Browneli and family, Stone St. Richard Griffiths, U. S. Navy,. San Francisco, Calif., has arrived at the home of his par
power. A recant Government Mas Open In New WASHINGTON — Only Speaker siding. A president and secretarycheckup showed 18,500 Jobs vaWELLINGTON, New Zealandof the House to be named Knoxboro Vienna treasurer were appointed. Nelson cant. President was James Polk in 1844. New Zealand is still short of man Vale as president and Janet Moyer VIENNA—Mrs. Clarence PasNEWS NOTES as secretary-treasurer. ser was a week-end guest of Mrs. KNOXBORO — Mrs. John Vair, SEE OUR Suggestions were submitted for Ann Thornton, Dodge, Mass. who was taken to Faxton Hospital, a suitable name for the club and Mrs. C. A. Smith is caring for Utica. last week with an intestinal DEANSBORO — The Young settled on The little Town Club. her cousin, Mrs. Hart PettingelL infection, is still ill. MUST a* fear So BMRBf folks o a t Adult and Young Married Couples They will meet again in Decem- New Woodstock, who is ill. Mrs. Everett Cougdon has red SHERRILL — Announcement Club of frlMds! C M W hi voorseH the Deansboro Congrega- ber with a committee consisting Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Keesler, turned to her home here from hat been made of the engagement tional Church met Tuesday in theof Lester and Carol Bugbee and Utica, were Sunday guests of Mr.Oneida City Hospital where she of Mis Katherine Helena Brown church-house with and Mrs. M. W. Keesler. All Colon an attendance John and Dorothy McConnell. underwent a major operation last ell, daughter of Mrs. William of 21. Tuesday. Browneli, Stone St., and the late NEWS NOTES Mrs. Mae Bacon, Rochester, was $5.95 William Browneli. to Walter John The committee in charge conWestmoreland a recent quest of her niece and I CAFETERIA ft BAKERY Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs sisted of Nelson and Janette Vale, DEANSBORO — Mrs. Kenneth Feress is in Faxton Hospital, Utica WESTMORELAND—The P-TA nephew, Mr. and Mrs. William Walter C. Hubbard, Williams St., and Nick and Nancy Sango. 183 W . D O M I N I C K STREET Vanity Shop Oneida, and the grandson of Mr. The evening commenced with where she underwent an operation will meet Monday at 8 p. m. when Kennett here. Mrs. Jackson, Worster Mass., Monday. a plastic demonstration will be and Mrs. Clinton Hubbard, Fex Dancing and the playing of games WHERE THE SECOND CUP O P C O P P I f l i M E ! A . DoslllNS, P r o . . purchased the Victor Kozlowton St., this city. followed by refreshments and con- Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Lints of held. Mrs. Hazel Grunert will lead who ski house on South St. last Spring the singing of Christmas carols. 224 W . Dominick St. Jacksonville, Florida, are home on cluded with a business meeting The engagement was made has moved here. Refreshments will be served. known at a family party at thewith the, Rev. Frank Gardner pre- furlough. home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hubbard on Saturday evening, Nov. 22. Guests at the gathering included members of the coming bridal party. The wedding will take place on St. Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 1953 in St Helena's Church, Primo Ave.
Sherrill * Hubbard-Brownell Troth Announced
Little Town Club Formed
Your Friends Eat Here!
BOWLING Skirts °" Blouses
0tad€Jfvh iemh tfw mm to a comfUete choice cfl
Sherrill AAA Club Endorses Program SHERRILL — Vernon Allen, Kinsley St., chairman of the high way committee of the Sherrill Automobile Club, has endorsed the grant of $35,269,586 by Congress for federal aid to New York State's road building program for next year. This sum set by the government is Ijeartening to the local Club and will be heartily commended by the motorists of the area. NEWS NOTES SHERRILL — Mr. and Mrs. Dyer Foster, and two sons, Steph en and Kenneth Pulaski, were guests on Sunday of the former's father, Charles Foster, EknWood PI. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith, Rome, were recent guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, E. Seneca St. Mrs. Anne Boak, two sons, and her sister, Westernville, were guests on Sunday of Mrs. William Browneli and family, Stone St. Richard Griffiths, U. S. Navy, San Francisco, Calif., has arrived at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Griffiths, Union St., to spend a two-week furlough. Miss May' Filley, Chapel St., who has been confined to her home for the past three weeks with an infection of her foot, is now improving. J. William Dawes, Baldwin, L. I. and daughters, Carol, Catherine and Natalie are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cortright, E. Hinds Ave., and J. William Dawes, Sr„ Clinton. They were called here by death of their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Dawes Sr., which occurred at the family home on Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Devereaux, E. Hamilton Ave., is a surgical patient this week, in University Hospital, Syracuse. Her condition fs reported to be favorable. Mrs. William Browneli, Stone St., spent Monday as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Lena Lundrigan, Second St., Oneida Castle, who is confined to her home by illness.
For the 47th Time Rudolph's Is Ready to Make This a Merry Christmas for Everyone
Buiova! Elgin! Darby! Gruen! Hamilton! Longines! Doctor, lawyer, secretary, chief... each has a specific need in a watch. In the magnificent Rudolph collection you will find the watch designed for each one's requirements... fashion-wise and utility-wise. Choose with confidence. Every watch is backed by Rudolph's 47-year-old reputation for fair dealing. frkn Include Tax
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Man's or Woman's 17' Jewel. Dura-power mainspring, expansion band.
Man's "Director" or Woman's 17 jewel "Miss America." Expansion bands. $1 Dowry—$1 Weekly
Man's or Woman's. Expansion bands and. multi-jewel movements.
$1 Down—$1 Weekly
$1 Down—$1 Weekly
Benjamin Franklyn is credited with inventing the rocking chair.
M«a*a*f tlHftaV
U S L a f t y t t t t Sw# W 4 M
UTICA PHON14-0102 JOHN A. K I I K , • sorrow • tfeaflyWey"
C O I M I * OP W . DOMINICK A T SOOTH J A M B ST. I I A . M . re t : 3 « P.M.—Teeeeay Tlwoae* Sataraay 10 A . M . to S:10 P.M.
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
At Ho Extra Charg*