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Feb 10, 2017 - Watch the video online for each vaccination needed. Print the com
Volume 4, Issue 1 8 February 10, 2017

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Within 30 feet of my office are two classrooms. One in the gym and the other on the stage. In each case, the office staff is able to hear laughter, screams of joy and sounds of excitement throughout the day. This brings a smile to my face. In PE students are presented with a variety of activities and entertaining games. Ms. Williams has established a class in which it is the common expectation for all of the students to participate in an environment in which physical activity is fun and enjoyable. To walk by and see smiles on our children’s faces or to hear shouts of exuberance coming out of the gym is awesome. Sometimes I even get to participate in the activity. Through the use of games, Ms. Williams builds cooperation and sportsmanship skills which will serve our students well throughout their academic careers and into their lives. From the stage, we in the office hear music. We are entertained with singing and the playing of instruments. Our students are learning musical notes, pitch, and rhythm. Though Ms. ZellerWilliams has limited space on the stage, she makes music come alive. Here again, students smile coming into her class, and they leave with an even bigger smile. Most recently, students were learning how to play the ukulele. The discipline, cooperation, and love of art that students develop in music class will serve them well for years The next time when you are driving somewhere or sitting down as a family, ask about what they have been doing in PE and music.

Important Dates: Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Feb. 27

Medical (Shots) Exclusion Day Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM NO SCHOOL – President’s Day Vision Screenings Kindergarten Connect 6:00-7:30PM

Classroom Kindness Board by: Delaney & Eva, 2nd grade

In our class, we have a kindness bulletin board. There is a jar with strips of paper that have acts of kindness printed on them. You can choose one (don't peek) and complete that act of kindness. After you have done something kind for someone, you sign your name and put it up on the board. Our class kindness board shows that you can help others and it makes you feel good, and at the same time, you feel good too! by L


February 10, 2017 – Page 2


Writing in Mrs. Cranley’s Class by: Ellie, 3rd grade

If you are wondering what writing is like in By Ms. Mrs. Cranley’s class, then read this article to find out! This week and last week we started expository nonfiction writing. My last article was about the sewing machine. My next article is about dolphins. I bet it will be great. The article about the sewing machine I’m still typing on the computer. My main ideas for the sewing machine are: How to use the sewing machine, what is the sewing machine and what could go wrong. I’m sorry but I can’t remember the dolphin article main ideas. I got all my ideas from World Book. I think the video is pretty cute. If you ever want to research something on World Book, I would strongly suggest it. I really like writing in Mrs. Cranley’s class. Thank you for reading!

Tech Time

by: Mattie & Octavia,



Sometimes Mrs. Streano lets us do Tech Time. When we do, we have a lot of fun. We do stuff like Hour of Code, Scratch, and Storyline online. That was just for school, but sometimes we get to do more fun things on the computer like Spark and Funbrain. We don’t do Tech Time every day, but when we do it is a great privilege. We don’t do it too much because we do it in the old fashioned way.

Nurse Notes

by: Summer Chabala, RN

We have a few students who are still missing vaccination information. Letters were sent on February 1st from MESD for any student that is missing a needed shot and is in danger of being excluded. Immunization exclusion day is this Wednesday, February 15th - your child will not be able to attend from that day forward until they are not up to date on vaccinations. If you would like to do a non-medical exemption

by: Stella, 5th grade

In class we are doing science experiments with variables. One of the experiments that we did is about boats and pennies. So what we did was make a boat out of a paper cup and it had to be 3cm tall. Then we measured how much water could fit in the boat. Then we got big tubs of water and see how many pennies it can hold before sinking.

Mrs. Streano by: Mattie & Octavia, 4th grade

Merry Responsible Solid like love Smart Thoughtful Respectful Easy to talk to Admire her patience Noble Open to new ideas We are glad Mrs. Streano is our teacher!

for vaccinations please go to: Watch the video online for each vaccination needed. Print the completion form and bring it to the school. (There will be a check mark in a box for each vaccine completed. If there is a line it is incomplete). You will also need to see the secretary to sign the CIS form and check the box labeled 'non-medical' exemption. If you have more than one child, each child will need a separate completion form & CIS form. -Thanks! Nurse Summer, RN

February 10, 2017 – Page 3

Counseling Corner

Phys. Ed. Phun

by: Brian Meyer, K & 3-5 Counselor

by: Kathy Williams, Phys. Ed.

We’ve finally gotten back in gear after our initial delays in the New Year. We’ve continued our work in understanding conflict and have picked up some new vocabulary along the way including escalating, and de-escalating, conflict. We’ve also been looking into perhaps the most common emotion to accompany conflict- anger. We’ve been looking at how the body sends us anger signals or “cues,” like getting hot, or tensing our hands, shoulders and eyes. We also examined our “triggers,” the things that tend to get us angry, and considered the ways we respond to our anger – both the positive and negative actions we take as a result. As with many of our lessons on emotions and problem solving, our lessons have also reminded us of the importance of breathing to keep ourselves calm and aware of our emotions. Parents talk to your kids about how you deal with escalating conflicts – and kids ask too! Happy shortest month of the year from the counselors.

Library News

Fun happenings in Physical Education - the 3rd through 5th graders are in the middle of a volleyball unit. They are learning the basic hits, bump, set, and serving. We are playing mini games with teams of four students. They are also learning how to keep score. That is always a fun concept for these guys, learning how to keep track and knowing that we use rally scoring, which means your team does not need to be serving to score a point. The K through 2nd graders are working on basic skills like dribbling a ball, hitting balloons with paddles, throwing and catching a ball with a partner, kicking a soccer ball into a goal, and bumping a volleyball. They are having a blast. Something to remember during our rainy season: On your child's PE day have them bring a pair of gym shoes in their backpack to replace the boots they wear to school. Thanks so much.

by: Susan Robertson, Media Specialist

This year in the Llewellyn Library we’ve been fortunate to have ample funding to purchase new fiction and non-fiction titles. Through the community’s support of our Scholastic Book Fair this fall and the district “earmarking” funds for all PPS elementary school libraries we have had the money to update many sections of the library. How do we decide what books to order? Mrs. McDonald and I spend a lot of time reading book reviews. We look at The New York Times bestsellers list, read reviews in School Library Journal and get suggestions from other librarians. We also take many suggestions from students and teachers. We always have our ears open for the latest and greatest books to add to our library collection. Here are a few of our favorite titles we’ve purchased this year: The War that Saved My Life, by Kimberly Bradley Nine-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada's twisted . foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn't waste a minute--she sneaks out to join him. School’s First Day of School, by Adam Rex and Christian Robinson It's the first day of school at Frederick Douglass Elementary and everyone's just a little bit nervous, especially the school itself. What will the children do once they come? Will they like the school? Will they be nice to him? Social Justice Activist, by Ellen Rodger This title takes a look at what a just society is by examining such topics as poverty, racism, homelessness, and inequality. Young enthusiasts will learn how the words of activists such as Nelson Mandela and Marian Wright Edelman inspired others to do what was right. We think better books make for better reading! Thanks for your continued support. - Susan Robertson, Library Media Specialist [email protected]

February 10, 2017 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!

Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Sarah Erickson E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Eva Bisagna Mattie Cross Octavia Dalia Stella Page Ellie Penkin Delaney Wold

Enhance Learning: Small Tall Valentine’s Ball 2017: (TONIGHT! Friday, February 10th) Students and their respective parent/guardian are invited to the Third Annual Small Tall Valentine’s Ball! The Ball will be held from 6:008:00pm in the Llewellyn gym. Come dressed in your Valentine’s best and dance the night away! Tickets are $20 per family and will only be sold at the door this year. (cash, card or check made out to Llewellyn PTA) All proceeds go to support 4th & 5th grade Overnight Experiences. ***We need your help to make this night a success! Please copy and paste the following link to sign up Any questions contact: Amanda Buck ([email protected]) Come one, come all and buy a flower or corsage for the Small Tall Ball! Sass up your night with an amazing paper corsages to wear to the Small Tall Ball or buy a paper flower for your Valentine! Flowers and Corsages will be on sale Friday, February 10th after school under the covered area outside for $1 dollar each. (Flowers and Paper flower corsages will be also be on sale at the Small Tall Ball.) All proceeds will benefit the 4th grade Outdoor Overnight Experience. (Paper flower Sales will continue on the Monday, February 13th and Tuesday, February 14th in celebration of Valentine's Day. Any questions contact: Shannon Denton ([email protected]) Save the DATE: Friday, February 17th Cup of Joe with JOE! 8:00am in the Library Monday, February 27th Kindergarten Connect 6:00-7:30pm

Save the Date and get a babysitter! Saturday, February 25th Scavenger Hunt Are you over-due for date night? Then come out and have fun with friends at the Llewellyn Foundation Scavenger Hunt! Saturday, February 25, 4:00pm to 7:30pm. Create a team ($15 per person early bird, $20 per person late registration), gather items around the neighborhood, and win prizes, and have fun with other Llewellyn parents. Registration opens next week.

We hope to see you there! Portland Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer and recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups and their roles in society. It is the policy of the Portland Public Schools Board of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups on the grounds of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation in any educational programs, activities or employment.