Rumba Hower, Harvey, Vernon M. Brown, day, Dec. 18, 1950, in this city, Commission are Brennan, the Rev. and many others. All by contemDonna Pelow. All children of t h e Town TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Mrs. Salomea Salamonowicz. The Arthur, Robert Chaffee and Roy Dr. P. E. Radford, pastor of the porary arts. The ideal Christmas Gifts, donated by the Girl Scout funeral services will be held on- Conner. of Western, up to and InLeaders Assn., were distributed First Presbyterian Church, Cor gift. Thursday at 8:45 a. m. from her The annual candlelight carol Donations toward expenses of the poration Counsel James C. O'Shea, O'Neill Studio, cluding 12 years of age, home and at the Church of the service was given a t First Presby- party were made by the Ridge William Weissman and Thomas 126 W. Dominick St. axe Invited to be a t Transfiguration at 9:30 a. m. terian Church last night with the Mills Home Bureau Unit, Business Savage —Advertisement. « junior and senior choirs taking where a solemn requiem high Mass Girls Club and friends. THE FIRE HOUSE O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O will be celebrated. Interment in part. Mrs. William H. Jones was Refreshments were served. The St. Peter's Cemetery. Friends may guest organist and the Rev. Dr. ice cream was donated by Miss FRIDAY —Plus— P. E. Radford, pastor, presided call a t their convenience. Mary R. Evans, third vice-presiBy Charles Dickens Between 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. The adult choir closed the serv- dent of the Woman's Club. The SUMMA—Entered into rest on ices by standing in cross formation 122 N. Washington St. Cross Motor Service furnished Vol. Fire Co. of Western Saturday, Dec. 16, 1950, Daniel with lighted candles and singing Red WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, PHONE 461 transportation. and The Auxiliary Summa, age 52 years. "Silent N i g h t " mmmmmwmmmmmmi\ al 8 P. M. Funeral services will be held from the Howard P . Teller F u Now at In Social Hall of neral Home on Tuesday morning Having Dissolved Partnership a t 9 a. m. and at St. John the Bapt i s t Church a t 9:30 a. m. Interm e n t in St. Mary's Cemetery. Sentinel Washington Bureau Friends may call at the funeral Presented by the The annual father-son banquet WASHINGTON—For the inforhome a t their convenience. For Young People of the Church Funeral arrangements in charge of the Trinity Evangelical Church mation of newcomers to Rome Brotherhood will be held in FebPhone 27654-1 We Deliver Free Will Offering Of Nicholas J. Bush. ruary with Calvin Fike and Walter from the Fort Monmouth area, the Tonight Only 7:00 — 8 : 2 5 WOOD—In Syracuse, Dec. 17, Brodock as co-chairmen of tickets. Army is seeking appropriations to1950, John Wood, age 67, former Harold C. Wunsch will be in talling $7 million for troop housing Order Now For Christmas Rome resident. Funeral services charge of the program. and two school buildings at the will be held Wednesday, Dec. 20, Officers of the organization, all Signal Corps center. Plump, Tender, Juicy with prayer at the Mae F. Strong re-elected Sunday at the annual Also in the appropriations bill is Trwt F u n e r a l Home a t 9 a. m. and at meeting, are Armin G. Turechek, MKtfS 9:30 o'clock at St. Mary's Church. president; A l b e r t Kanwischer, an item of $6.4 million for wareBurial in West Leyden. Friends vice president; Willis Hoffman, houses, shops and storage sheds at m a y call at the funeral home on secretary; and Brodock, treasurer. Raritan Arsenal. Pins Tuesday afternoon and evening a t Uptown . . . Opposite Martin i. Nona Funeral Home Fresh Dressed and Drawn Freee their convenience.
Marriage License
Woman's Club Entertains
Sherman Again Heads Band of American Legion
Fifty Girls
70 Children
By Opti-Mrs.
Funeral Notices
SANTA CLAUS 6 Is Coming to I Westernville —
Pre-Christmas SPECIAL
5 I
Father and Son Banquet Planned
Army Seeks Funds For Troop Housing
First Baptist Church
HEN TURKEYS 13 to 15 Lb. Avg. Lb. 65c Delicious Home Made Christmas Candy • Fancy Ribbon • Peanut Crisp
In loving memory of our dear ton and brother. Joseph Polce. who paused away fifteen yeari ago, Dec. 17, 1935. Ooue, but not forgotten Family
I a a a a
20% off I
FRIDAY, Dec. 22
Fitchard Studio
The New Location
The Ruth Hat Shop 413 N. George St.
Phone S906 Mrs. Ruth L. Cusick, Prop.
We Deliver — Phone 4229-R-2
WE GROW OUR OWN 406 Elm 8 t Phone 141
Caught With Your TV Antenna Down?
H O W A R D P. T E L L E R -
FUNERAL HOME S20 N. Washington S t Phone
M A E F . STRONG— FUNERAL ftOMB 111 W. Court 8U Phone 11M R A. SANBORN A S O N Camden
FUNERAL MOU& Phone II or H t
W A L D O WIGGINS PRINCE— 110 W. Oonrt 8 t Phooa T» "HOME FOR FUNKKAL8" G R I F F I N A ALDRIDGE— FUNERAL HOME SO* North Wa»hlntton Streat Phona Day or Night—7M
MARTIN J. N U N N FUNERAL HOME 411 N. Oeonre S t Phono Ambulance Sorrlce
A Few Days Left
• ••
But you still have time to send your party things to be dry cleaned. Just Phone 633 for a courteous routoman to stop at your home.
an System
fait • • •
wftt Yewr Dry deaalng
PHONE 4790
92 Coats Taken from Our Regular Stock and Reduced For Quick Clearance!
24 COATS—originally priced