Rochester NY Democrat Chronicle 1921 -

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Tba aaavaaa eaVlaU aaaarad tha eorav. »Utaa that thar* win ba a eoatlnaed Ua- prmaaiant ta tba baodlini of tracara. aaipaara ahoaM baar In aUad tba raqoaat.


\J i^BtK^n^T^


Wasted Slock Saletnaa local man-afaciarina •»l>»l*tW« have an exceptional * • ^



0*Vee or N e i a 4 M 1 .

WASHINGS WANTED WTJy «* r w eww wash) a*? We will sail, far rear clothes, wash ties* abee• M r a t w a * * yea wMala • ?•> M aeeaas.

BNUL Wrr'WASH LAUNDRY 1111-4. at*** u u

BUICK COUPE FOR SALE My Mate* rose*. ISIS tint* ••» la A-l • • • « « " ; «»r4 Ufwi hatt»la.




W. 5»t a tbooaand arrea of '•Hartna of tha Cbeaspsaka and tbe laii'l. AH pr«fl»» ahorc « per rent ara t» tba baaaflt-of tba el»b. HflWB

Unrivaled Opportunities to Dress Up for Easter at The Princess Tricolette Dresses $14.50

MPROYEMRACING OF SEX PKjTDRES UNDER BAH R u Zta Bffact EXPRESS SmriHERTS •rtlcla in Msfaalne on Pro^ueara.

Newest Models in Easter Hats at $6.95, $8.95, $12.95, $13.95

No Time Restriction! in Effect in Future,



gn-lieMar thlin»era aboold forward tbalr eiprena •raring' raqueata dlra«t to Y. 9. ; KterMw«, lilatrtct atx-ooataM. AiaeHcaa HaM| »«y Kre*a I'oiuvwiiy, Wl«t»«r l>MMIng, i Ktcr^eatar, a'-'-wfliiwt t» U. W. Mi+ula. f»a1 era I a (rut, and *'. K. HatU'eWa, «llvUI»n i auptrbitepdetit "t »bfl c««V»i>)- '1'blft l»B. FORMAN CO. j f nrtaatlen waa g\ren to ih« Ki;>rr»» (i«ot of traela* ttptw ahipmaata waa dtamaatd. Tba «p«rlaJ r«mailtte« W gompoaad af J EafcW CoBaatioa * Booth* aad Oaarfa C. Uuaffa«h«M*< ehaliiaaor Uaartaa K. Joaaaoa. rVa-ebalraiaa; m n k B. Kwali, tf Naval DMora4>om UMMI at WylMa A. BcUlafar. Caartea A. Btcttta aatl L O. O. F. Carafrral rrwaarkk W. Baitaa, aMsafcr af tha • TrtBV atorraaa. . C M I 13,50ft ! • »ta«». Wdl U Tba aapreaa fafapaar raeaaUy reoraaaUaed Hi aaBoaatlat war* aad aatabitabad ^j SaycHfteW «t • Bcrfaia. --'' 4ratrt«t aeeaaatiaf t»*ramaa tbrwaghaat U a W Q U I M BUILOINQ 4 , 'vtMiatry. Sow airangemaara' aa*a t>aaa made ta handla tha traHaai ot aspraaa ablpixpeamoN PARK. menta tbrja' aad tbe echo and thoroughly enjoyed every praaraai; Caairaaaa af tha aaeerai caa> man's rhon* aang tha maaa. Many city BtoBient of tba occaslua. mlttaa. A. V. Waaari;' Reception, f. K. clergy wara in tha saactnarr as we41 a* Det'oratbrns of huge green banners aad Madaa; Batortataaaaat, Staler Htaua; Ka- noaa. Tba rhtm-h waa darwated with rreabmeat, Jaha Newmaaj UyaaBaalum. V. 8a»», boatlag. Irish air* ware played a i streamer* In hoaer of tbe day filled tha D. Garrett; ftwlaaaitria*. Mel Anderaoa; an Mffc*n yreiuda and postlada to th* hug* room from aad to and, while la tha Pool and lHIUarda, T. U. Siabart; BowllBf, maa< At the cloae at teh aerrlrea the center hung a large' greea shade which later prorved to contain an abundance of M. C. Itabblaa. Ttaittng rlergr wera cetertaiaad at the cnafettL Thla was dlacloecd at the aad Tha arorraaa will bealn at T oVioek with Cathedral m-tor.T. and «a« aceoaipaated by \ b e flaablng of • raeaptloa In tba lobby, with tbe pre»lI a his p a n e o r i c Rer. Father T.yons multi-colored llghta throughout the room. daata af tba ataa't llbla elaaa«a receirlaa* told of how Baiot Patrick came to Ira-. Tbe bao(|uef Itself ccnalsted of a raena tba aieabara of tba etaaaaa. rrote Ht« »:a»; j a n ^ t B ( 1 f B # dirtWmlty ha met In aatabprepared and sorted by the wires «f tha tbara wUl ba a pragram of aatertalrmeat r Albert W. Beaten, pa .tor of craning at Main street e«»t s n d Swan the Lake A'enu* R*i>tl*t «*hur«'h: Hev. C. street. A »U«>rt meeting will prearcda it WaMo fherry, pastor of the reutrsl l*r*sDeath from Rockingham at 7 o'clock. bttertan Church: Rer. Clinton Wunder, Mra Cora French William*, a healer pr^eiit racher of the rla*». and T. J. Street Accident. trrwrt t'nitr Bcfiool o f l ' r a c t i r a t Cbria- B«lfer, ef Rlmlra. a former teacher. tlaolty, Kansas Ck*. M o . will c->adtict The enter'sinmeat features i-onsNted of Aa Inquest wfil be bald by Corocer Tbsm- ft aeriea of ctaasaa baftaaing at 8 o'clock several vau]*Tille stunts, while the musical sa A Klula lata tba death of n If tea A this evening in tha Ad Club rooms in tha program «as fKes by the Cnlterslty Of . Keith. 30 years old. of No. SM Thill ara- Hotel Rochester. r j f e * * * * ^Wag^faenitMa. Rochester qaart*tt*. aos. who died st i t . Mary's Hospital yesCruMlag Btar. L. O. L.. will hoM a T. L. Hunt was raaixmaa ef tbe com/ terday frees lajartea recelred an ftaturday meeting at * o'clock to-morrow evening taata^k/abSta last whaa a aiasoa's aqwara fell frbaa s In MslU Hall. The nr«t degree will he mittee on arrangements for the sffslr. snd baaaa Barter cnaatmcfloB la nwhlnaiiam fnnferre.1. Mcml«er* of thV drill corps > ft Storey and J. It. Wallace were his •ireef and atrack blaa on the head k » t b ar