press release - San Bruno

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Jul 12, 2017 - Grundy Park on Cherry Avenue. CONTACT PERSON: Officer Sherry Campbell. (650)616-7129 [email protected]

PRESS RELEASE July 12, 2017


National Night Out August 1, 2017 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Grundy Park on Cherry Avenue Officer Sherry Campbell (650)616-7129 [email protected]

The San Bruno Police Department and the Citizens’ Crime Prevention Committee are looking forward to participating in this year’s National Night Out on Tuesday August 1st from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. A kickoff event will be held at Grundy Park for San Bruno residents who want to participate and learn about starting a neighborhood watch group in their own neighborhood. National Night Out has been held annually since 1984 and is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch in the United States and Canada. The annual event is held to increase awareness about police programs in our community, such as Neighborhood Watch. This event is a great way for the neighbors to get outside, get to know each other, talk about ongoing neighborhood issues, and have a fun time together. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. It furthermore provides an opportunity to bring police and neighbors together. The San Bruno Police Department and the Citizens’ Crime Prevention Committee are excited to visit neighborhoods that are getting together to participate in this worthwhile event. National Night Out events are typically organized by block Neighborhood Watch Groups, the San Bruno Citizen’s Crime Prevention Committee, and the San Bruno Police Department. These events can be as small or as large as the individual neighborhood wants to make them. If your neighborhood has chosen to participate in National Night Out, please contact Support Services Officer Sherry Campbell of the San Bruno Police Department at (650)616-7129 or by email at [email protected]. We’d very much like to come by and say Hello! If your neighborhood does not have a planned event, but you’d like to learn more about how to participate in the future, please come by and see us at Grundy Park on August 1st at 6 p.m. to meet your neighbors and learn more.

1177 Huntington Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066-1500 Voice: (650) 616-7100  Fax: (650) 871-6734