Principle #4 of Matrix

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Economic Development Matrix. Principle #4. Issues/Concerns Raised by Community Members at the March 6, 2013 Meeting. Items in bold added by staff.
Economic Development Matrix Principle #4 Issues/Concerns Raised by Community Members at the March 6, 2013 Meeting Items in bold added by staff

Suggested Summary Statements by Staff

MainStreet Principle #4 - Economic Development: 4A. Business Resources Provide technical assistance and financial o What are the resources available to new support/incentives to encourage business and businesses? (in process) development. o Online tool “Doing Business in…” (in process) - Step by step connecting new businesses to services o Bring County SBDC services to each community (in the library) (in process) o for Castro Valley o Subsidized rent/tax credit for businesses o Tax incentives to attract and retain business o Economic incentive program o Create a nurturing/mentoring experience for new businesses through the Chamber o Economic growth comes from private capital o We need private investment 4B. Business Retention o Industrial o Ashland/Cherryland does have businesses - Used car lots, taco stands, McDonalds - Nothing on side streets o Farmer’s Market at downtown Castro Valley o Business resource nights (in process) - Networking o Improve existing farmers markets (in process)

Provide technical assistance and financial support/incentives to encourage business and development. Improve existing farmers markets.

Revisions/Edits by Community Members

4C. Business/Development Attraction o Attract new businesses (in process) o Need diversity in businesses o Raise the bar on the type of businesses o Opportunity for community members to request certain businesses to come o Daughtrey’s Building - Retail tax producer (in process) o Neighborhood Commercial o Increase “techy” businesses o Does it produce taxes, jobs, or specific benefits o What is the Eden Area’s business/economic niche? - For marketing purpose – what are the missing businesses? o Attracting family friendly businesses o Provide diverse array of goods and services o Generate jobs, sales and property taxes

Be strategic in attracting and targeting businesses for the Eden Area.

4D. Business Creation o Build self-sufficient communities (Ashland and Cherryland) o New business development support/incubator/money to help get through appropriate processes successfully (in process) o Create small business incubator program (in process)

Support entrepreneurship.

4E. Projects o Broadband o Expand dark fiber network into all commercial areas – Mission/E 14th o Infrastructure/technology – Broadband for the unincorporated area o Partner Lit San Leandro

Support technology initiatives to aid business.


Support infrastructure and transportation to aid business and community.

o o o o o o o o o

Dig Once Policy (conduit) (in process) Public Wi-Fi – partner with tech companies Cherryland Community Center (in process) More parking (better) (in process) Need for public transportation Shuttle Public Market (i.e. Berkeley Bowl) Housing Mixed use

4F. Employment o Job creation for local folk o Job training o Support local Adult Education o The economy needs to benefit the community o Create/retain jobs

Link businesses and residents with employment services.

Public Safety: o Public safety – Establish routes so people know where to go when the freeway is clogged o Public Safety - Organize neighborhoods for emergency preparedness and neighborhood watch, so everyone is organized on their block - Coordinate this across Eden Area


Move this to the Public Safety Visioning group